I'm with you, Chuck. I enjoy the darker mornings when I can sleep in until, 6:30 am or so! And the evenings are so much nicer without the sun blaring down until halfway into the night! I am a closet Wiccan too. I am a Scot, after all!
Interesting -- Scotland currently has earlier sunrises and later sunsets than places the rest of us live, except of course Sonja. I got curious, so I searched sunrise sunset times in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Denver, New Jersey, Stockholm, Berlin and Munich (sorry, Chrissi, I'm never clear on where you live in Germany relative to big cities), Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The sun sets and rises at most cities in the United States at roughly the same time, give or take 20-30 minutes. Denver and Philadelphia are only one minute apart. The eastern U.S. cities are, as you would expect, roughly the same in terms of overall daylight, though of course the actual times vary not just because of latitude differences but because of where in the time zone the city is located. The sun rises at about the same time in Denver and Minneapolis, but it sets later in Denver, for some reason.
Glasgow and Edinburgh are outliers -- the sun rises half an hour earlier and sets 45 minutes later than in Minneapolis. Here I thought I was going to have to move to Denver, but I guess now it's Edinburgh -- when they'll let me in. And of course Stockholm has even longer days -- in summer.
I'd have to return here for winters -- on Dec. 21, Edinburgh's sunset is at 3:40 p.m and Stockholm's at 2:48!
I didn't realize, until someone pointed it out to me a couple of years ago, that most of Europe is at a higher latitude than the United States but has mostly warmer winters because of ocean currents rather than distance from the sun.