Author Topic: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread  (Read 695328 times)

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #710 on: February 02, 2008, 06:01:11 pm »
Quote from: Snavel
Yeah, I was wondering if people on here had similar experiences of people calling them and telling them that when they heard the news they thought of them. I got an email from an old co-worker who just said. "I'm so sorry, take care..." which was sweet, and then I got text messages that day from several people asking me how I was doing and that they thought of me when they heard the news.

Yes, I found out at work because a friend called me there and told me.  And that night, another friend of mine called about it.  It's like, "you know you're a Brokie when . . . "

Offline Sheriff Roland

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #711 on: February 02, 2008, 09:27:19 pm »
I got the news on the 6 pm radio news and within 5minutes, got a phone call from a co-worker. When I got to work 2 days later (had planed on taking Wednesday off), two other male teachers, offered their condolences, though they did it with an uncomfortable giggle. (not exactly heartfelt, but that's ok ... I wasn't hit as hard as some here) And again, later that afternoon, the principal said he thought of me when he heard the news ...

Yup, you know you're a brokie when ...
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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #712 on: February 02, 2008, 11:12:56 pm »
Three people called me that night to see if I had heard and if I was ok.   The first was a conservative straight male friend, which was really touching.  That guy is such an enigma , lol!  On the Wednesday two people at work came by my desk to offer condolences, and I think they meant it.

I was doing really well but I kind of back-slided today.  Anyway, tomorrow I'm getting my Heath tribute leaf tattoo.  I've decided on the exact same design in the same spot.

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #713 on: February 02, 2008, 11:21:54 pm »
I was doing really well but I kind of back-slided today.  Anyway, tomorrow I'm getting my Heath tribute leaf tattoo.  I've decided on the exact same design in the same spot.

Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline jstephens9

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #714 on: February 02, 2008, 11:31:51 pm »
I decided to watch my BBM DVD today.  I cried more than I've ever cried when I've watched it (in theaters, at home, or with friends).  I found myself crying most when I watched the intimate scenes of Ennis and Jack.  The tears really started flowing when they headed up BBM.  I expected to be really sad when I saw campsite number 2, because of Mouk's beautiful floral memorial i the snow - but I forgot about that scene of Ennis waking up to find his tent in the snow and that really got to me.

It's like fiction and reality have been combined into one movie.  All of a sudden there seem to be so many more significant parts of the movie with additional meanings.  Plus after having been to many of the filming locations this summer during the Alberta Pilgrimage, it all seems so much more real and I feel much more a part of it.

My partner, David, got home just as I was watching the credits, although we didn't see each other until after I finished watching it.  He said my voice sounded a bit strange and I told him what I had been doing.  I was grateful to him since he asked about my experience and we had a wonderful talk about the movie and Heath.  Although not really a Brokie, David said he's thought about Heath a lot these past few days.

It is hard to imagine how sad it will be to watch BBM with other Brokies next summer in LA.

I will end my rambling here.  Somehow words do not seem to be adequate.

Thank you all for your love and support during this time of such sadness.   :-*


Pete, we sure did have a lot of similarities in our reactions to seeing BBM after Heath's passing. I was almost amazed that we both saw so many of the same things. You mention the sights in Alberta and unfortunately I missed that trip. I am still kicking myself for it too, but watching the movie after all of this made me wish even more that I would have been there. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am going to have to look for when that showing in Los Angeles is going to be. I am still planning a trip to CA this spring or summer so maybe I could work that trip around that some way. I guess the details are in the threads. I hope you are doing well Pete.


Offline malina

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #715 on: February 03, 2008, 12:39:22 am »
Yeah, I was wondering if people on here had similar experiences of people calling them and telling them that when they heard the news they thought of them. I got an email from an old co-worker who just said. "I'm so sorry, take care..." which was sweet, and then I got text messages that day from several people asking me how I was doing and that they thought of me when they heard the news.

Yes, several friends called me that day and in the few days after. One in particular was concerned and kept checking in, and I felt bad because I just didn't feel like talking about Heath to her. I wanted to talk to people who were inside the experience, whom it touched.. but I was and am grateful to have friends who get it.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #716 on: February 03, 2008, 12:47:58 am »
Yes, several friends called me that day and in the few days after. One in particular was concerned and kept checking in, and I felt bad because I just didn't feel like talking about Heath to her. I wanted to talk to people who were inside the experience, whom it touched.. but I was and am grateful to have friends who get it.

