Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2368297 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: His Touch
« Reply #270 on: June 18, 2007, 11:41:34 pm »
It's amazing you can write so well so fast!

Thanks, Sweets!  :)

Offline Clyde-B

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  • Clyde-B when he was Jack and Ennis's age
Re: El Vaquero y el Campesino
« Reply #271 on: June 18, 2007, 11:47:27 pm »
Solo al punto del orgasmo, nino sucio!

¡AyAyAy!  ¿Vendes boletos?

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Blue Eyes (2)
« Reply #272 on: June 18, 2007, 11:56:00 pm »
Toycoon, I hope I'm describing the right scene?

"For a queer, that Jack Twist is mighty good with a rope!”  Ennis thought as he continued to hang his head.  He didn’t want to look into Jack’s blue eyes.  Ennis was growing comfortable with his gloomy thoughts, and if he looked into those blue eyes? 

“Time to get goin’, Coyboy!”  Jack spoke softly as he pulled at the rope.  Ennis allowed himself to be raised to his feet.  Jack giggled as Ennis walked away from him, avoiding his eyes.  Ennis tucked his shirt into his jeans, never looking back.  Jack Twist raised his rope, and very expertly, skillfully, caught Ennis around the ankles.  He pulled his lover to him, but Ennis wasn’t having it.

“This ain’t no goddamn Rodeo!”  Ennis growled as he wrestled Jack to the ground.  It was serious now.  Jack and Ennis rolled down the hills in a tangle of flailing limbs.  After Jack accidentally kneed Ennis in the nose, Ennis sucker punched him.  “Owwww!!” Jack rolled and held his smarting head.  His blue eyes filled with salty tears.  “Why did you hit me Ennis?”  Jack thought, almost aloud.  “I only wanted to hold you in my arms one more time….”

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Re: Blue Eyes
« Reply #273 on: June 19, 2007, 12:17:24 am »
Jack spotted Ennis from across the grassy field sitting alone, with his head hung low and obviously in deep thought; "Boy, that Ennis Del Mar sure is a complicated fella, wonder what he thinkin' 'bout?"  

"Blue eyes... Momma would'a liked Jack's blue eyes, she liked purty things," Ennis thought, smiling wistfully as he recollected the way his mother would sometimes gaze into his father's steely eyes; "Daddy would'a wondered why I was hanging 'round rodeo fuck ups, " That boy looks like a queer ta me." Ennis' hands tightened into fists.

Ennis' concentration broke when he felt the rope from Jack's lasso fall down around his shoulders.
"For a queer, that Jack Twist is mighty good with a rope!”  Ennis thought as he continued to hang his head.  He didn’t want to look into Jack’s blue eyes.  Ennis was growing comfortable with his gloomy thoughts, and if he looked into those blue eyes? 

“Time to get goin’, Coyboy!”  Jack spoke softly as he pulled at the rope.  Ennis allowed himself to be raised to his feet.  Jack giggled as Ennis walked away from him, avoiding his eyes.  Ennis tucked his shirt into his jeans, never looking back.  Jack Twist raised his rope, and very expertly, skillfully, caught Ennis around the ankles.  He pulled his lover to him, but Ennis wasn’t having it.

“This ain’t no goddamn Rodeo!”  Ennis growled as he wrestled Jack to the ground.  It was serious now.  Jack and Ennis rolled down the hills in a tangle of flailing limbs.  After Jack accidentally kneed Ennis in the nose, Ennis sucker punched him.  “Owwww!!” Jack rolled and held his smarting head.  His blue eyes filled with salty tears.  “Why did you hit me Ennis?”  Jack thought, almost aloud.  “I only wanted to hold you in my arms one more time….”

I needed to put these side by side, Littlewing. This (among many others) is one of my favorite scenes. It starts off so sweet (for Jack anyway) and playful then it spins out of control. Jack looks so damn cute, too. I can see why Ennis can't look that fella in the eye; he's devastatingly handsome.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Cabin Fever
« Reply #274 on: June 19, 2007, 12:30:56 am »
Gary, so many of us post on these boards every day and I get the feeling I know you all.  You don't have your picture on liine, but I have an idea of what you look like.  Just from the way you talk, I know you are a beautiful person.  You are so gentle.  Take care of yourself, Bud.  I'm thinking of you. 


He is a doll, isn't he, Merr?

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Blue Eyes
« Reply #275 on: June 19, 2007, 12:31:42 am »
I needed to put these side by side, Littlewing. This (among many others) is one of my favorite scenes. It starts off so sweet (for Jack anyway) and playful then it spins out of control. Jack looks so damn cute, too. I can see why Ennis can't look that fella in the eye; he's devastatingly handsome.

He is amazingly handsome, isn't he?

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Re: Cabin Fever
« Reply #276 on: June 19, 2007, 01:53:10 am »
So true, Marie.  And he can write some good fanfic too.     I loved the Cabin Fever story.


Oh Gary is an amazing writer!  Awesome!


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Re: Just ask me
« Reply #277 on: June 19, 2007, 06:39:40 am »
* still trying to regain composure*  I won´t have to tell you that this was more than hot, girl!
And if that was the toned-down version....then I´d love to read the original one :o!!!


Again quoting myself to make sure you read it!

And CONGRATULATIONS, btw! I have crossed the 100posts line after all.


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #278 on: June 19, 2007, 06:45:38 am »

It's not a stupid suggestion at all! Now I understand better what you are asking...

This is similar to what we did with "the Gallery" for the Ennis and Ellery thread, although in that case, we were reposting pictures, not stories. But the idea is the same. If someone wants to take on the job of creating an archive for the stories posted here, and include just the stories, it is fine with me. Call it something like "Jack with Ennis Fanfic Game Archive" so folks will know what it is about.

Alternatively, you could ask each person who posts a story to also post it in the archive.

Moderator, Fanfic

So girls and guys, please tell me what you think about it. Do I get the permission to post your stories in such an "archive thread"? I offer to do the work, of course, so the existence of this thread would not affect you in any way if you don´t want it to do.



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Re: Dumb Sheep (part 2)
« Reply #279 on: June 19, 2007, 07:09:55 am »
Hi there littewing,

I remember Dagi's story.  It was one of her fist ones, right?  Great story, and what a great followup.  Both of them are truly sexy.

After being exposed to fanfic posted by the ladies who frequent this thread I'm starting to think women are as smutty as men.   ;)


Thank you Gary! You really made me laugh when you wrote  After being exposed to fanfic posted by the ladies.....

but honestly (and I don´t want to be a kill-joy (?) ), what is smutty about any of those wonderful, sexy, erotic, hot, tender stories about two men who

 are in love with each other??? I don´t want to think about sex as anything dirty/smutty/nasty/what the hell else. Don´t misunderstand me, please, I

know that you (as many others) say that with a  ;), but sometimes I get the impression that using those negative words reveal how we really think

about it, even though we appreciate sex as a very precious part of our daily life. Just a thought, I hope you don´t feel offended, Gary. You know how

much I like you.
