Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2563831 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Love Song
« Reply #3660 on: July 15, 2010, 09:05:23 pm »
Ennis had a scratchy, fine voice, but he didn’t want to start belting out a tune and make poor Jack self-conscious.  He endured while Jack sat down on a couple of logs and “serenaded” him with every kind of song from top 40 hits to church hymns, even a Negro spiritual or two.  

After Jack finished murdering “His Eye is on The Sparrow,” Ennis clapped and uttered with all sincerity, “Very good, Rodeo!”  Jack bent over in an exaggerated bow and smiled coyly.  “Why don’t you give us a song, Ennis?” Jack asked, playfully.  “You in good voice?”  Ennis lowered his head and tried to hide a grin.  “I don’t know about all that, bud,” Ennis muttered.  “I think we had just about all the music we need for one afternoon, don’t ya think?”  Jack tried his best to hide his disappointment, but Ennis knew in an instant that Jack was sorta hurt.  He didn’t say another word, but had something up his sleeve.

It was getting late and almost time to bed down for the night.  Jack took one final walk around the perimeter of camp to make sure that the fire was fixing to die out, but would smolder long enough to keep the wildlife away, at least for awhile.  Ennis was inside the tent, preparing for bed.  Satisfied that all was well, Jack climbed inside his brand new tent, and after undressing, joined Ennis in the sleeping bag.  Ennis pulled his man close and kissed him tenderly on his forehead.  Jack snuggled into his lover’s arms and very gently, very sweetly, Ennis started to hum into Jack’s hair.  He sang so quietly a tender love song.  After all, Ennis did feel he owed Jack a song.  Jack was so moved he couldn’t speak.  No other sound in the tent except the whisper of two lovers snuggling, rocking - one crooning a song of love.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 01:53:58 am by BoobieWaffleTush »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack and Jimbo
« Reply #3661 on: October 05, 2010, 09:15:33 pm »
Jack never expected to see Jimbo the Clown waiting for him in the parking lot of the bar.  Jimbo was leaning up against the driver’s side door of his truck, his arms folded in front of him.  Jack was astonished!  How did Jimbo leave the bar so soon, and how did he manage to slip by him?  Jack looked at Jimbo and away to the entrance of the bar.  Jimbo’s handsome mouth turned up in a grin as he noticed Jack’s confusion. “Ya ever hear of a back door?”

The dewy fine hair on the back of his neck stood straight up, and Jack wanted to heed his instincts, but Jimbo was very sexy standing there all smiles.  Jimbo crocked a little finger Jack’s way.  C’mere this way, cowboy," Jimbo whispered so softly that Jack wasn’t certain he heard.  “My name is James, but you probably already knew that.”  Jack was silent.  He was wary.  Why would the best rodeo clown he ever worked with –and he was the best – be interested now after turning him down, after humiliating him just moments ago?  Jimbo noticed Jack’s hesitation and it seemed to amuse him.  “What’s the matter, Cowboy, cat got your tongue?”  Jack flinched.  He stepped back, but Jimbo wouldn’t give up.  He cocked his head toward the bar.  “I’m sorry about how I treated you back there, and I apologize for high tailin’ it to those clowns over playin’ pool.  But Jack, I didn’t say anything about you, I promise.” Jimbo examine his nails. "I just wanted to throw them off our trail, make up a few white lies to keep them off the scent, if you know what I mean."    Jack knew what he meant, wasn’t sure that Jimbo spoke the truth, but he wanted to hear him out.  “Look,” Jimbo said, “I got me a nice little place I’m renting over by the fairgrounds.  We can have the place all to ourselves for the rest of the night.  The landlady lives upstairs but she’s visiting her sister for the weekend.”  Jimbo took a step toward Jack.  He wondered if Jack would pull back if he took his hand.  Jimbo gently lifted Jack’s hand in his.  Jack didn’t pull back.