I know what you mean. I had several people ask me about it. And in each case, I tried to be honest and convey a little bit of my perspective on the matter. But I couldn't get very personal or emotional. I learned long ago that people who aren't Brokies just don't get it.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #717 on: February 03, 2008, 12:52:52 am »
I learned long ago that people who aren't Brokies just don't get it.

Sure enough.  This is definitely my experience as well.

Although, there are those confusing folks out there (lots of them!) who really liked BBM, or even loved it, but aren't Brokies.  I still don't understand how that's possible. I mean why isn't everyone who loved BBM a member of BetterMost?  And, why don't they all think about and talk about BBM with other Brokies on a daily basis? 
 ??? ;)

The world is a bewildering place sometimes.
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Offline ptannen

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #718 on: February 03, 2008, 01:35:48 am »
Yeah, I was wondering if people on here had similar experiences of people calling them and telling them that when they heard the news they thought of them. I got an email from an old co-worker who just said. "I'm so sorry, take care..." which was sweet, and then I got text messages that day from several people asking me how I was doing and that they thought of me when they heard the news.

Me, too.  I actually first found out about Heath's death that evening when I looked at my E-mails and had about six of them from Non-Brokie friends either offering condolences or telling me the news.  Since then, several more Non-Brokie friends who I saw or spoke to told me that they immediately thought of me when they heard the sad news.  It was comforting and felt like what people would say to me if they knew a friend of mine had died.
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Offline ptannen

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #719 on: February 03, 2008, 01:59:25 am »


Good to hear you have good brokie husband too.

I've watched it again a couple of days ago. I posted this on another thread.

Well after I replied to Chrissi's post, I asked myself whether I would go to see it in the cinema if it had been on screen here currently. I think I would...

So, then I thought, what am I waiting for? It's not in the cinema, but I have the dvd. So, I put in the dvd and watched it again, this afternoon. I had the afternoon off, so I was all by myself.

And now, I'm glad I did. To be honest, I was dreading it a bit. But it was ok. I really got into the story as soon as Ennis got off of that truck in Signal. I hadn't seen it since we've been to Alberta last summer, so it was special to see the places we'd visited. I felt peace and warmth at the Dozy Embrace scene, just like I did when I stood there in July.

I cried at scenes I didn't cry about before. Hearing Ennis say 'Well, I guess I'll see you around then, huh' and Jack say 'Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it' was very emotional. It was tough watching the Alma and Ennis scenes...

But it wasn't very different that watching it all the other times. It was certainly intens, but I felt an even greater sense of appreciation for what a true masterpiece this movie really is. Because, this movie and Heath's Ennis, that's 'how come me end up here'. I owe you Heath.

Thank you all for the feedback. 

I forgot to post that while I was watching my BBM DVD, I really got in touch with how devastating Health’s death must be to Jake and I understand it better since then.  I agree with Atz75 that the scenes of intimacy between Ennis and Jack seemed even more intimate, private and powerful than they did in past viewings.  Even though Jake and Heath were just acting, I think that portraying such intimate, private, and powerful scenes would really result in an emotional bond between Jake and Heath.

belbbmfan –

Since you wrote that it is good to hear you have good brokie husband too, I assume that you were referring to the fact that your husband, Dirk, is a good brokie husband.  That’s great!  I think I understood that when we were in Alberta – just the fact that Dirk was willing to plan your entire family’s summer vacation to Canada around the Alberta Pilgrimage say a lot!

Part of the reason that I decided to watch my BBM DVD is that I was dreading it, too.  It really was very special to see the places we'd visited. I'm glad I watched it by myself.  I know the next time I see it I will also cry a lot and at different scenes than I did before Heath died, but at least I know that I can cry my way all the way through it and I have a bit more hope that I can survive watching it with other Brokies again (like in LA in August.)

One more thing, speaking of husbands . . . and this is very hard for me to deal with and write.  I really think that the main thing that makes me cry when I watch the intimate and private scenes between Ennis and Jack and knowing how the story ends, is that I think of my partner of almost 30 years, David, and how devastated I would be if he dies before I do.  He has told me that he would be devastated if I died before he did, but I really have trouble admitting that I would feel the same way.  BBM reminds me of that.
Is there anything interesting up there in heaven?