Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2253017 times)

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Re: He Loves Me
« Reply #2280 on: October 05, 2007, 11:23:38 pm »
I think you're right, Littlewing.  I think Lureen did love Jack, at least as a friend.  I don't understand these people who suggest that Lureen was somehow involved in Jack's death.  Where do they get that?  And I think Alma did love Ennis in the beginning, and I think she would have went on loving him if he had returned her love.


I know what you mean, Gary, and I agree with everything you've just said here.  I'm not sure where people get the notion that Lureen had a hand in Jack's death.  And I have no doubt that Alma loved Ennis.  But Lureen?  Well, I suppose she did love him more like a friend.  She loved him, but was not in love with him, I think.

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Re: He Loves Me
« Reply #2281 on: October 05, 2007, 11:24:42 pm »
What a sweet, but at the same time sad moment. I´m convinced both women loved their men. Alma didn´t stop loving Ennis, that´s why she stayed, that´s why she was so upset on Thanksgiving although she was pregnant from and living with a new man. I think she kept loving him.

Beautifully written, Marie dear!  "If you would only come away with me, you could feel loved 365 days of the year!” aaah I clenched my teeth so hard it hurt when I read that...


Thanks, Dagi.  So many feelings, such a variety of emotion and thought to explore here.  I've just scratched the surface!

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Re: He Loves Me
« Reply #2282 on: October 05, 2007, 11:26:09 pm »
Wow, Littlewing-
I don't know what to say; that is surely one of the most touching stories I've read in a long time. Positively heartbreaking and I loved every word of it.

I'm gonna miss you guys. Three weeks is a long time without BetterMost's "Jack with Ennis", good grief!

Thanks, Toycoon!

We're going to miss you, as well.  I guess right now you're on a plane to your destination.  Think about us here, as we wait for you to return.  We'll be here when you get back!  :)

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Ennis and Emma
« Reply #2283 on: October 06, 2007, 12:03:59 am »
Ennis and Emma by Littlewing1957

Ennis couldn’t believe his ears.  He had heard of déjà vu, even experienced it himself from time to time, but this situation was just unreal.  Sitting right in front of him was Alma and Monroe’s daughter, little Emma, inviting him to her wedding.  Ennis stared at the young woman – a pretty little thing not yet 20.  Just that afternoon Emma called and asked if she could come over to see him.  How could he say no?  Ennis was smitten by little Emma the first time he laid eyes on her.  Whenever he visited Alma’s place to see his girls, Ennis always looked in on little Emma.  Alma and Monroe even encouraged him to pick up the infant.  There they stood, arm –in-arm, watching approvingly as Ennis patted the little girl’s tiny body and whispered, awwwww…

Over the years Emma and Ennis developed a special friendship.  He brought her little presents whenever he dropped by to see Jenny and Alma Jr.  Ennis was finally doing okay for himself, as he found a steady gig working at a meat packing plant.  The work was hard for a man his age, but the pay more than made up for it.  Ennis was able to move into a small Craftsman style house and furnish it with quality pieces the girls helped him pick out.  Ennis brought over sweets for Emma and often treated her to a new dress and an ice cream in town.  Ennis made it a point to attend Emma’s recitals and other school programs, always with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.  He was so fond of little Emma that he treated her just like his own.  Alma Jr. and Jenny were delighted that their father was so taken with their half-sister.

And now little Emma was getting married.  Ennis thought better of opening a bottle of cheap champagne, and instead walked over to his special girl and gave her a big hug and a kiss.  Ennis listened as Emma talked a blue streak about her intended.   Emma's fiance's name was Sanders, Sanders Winslow, and he worked as a paralegal in a law firm up in Cody.  Ennis listened to all of this with great interest.  He felt a rush of happiness not experienced in many years.  No need to ask if her fiancé loved her.  How could he not?  Mrs. Sanders Winslow.  No, Mrs. Emma Ann Winslow.  Ennis liked the name; thought it has a regal sound to it.

Emma gave her "paw paw" all the details about the wedding.  And after he promised faithfully to attend, and even contribute money toward the ceremony, Ennis walked a very happy Emma to the door, and watched as she drove away.  Fully energized now, Ennis walked over to his bedroom closet and opened the door.  The shirts hung, as usual, under a postcard of Brokeback Mountain.  No tears this time, no sad feelings as he straightened the shirts.  Ennis almost beamed as he said:

“Jack, what do you make of this, Buddy?  Here we go again….”
« Last Edit: October 06, 2007, 01:33:42 am by littlewing1957 »

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Re: Ennis and Emma
« Reply #2284 on: October 07, 2007, 12:57:47 am »
Hi there Littlewing,

Looks like we're having a slow weekend here on the board.  But what a pleasure it is to find one of your new stories.  And what a hopeful story it is.  It would be nice if Ennis got his act together and found some way of providing himself with more creature comforts.  That little trailer we see him living in at the end of the film is so depressing.  And it's great that he has Emma in his life.  I'm sure it doesn't make up for the lose of Jack, but in a basic sense, love is love, and I'm sure that Ennis's relationship with Emma and his daughers would give meaning to his life.

