Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2251317 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sinner (Part 3)
« Reply #1300 on: August 07, 2007, 08:23:37 pm »
Jack's tiny pucker...  Wow!  Littlewing, are you trying to drive me insane?  Too damn bad that wasn't in the movie.   ;D


Well, if this image was in the film, I would be insane!  Totally, stark raving mad!

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Re: Kindred Spirits
« Reply #1301 on: August 07, 2007, 08:25:31 pm »
"I never had a brother, you know, bein' an only child," mused Jack, while he and Ennis sat gazing into the campfire in the silent, dying light of the day; shifting slightly in the lawnchair, Jack continued, "I sometimes wondered what that mighta been like...havin' someone to play with, an' also someone to look after you, and to look after..."...Jack's voice drifted as Ennis discerned a shadow, not only from the evening's twilight, pass over his bud's aging face.

Ennis, who had had a damn handful of a brother in K.E., didn't know how to register this odd, melancholy reflection of Jack's (he and K.E. had barely tolerated one another, and were glad to get out of each other's hair when the opportunity arose), but he sensed the longing in his one and only cowboy that he never knew existed, and felt a kindred kindness rise thereby in his own breast.

"It's late in the day, friend," Ennis said, leaning expectantly to directly face Jack, "but I can be a brother to ya, if that's whatchya want"; and in saying so, he reached out to gently touch Jack's pensive cheek, in the way that Jack had taught him so long ago.

I am so moved by this!  What a sweet, tender moment for our boys!  Thanks for posting this, sweets!  I loved reading every word.

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Re: Sinner (Part 3)
« Reply #1302 on: August 07, 2007, 08:26:21 pm »
*Bang*  Dagi just fainted and fell off her chair. She will come back later to comment on this haaawt piece.

 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Sinner (Part 4)
« Reply #1303 on: August 07, 2007, 08:41:56 pm »
Sinner (Part 4) by Littlewing1957

I'm dedicating this to all of you guys!  I love you!

Ennis chuckled softly as he followed Jack’s descent onto the bedroll.  He had to follow him down, as Jack’s balls were still in his mouth!  Jack was a bit mortified to lose his balance just as Ennis gobbled him, but how could he stay still after all that?  And the vibrations from Ennis’ deep, throaty chuckles caressed Jack in ways he couldn’t describe.

Ennis released his friend’s sacs and caressed them for a bit.  Jack turned over onto his back and fixed Ennis with a moist, blue stare.  Ennis was caught.  He couldn’t look away, but felt uncomfortable as he was drawn deeper into the liquid orbs of blue.

A tender sigh and Ennis was released.  Jack looked away, but reached out for his new lover - encouraged, pleaded for an embrace.  Ennis pulled Jack to his muscular chest and held him tight.  Jack instinctively wrapped his arms around his friend’s broad shoulders and pushed in close. 
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 09:13:18 pm by littlewing1957 »


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Re: Sinner (Part 4)
« Reply #1304 on: August 07, 2007, 09:06:03 pm »
I am honored to be a dedicatee of such a lusty story, Marie! You guys are inspiring all kinds of naughty thoughts in my li'l ole noggin.
A tender sigh and Ennis was released.  Jack looked away, but reached out for his new lover - encouraged, pleaded for an embrace.  Ennis pulled Jack to his muscular chest and held him tight.  Jack instinctively wrapped his arms around his friend’s broad shoulders and pushed in close.
I think your writing in this passage, Marie, is particularly fine. It's lyrical and tight at the same time.


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Caps and Facial Hair
« Reply #1305 on: August 07, 2007, 09:11:07 pm »
Caps and Facial hair by Littlewing1957

Jack Twist had his “buck” teeth filed down and replaced with caps.  He was feeling fine and grew a shaggy mustache to finish the job.  Jack didn’t think his new look was anything special, but he couldn’t wait to see Ennis’ reaction to his new teeth and his bushy top lip.  Jack appraised his mustache in a small hand mirror.  “Poor Ennis!”  Jack chucked softly.  “He’ll remember being kissed, that’s for damn sure!”

At first Ennis didn’t notice, or he wanted to keep his comments to himself.  Jack ran into his lover’s arms and planted a wet, scratchy one on Ennis' full lips. 

