Unaccustomed to much kindness, Ennis was slightly taken aback by Jack's offer to cook them elk an' taters stew; Ennis, sitting on the ground, watched as Jack peeled potato after potato, carefully balancing the peeled spuds in a tin plate on a rock next to him, beside his feet.
"Dang, what is it 'bout that feller?" thought Ennis dreamily searching Jack's handsome profile for answers; Ennis stared at Jack's lips noting the way the corners turned up mischievously, curling around the cigarette he was smoking, next his eyes traveled over the surface of Jacks' angular jaw with the bristly hair growing on it, finally he poured over Jack's long delicate eyelashes sweeping over his ruddy cheeks.
Ennis could not restrain himself any longer and grabbed Jack by the shoulders smothering Jack's face with brutal kisses; Jack dropped the potato and it slammed on the edge of the tin plate sending the peeled potatoes flying. The knife flipped up in the air and landed on it's point, sticking straight up in the ground.