You've worked him through his depression, moved him into a nice house, and given him Emma, so how about getting him a new boyfriend now?   :D


Thanks, Gary.  It is a bit slow around here, isn't it?  Where is everyone?  Anyway, I thought it was high time that the universe threw Ennis a little something.  This is a hopeful story, isn't it?  A new boyfriend?  Well, I don't know if I can go there, but I'll try!  :laugh:


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Re: Ennis and Emma
« Reply #2285 on: October 07, 2007, 08:19:43 am »
Ennis and Emma by Littlewing1957

Ennis couldn’t believe his ears.  He had heard of déjà vu, even experienced it himself from time to time, but this situation was just unreal.  Sitting right in front of him was Alma and Monroe’s daughter, little Emma, inviting him to her wedding.  Ennis stared at the young woman – a pretty little thing not yet 20.  Just that afternoon Emma called and asked if she could come over to see him.  How could he say no?  Ennis was smitten by little Emma the first time he laid eyes on her.  Whenever he visited Alma’s place to see his girls, Ennis always looked in on little Emma.  Alma and Monroe even encouraged him to pick up the infant.  There they stood, arm –in-arm, watching approvingly as Ennis patted the little girl’s tiny body and whispered, awwwww…

Over the years Emma and Ennis developed a special friendship.  He brought her little presents whenever he dropped by to see Jenny and Alma Jr.  Ennis was finally doing okay for himself, as he found a steady gig working at a meat packing plant.  The work was hard for a man his age, but the pay more than made up for it.  Ennis was able to move into a small Craftsman style house and furnish it with quality pieces the girls helped him pick out.  Ennis brought over sweets for Emma and often treated her to a new dress and an ice cream in town.  Ennis made it a point to attend Emma’s recitals and other school programs, always with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.  He was so fond of little Emma that he treated her just like his own.  Alma Jr. and Jenny were delighted that their father was so taken with their half-sister.

And now little Emma was getting married.  Ennis thought better of opening a bottle of cheap champagne, and instead walked over to his special girl and gave her a big hug and a kiss.  Ennis listened as Emma talked a blue streak about her intended.   Emma's fiance's name was Sanders, Sanders Winslow, and he worked as a paralegal in a law firm up in Cody.  Ennis listened to all of this with great interest.  He felt a rush of happiness not experienced in many years.  No need to ask if her fiancé loved her.  How could he not?  Mrs. Sanders Winslow.  No, Mrs. Emma Ann Winslow.  Ennis liked the name; thought it has a regal sound to it.

Emma gave her "paw paw" all the details about the wedding.  And after he promised faithfully to attend, and even contribute money toward the ceremony, Ennis walked a very happy Emma to the door, and watched as she drove away.  Fully energized now, Ennis walked over to his bedroom closet and opened the door.  The shirts hung, as usual, under a postcard of Brokeback Mountain.  No tears this time, no sad feelings as he straightened the shirts.  Ennis almost beamed as he said:

“Jack, what do you make of this, Buddy?  Here we go again….”

Hi Marie,

what a lovely little story! It fills me with joy to read about happy Ennis, loving with all his heart. What other characters will you come up with? And so good that he can think of Jack without being sad now. And still Jack is an important part of his life, and will always be.

Where is Susie?? And where are BBM-Cat, and Scott?


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Ennis and Emma
« Reply #2286 on: October 07, 2007, 05:42:51 pm »
Hi Marie,

what a lovely little story! It fills me with joy to read about happy Ennis, loving with all his heart. What other characters will you come up with? And so good that he can think of Jack without being sad now. And still Jack is an important part of his life, and will always be.

Where is Susie?? And where are BBM-Cat, and Scott?


Thanks for your sweet comments, Dagi.  I needed to write something happy where Ennis is concerned.  I'll go back to angst in a bit. 

I don't know where BBM-Cat and Scott are.  Susie was here a bit ago, yes?  I miss those cowboys and cowgirls!

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« Reply #2287 on: October 08, 2007, 12:42:08 am »
aphrodisiac by Littlewing1957

“C’mon Ennis open up!”  It was Jack yelling at the top of his lungs at the front door of Don Wroe’s cabin.

“Listen, Friend, open the door! I got about 20 pounds of oysters to put in the fridge!”  Ennis heard his husband, but was slow getting to the door as he was tidying the kitchen.  When Ennis opened the massive wooden door a few seconds later, Jack almost dropped his burden.  The sight of his sexy lover, standing there in jeans, sans shirt and barefoot almost drove Jack over the edge.  Ennis was looking mighty fine!

