((JBB purses his lid and attempts to whistle, but all that comes out are a few dribbles of lotion and no sound at all.))
** Oi! Dumbass Mule!! Git over here!!**
((Dumbass Mule #14 takes no notice and continues to happily chew its soup box. JBB catches hold of its tail as it ambles by...))
%% Sweet Lord of all that is holy, this mule STINKS!! I sure hope he's goin' in the direction of the tent TERRY is in! An' I hope he gets there FAST!!%% *cough cough*
((Spying a tent appearing on the horizon - one that most definitely looks more than right - JBB gratefully lets go of Dumbass Mule #14 and surveys his surroundings)).
**Well, if he ain't in the don't-look-right-but-looks-so-right-with-TERRY-in-it tent, then maybe he might be in the looks-so-very-inviting-even-without-TERRY-shag-pad-tent? Let's go in and see...**
((As he is waiting for someone to come along that might help him, spies a mule walking by the entrance to the tent. He looks around, maybe its owner is around somewhere. He hears a rustle in the grass and looks down to see a small tube of Jack's Body Butter.))
%% That's not a tube of Jack's Body Butter. That's JBB himself!! %%
((He quickly scoops up the tube of body lotion and gently holds him up.))
Hello, Mr. JBB. How are you doing today?