Hiya BetterMost friends.
we have a triple H day here in NJ - hazy, hot, humid. In other words, typical NJ summer day. blech.
Don't you have a system where you can talk to the person from your own apartment?
Do you have to go down the stairs every time someone rings your bell?
I wondered at this also. My sister lives on the 8th floor of her unit block. When the buzzer goes in her kitchen, I jump out of my skin. I only buzz her when I first arrive from the airport and she knows it will be me. Then she gives me a fob for the door while I stay with her.
Hello Sonja and Brian. Unfortunately, this building doesn't have one of those systems, but I believe I read a note somewhere that we are supposed to get one, but with the virus going on, God only knows when it will really happen.
I'm guessing that they (property management) feel it's not necessary here, because it's a garden apartment building, that is only two stories tall. The people on the first floor only have to go down 4 small steps to reach the door to the building, and us on the second floor have just a small flight of about 12 steps or so, so it's not a big deal to go downstairs and let someone in.
Usually my friends will call or text before they come over, so I generally only get unexpected 'buzzes' when a delivery is made.
Was it fun? What's fluff?
Thanks, Paul! I guess I've probably heard of it but never seen it.
Hello Katy and Paul, and thanks for the pic to explain.
Katy, it was fun. I hadn't see my friends face to face since maybe April, so being able to see them and catch up. There were 5 of us in the yard just sitting on the patio and enjoying each other's company and some snacks.
Fluff is a marshmallow spread. You may have heard of a sandwich called the "fluffernutter". It's white bread with peanut butter and fluff spread on it.
As you would imagine, fluff is very sticky and sweet. Nutella is very thick and sweet. By mixing them both with cool whip, it lightens up the Nutella, it makes the Fluff less sticky, and it cuts down the sweetness on both of them.