Ennis stepped aside and allowed Jack to enter.  He was carrying a broom and dustpan, but dropped them both to embrace his lover.  Jack placed his gear carefully on the floor and faced Ennis full-on.

“Six long months!”  Ennis whispered as he prepared for a long, hot, steamy kiss.

“Too long, Friend!”  Jack mumbled as he snuggled closer, gestured for a smooch.  Ennis kissed him gently at first, then harder, desperately.  After he felt his lips beginning to swell, Jack stepped away and picked up his cooler.  He knew the way to the kitchen, and once there, placed the oysters in the oversized fridge.

It didn’t take long for Jack to get settled.  He put his things away, took an indulgent shower, changed into jeans and a T-shirt.  Jack found Ennis in the living area reading the paper.  He joined him on the couch, took his hand and held it.

“So what is this about oysters?”  Ennis asked as he put the paper down on the coffee table.

“Well, I though I would cook us up some for supper.”  Jack answered excitedly.  He had never fixed seafood for Ennis, and decided to go for a change.

“How do you like your oysters, Friend?”  Jack asked evenly.  I can serve them on the half-shell, raw with hot sauce, or I can deep fat fry them.  Sorry, Friend, but I don’t know any other fancy ways to fix oysters.”  Jack laughed.  “So how do you like yours?”  Ennis squirmed and cleared his throat.

“Well, I don’t rightly know, Rodeo,” Ennis admitted nervously. “You see, I’ve never eaten oysters!”  Ennis waited for Jack’s reaction.  Jack thought nothing of it, really.  He knew a lot of people who never had the inclination nor the opportunity to enjoy oysters.  Jack squeezed Ennis’ hand.

“Well, since you’re a beginner, I had better deep fry ‘em!”  Jack stated in a matter of fact way. “Raw on the half-shell is a real acquired taste.  But I almost guarantee you’ll like my fried oysters!”  With that said Jack rose from the couch and headed toward the kitchen.  He looked back at his lover, who was watching his ass as he walked away. 

“You want to come in and watch me cook the oysters?”  Jack asked.  "Cooking oysters is a very precise process; one I learned all about from Lureen,”  Jack stated excitedly.  Ennis smiled and joined his lover.  Ennis watched as Jack shelled the fresh oysters and washed them off.  He then seasoned them with a bit of salt and pepper, light on the salt.  Next Ennis handed Jack a bowl to prepare an egg wash.  Once the oysters were dredged in a mixture of flour, cornstarch and white cornmeal, Jack placed just a few at a time in hot oil to cook.  Ennis was growing mighty hungry at the heavenly smell of the frying oysters.  He made a salad and opened a tub of potato salad while Jack continued to cook.

Once the oysters were done, Jack and Ennis set the table and dug in.  Ennis closed his eyes at the first bite of a crunchy, crispy oyster.  He was unprepared for the soft center, and gasped at the flavor.

“These are really good, Rodeo!”  Ennis muttered between bites.  “These taste just like the sea; just like seafood should taste, if that makes any sense.”  Jack nodded fondly.

“One thing I heard about oysters, Friend,” Jack began.  “People say they’re good for the sex life.”  Jack’s blue eyes began to twinkle as he noticed Ennis paused, an oyster suspended in his fingers.

“So eat up, En!”  Jack enthused. I’m going to eat as many as I can to get my strength up for later!”  Jack chuckled and winked at his lover.  Ennis didn’t know what to say.  But he had to admit to feeling a bit warm.  He felt a stirring in his loins, and didn’t know whether to attribute the sensation to eating the oysters, or sitting right beside a sexy Jack Twist.

Ennis couldn’t believe he packed away 10 oysters!  Jack ate quite a few as well, and was feeling quite randy.  He hoped that Ennis wouldn’t need dessert….

To be continued


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2288 on: October 08, 2007, 03:51:30 am »
MMMM Littlewing, your stories are always so sexy, especially when they contain food (and Jack and Ennis  ;D). This was a real aphrodisiac, I shouldn´t read stories like this at 9:45 in the morning ... :laugh:

I love Jack nurturing Ennis, that´s so sweet. But I think they both do not really need an extra aphrodisiac when they are together, huh? I wouldn´t need one if I was with Jack. ;D


thanks so much for keeping the fire burning, sweetie!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2289 on: October 08, 2007, 05:21:48 pm »
MMMM Littlewing, your stories are always so sexy, especially when they contain food (and Jack and Ennis  ;D). This was a real aphrodisiac, I shouldn´t read stories like this at 9:45 in the morning ... :laugh:

I love Jack nurturing Ennis, that´s so sweet. But I think they both do not really need an extra aphrodisiac when they are together, huh? I wouldn´t need one if I was with Jack. ;D


thanks so much for keeping the fire burning, sweetie!

Thanks Dagi.  And you make some valid points!  No help needed in the love department with men this hot!  ::)