Jack watched as James rose from the overstuffed chair and sat down next to him. He gently rubbed Jack’s hand and looked him square in the eyes. “I don’t know much about you cowboy,†James began, tenderly, “but I sure noticed you out there.†Jack blushed and thought back to that very afternoon when Jimbo saw he was in trouble and rushed in to lure the angry steer away from him. He also seemed to keep an extra eye out: watching after him when he limped away in pain. Jack could feel Jimbo’s eyes boring into his back as he headed over to the medics tent. He was sure glad he didn't imagine Jimbo's interest; didn’t misread the signals. “Tell me a little bit about yourself, Jack.†Jimbo was rubbing Jack’s shoulders. “I like to know a little something about the guy I’m about to make love to.†Jimbo didn’t imagine the twinkle in Jack’s blue eyes. Jimbo listened intently as Jack told his life story.
“We have sort of a like history, Jack,†Jimbo stated as a matter of fact. “I’m from a small town up by Honeygrove Texas, and my ma and pa never had much to do with me, either.†James spoke while he unbuttoned his shirt. He motioned for Jack to stand, and he approached him, a wicked smile on his handsome face. Jimbo’s eyes held Jack’s as he removed his own shirt. Not a word was spoken as Jimbo reached over and began to unbutton Jack’s blue shirt. Jimbo broke the spell: “I think my pa suspected that I liked boys, but he never said outright.†Jack thought his heart would explode in his chest. Jimbo pulled Jack’s shirt off and laid it on the bed, never taking his eyes away from Jack’s. “My ma? Well, she left all the dealings with my pa. She only had time for my little sis.†Jimbo was unfastening his belt, all the while searching, holding Jack’s baby blues with his own. Jack didn’t know how it was possible, but Jimbo didn’t even look away, didn’t break the stare as he stepped out of his pants. Jack thought he would lose his mind when Jimbo stood there naked as the day he was born. No underwear! Jack’s manhood strained painfully against his jeans and his heart threatened to escape his chest cavity as he moved closer to Jimbo. Jack’s eyes began to water and Jimbo took that as a sign: a very good sign. “Take off your pants, Jack, Jimbo whispered. “Let’s get this on.â€
They never even made it to the bed. Jimbo lowered Jack to the floor and very slowly explored Jack’s hard body with his hands, with his eyes. “You’re beautiful,†Jimbo whispered. “I knew you would be so damned beautiful." Jack couldn't speak, but no words were necessary. "Let’s see what you got, cowboy...no going back, are you ready? Are you okay?" Jimbo's tenderness surprised Jack. He nodded his head slowly and positioned himself. Jimbo took him slowly, almost reverently, gently! The sex was warm and wet and sweet! Jack and Jimbo seemed to breathe in tandem as they reached that magic moment.