“Whoa, Jack!”  Ennis laughed as he stepped back a bit.  “What is that growin’ on your top lip?”  Jack punched Ennis’ upper arm. “It’s a mustache, Friend.  Do you like it?”  Jack kissed Ennis again for good measure.

“I don’t know, Bud.”  Ennis began, shaking his head.  “I guess it’s okay, just don’t get too carried away with that thing.  It feels like it can hurt, you get too excited!”  Jack laughed uproariously and walked into Don Wroe’s cabin to get settled for the week.  Once all the gear, food and other provisions were put away, Ennis and Jack sat side-by-side on the massive couch to catch up.  Jack told Ennis all about his desire to do something about his buck teeth.  He saved for a long time to pay for the procedure, and was very satisfied with the results.  Jack opened up so that Ennis could see his new caps.

“Looks nice, Bud!”  Ennis said approvingly.  But how do they feel?  How do they taste?  Here, let me see!”  Ennis placed his mouth over Jack’s, and very forcefully, moved his tongue first along the top teeth, and then along the bottom.  He pulled his tongue away, bit at Jack’s mustache, sucked at the dark hairs.  “Very good… tastes good, Jack!  I like em!”  Jack almost fell off the couch, taken aback by the sheer sexiness of Ennis’ actions.

“Well, if you like the taste, you’ll love the feel…down there!”  It was Jack, pointing to Ennis’ groin,  trying his best to catch his breath.  It was Ennis’ turn to fall over!  He pulled at his belt, as Jack’s head went down….

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sinner (Part 4)
« Reply #1306 on: August 07, 2007, 09:12:41 pm »
I am honored to be a dedicatee of such a lusty story, Marie! You guys are inspiring all kinds of naughty thoughts in my li'l ole noggin.I think your writing in this passage, Marie, is particularly fine. It's lyrical and tight at the same time.


Thanks so much, Babe!  I really appreciate your kind words.  You're such a talented writer, that coming from you, this is high praise indeed!


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Re: Caps and Facial Hair
« Reply #1307 on: August 07, 2007, 09:18:33 pm »
Caps and Facial hair by Littlewing1957
One of my favorite expressions I encountered while doing time on IMDb, was someone referring to Jack's facial growth as a 'pornstache'! :laugh: I use that sometimes privately when thinking of or referring to mustaches (and remember, I love porn).

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Caps and Facial Hair
« Reply #1308 on: August 07, 2007, 10:02:08 pm »
One of my favorite expressions I encountered while doing time on IMDb, was someone referring to Jack's facial growth as a 'pornstache'! :laugh: I use that sometimes privately when thinking of or referring to mustaches (and remember, I love porn).

 :laugh:  :laugh: You love porn?  I'll admit do I!  ::)  :o


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Recapturing Youth
« Reply #1309 on: August 07, 2007, 10:41:47 pm »
More and more, during their all too infrequent get-togethers in what had become the late summer of their lives, Ennis and Jack turned reflective and nostalgic towards the past, both of their times together and of their lives generally, and so it came as no surprise when Ennis at one point said, "Ya know, not having finished high school, I missed out on so much of that high school stuff, like datin' and shit...hell, I never even gave a girl a hickey, much less got one"; Jack smiled at his friend's effusiveness that even now could invest him with so much boyishness, at which he replied that, as a fellow dropout, he too had missed out on many of the teenage rites of passage...including hickeys.

"Ya know, Ennis, it's not too late", Jack said with a fresh gleam in his eye, his voice rising to the lilt that colored it when he became excited, continuing with, "Hell, we've never given each other about we make up for lost time?"; at that, Ennis needed no further prodding, and, grabbing his friend's head firmly in his hands, sank his face upon Jack's warm neck, sucking and slightly biting the flesh that felt, at such times as this, like his own.

Jack laughed at the ticklish deliciousness of the sensation, and immediately after returned the favor, noting a little rasp of pleasure coming out of Ennis's throat even as his mouth was upon it; the deed done, the two of them went to look at the results in the mirror of Jack's truck, whereupon they burst out laughing at the massive red marks they had carved on each other, whereupon Ennis said, "Well, we may be old-timers, but those young 'uns got nothin' on us", already contemplating how he would show off the mark to his fellow ranch hands as a trophy from Cassie, while Jack, right then touching his neck with apprehension, began to worry as to how he would explain it later to Lureen.