Jimbo’s room was unremarkable, but the sheer size of it gave Jack pause.  Jimbo had a suite, actually.  The full sized bed was neatly made and covered with a horse blanket.  An overstuffed chair and ottoman and a heavy oak wood table on which rested a small TV were the only furnishings.  Jimbo motioned for Jack to sit down on the bed.  “Make yourself to home,” he told Jack as he flopped down on the chair.  Jack sat down on the bed and watched as Jimbo hoisted his feet onto the ottoman.  “I’m tired!” Jimbo stated emphatically as he practically peeled his hat from his damp hair.  Jack said nothing as he admired the man.   His stomach began to drop when he considered just how much James reminded him of Ennis.  He  fought to chase the memory of Ennis out of his consciousness.  If he played his cards right, he just might get lucky.

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Jack and Jimbo Part 2
« Reply #3662 on: October 11, 2010, 11:08:58 pm »
Jack watched as James rose from the overstuffed chair and sat down next to him.  He gently rubbed Jack’s hand and looked him square in the eyes.  “I don’t know much about you cowboy,” James began, tenderly, “but I sure noticed you out there.”  Jack blushed and thought back to that very afternoon when Jimbo saw he was in trouble and rushed in to lure the angry steer away from him.  He also seemed to keep an extra eye out: watching after him when he limped away in pain.  Jack could feel Jimbo’s eyes boring into his back as he headed over to the medics tent.  He was sure glad he didn't imagine Jimbo's interest; didn’t misread the signals.  “Tell me a little bit about yourself, Jack.” Jimbo was rubbing Jack’s shoulders.  “I like to know a little something about the guy I’m about to make love to.”  Jimbo didn’t imagine the twinkle in Jack’s blue eyes.  Jimbo listened intently as Jack told his life story.

“We have sort of a like history, Jack,” Jimbo stated as a matter of fact.  “I’m from a small town up by Honeygrove Texas, and my ma and pa never had much to do with me, either.”  James spoke while he unbuttoned his shirt.  He motioned for Jack to stand, and he approached him, a wicked smile on his handsome face.  Jimbo’s eyes held Jack’s as he removed his own shirt.  Not a word was spoken as Jimbo reached over and began to unbutton Jack’s blue shirt.  Jimbo broke the spell: “I think my pa suspected that I liked boys, but he never said outright.”  Jack thought his heart would explode in his chest.  Jimbo pulled Jack’s shirt off and laid it on the bed, never taking his eyes away from Jack’s.  “My ma?  Well, she left all the dealings with my pa.  She only had time for my little sis.”  Jimbo was unfastening his belt, all the while searching, holding Jack’s baby blues with his own.  Jack didn’t know how it was possible, but Jimbo didn’t even look away, didn’t break the stare as he stepped out of his pants.  Jack thought he would lose his mind when Jimbo stood there naked as the day he was born.  No underwear!  Jack’s manhood strained painfully against his jeans and his heart threatened to escape his chest cavity as he moved closer to Jimbo.  Jack’s eyes began to water and Jimbo took that as a sign: a very good sign.  “Take off your pants, Jack, Jimbo whispered.  “Let’s get this on.”

They never even made it to the bed.  Jimbo lowered Jack to the floor and very slowly explored Jack’s hard body with his hands, with his eyes.  “You’re beautiful,” Jimbo whispered.  “I knew you would be so damned beautiful." Jack couldn't speak, but no words were necessary.  "Let’s see what you got, going back, are you ready? Are you okay?"  Jimbo's tenderness surprised Jack.  He nodded his head slowly and positioned himself.  Jimbo took him slowly, almost reverently, gently!  The sex was warm and wet and sweet!  Jack and Jimbo  seemed to breathe in tandem as they reached that magic moment.  

« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 12:39:50 am by Luvlylittlewing »

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3663 on: November 11, 2010, 03:37:57 pm »
Oh BWT!  I never thought of Jimbo as hot before!   :P
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3664 on: November 11, 2010, 05:28:45 pm »
Oh BWT!  I never thought of Jimbo as hot before!   :P

Me, either!   But I think he bears a certain resemblance to Ennis.  Stay tuned, as I'm working on a part 3 to this story.  :)

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Merry Christmas, Ennis Del Mar!
« Reply #3665 on: December 12, 2012, 01:04:34 am »
Christmas Eve 1989 and Ennis Del Mar stood in front of his apartment door, his new keys in hand.  He smiled for the first time in years as he thought of his two beautiful daughters and their Christmas gift to him: a fancy new place to live.  Just last week Jr. walked into his trailer just as confident and cheerful as all get out, smiling from ear-to-ear.  He didn’t interrupt her once as she told him how it was going to be from now on: he was to leave his dingy, depressing trailer and live in a newly built apartment complex not far from Jrs’ place. 

Ennis didn’t say a word as his child described all that the new place had to offer: dazzling appointments such as hard wood floors, marble countertops in the kitchen, two bedrooms, walk-in closets.  He didn’t believe a word of it – found it too good to be true.  But when Alma Jr. and her sis practically kidnapped him and drove him to his new place, he felt he had no choice but to believe and accept.  The girls got him out of his lease, and his son-in-law, who worked as a foreman on the construction crew, helped Jr. and Jenny buy the apartment for far below the market price.  All Ennis had to do was pay his kids whatever he could afford per month.

Ennis entered his new digs and turned on the light.  He scanned the living room and couldn’t believe his good fortune.  He didn’t believe he deserved such luxury even though his life was a misery from the day he learned of Jack’s demise.  Right now he walked over to his 4 foot Christmas tree, a gift from Alma Jr. and her husband.  He fingered the truly flashy ornaments and saw nestled among the tinsel and lights a flashy ornament he’d not noticed before.  Near the topper, the Christmas star, hung a sled drawn by a rodeo horse.  Inside the sled was seated a tiny cowboy.  Ennis very gently pulled the ornament from the branch where it hung.  He fingered the tiny cowboy very gently, tenderly and smiled. 

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3666 on: December 12, 2012, 10:44:56 am »
Oh, that was so sweet!

I look forward to your next entry... maybe in 2014!  LOL!


I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season  :)
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3667 on: December 12, 2012, 12:48:14 pm »
Oh, that was so sweet!

I look forward to your next entry... maybe in 2014!  LOL!


I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season  :)

I know!  I know!  I was bored watching the ending of "The Voice" last night and decided to write a few paragraphs.  I'll have another entry up soon.  Thanks for reading and commenting, Donna.  I really appreciate it!

Happy Holidays to you!

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Re: Shower
« Reply #3668 on: March 31, 2015, 03:21:41 pm »
Jack watched Ennis soaping himself.  Ennis was aware that Jack’s eyes were on him, and he had to be aware of his husband’s growing lust.  Jack brought along a portable “shower” to hang from a tree branch or any place high, and he was glad he did.  Ennis didn’t hesitate to use the shower after Jack strung it up.  He stripped, gathered his soap and a loofah sponge and stood perfectly still as Jack turned the spigot.  Ennis looked up as the spray coated and slicked his hair.  Jack backed up in an effort to take in the tantalizing view.

Jack noticed that Ennis’ glorious body had not changed much over the years.  If anything, Ennis’ bod was even better – sexier.  Jack’s eyes grew wild as he took in Ennis’ firm, high buttocks.  His butt cheeks were granite hard and smooth.  Jack didn’t know how Ennis maintained his killer physique.  Jack placed a hand on his own wide paunch, but he wasn’t ashamed that he was letting himself go.  Ennis liked his spreading middle; he even remarked that Jack was giving him more to love.

Jack watched as Ennis turned his body under the spray.  He was transported back to Brokeback when Ennis asked for a bit of hot water and washed everything he could reach.  Jack had the self-control to avert his gaze then, but to look away was impossible now.  Jack wondered how long he could stand it.  Ennis noticed his lover’s torment and stepped from the steady stream of water.  He moved closer to Jack and threw the soap and sponge aside.  Jack ran into his arms, not caring a wit that he was getting very wet and very soapy.

mmm Marie, I miss the good old times. I see you have been busy and your writing is delightful to read. Keep going!