Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2836162 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #990 on: July 19, 2007, 02:07:04 am »
Hehehe ... are you sure I didn't write that because it's about ME! 

Perhaps we should all go on a toycoon diet!  We could give up chocolate (ooh that hurts just saying it), count carbs and have a weekly weigh-in ...


ps. Gary you nitwit ... you're yummy so just put a sock in it....

Hey Susie, I'm game!  When I look at the sleek, sexy Toycoon in those pics, I know his system works.  Who will be the first to weigh in?  By the way, when you give up carbs for awhile, you sweet tooth disappears!  Right, Toycoon?

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Nobody's Business
« Reply #991 on: July 19, 2007, 02:10:46 am »
Nobody’s Business by garycottle

Gary, I know I shouldn't comment until I read all of this, but I'm absorbing it in stages.  This piece is just too sexy and full of emotion to read all at once.  I'll tell you how much I love it later, okay?  I will say this though - I'm so glad to see Daniel and Tyler again and see their love blossom.  They are giving themselves so completley and at the risk of being cliche':

"aint love grand?"

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #992 on: July 19, 2007, 02:29:55 am »
Shasta (Cali Sis), you are so right.  It is people like you, Gary, Susie, Marie (littlewing), Dagi, Clyde, Toycoon, who am I forgetting - who make my day every day.  I feel like I know you guys and it was hard to be away for so long. 

Thank you for making me feel so good every day. 


I know what you mean, Merr!  This is my second home, and you guys are my extended family.  I feel so blessed!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #993 on: July 19, 2007, 02:33:49 am »
Wow!  That's some accomplishment, littlewing.  Bravo!


Yeah, too bad I gained most of it back after I became a mother.  I once told people, "oh, this is baby weight!"  I can't do that anymore, especially since the "baby" is almost 18 years old  :laugh:  :laugh:

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Nobody's Business
« Reply #994 on: July 19, 2007, 02:35:38 am »
I'm glad you're liking it so far, littlewing.  And I can understand how you'd want to read it in stages.  This one ran over the three sentence rule just a tad.   ;)  Hope it continues to hold your interest. 

And yes, love is grand.  But young love, well that's the best ever.


Oh don't worry, I won't get bored with this.  I had to tear myself away.  Like Susie said, this reads like a novel.  Exceptional, Gary!  Superb!


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Re: Nobody's Business
« Reply #995 on: July 19, 2007, 05:44:43 am »
Nobody’s Business by garycottle

It was a long, lingering kiss, soft and gentle....

Gary dearest,
the moment my kids started yelling for me this morning I had just finished reading your story for the third time. It stayed with me the whole morning, and I know Danny and Tyler will stay with me for some more time.
You are so amazing, honey, I don´t have words to say what your writing is doing to me.
I enjoyed every single line, inhaled and savoured them. You are a writer, as I told you before you should write a book (and dedicate it to us, of course!)! 
Btw, I loved Ennis´ short but important role.
I don´t think that this comment is doing your story justice, but I tried it.

Love, Dagi


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #996 on: July 19, 2007, 05:48:44 am »
Shasta (Cali Sis), you are so right.  It is people like you, Gary, Susie, Marie (littlewing), Dagi, Clyde, Toycoon, who am I forgetting - who make my day every day.  I feel like I know you guys and it was hard to be away for so long. 

Thank you for making me feel so good every day. 


I´m sending up a prayer of thanks every day since I met you guys and gals! Big Kiss! Family Hug!


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #997 on: July 19, 2007, 05:53:13 am »
You've got to see this guys ... I was wetting myself!



 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #998 on: July 19, 2007, 08:06:55 am »
Hey Susie, I'm game!  When I look at the sleek, sexy Toycoon in those pics, I know his system works.  Who will be the first to weigh in?  By the way, when you give up carbs for awhile, your sweet tooth disappears!  Right, Toycoon?

*Blush* Gosh, Thanks, Littlewing1957. It's true! I eat fruit in the morning then I'll have a bowl of oatmeal with soymilk. Later on in the morning, I'll have a couple of scrambled egg whites, a handful of cashews and a cup of tea (I can't drink coffee or else I'm wired for days!). By noon, I'm starved but I'll have my starchy carbs then (pasta, rice or potatoes) with proteins (meat, fish or chicken). I don't miss not having dessert because I've had my starchies to satisfy my carb cravings. Around 3, I'll eat some more nuts, an apple and maybe some pretzels or 'Tings" (they taste like Cheet-oes). I almost always eat dinner by 6 or else I'm REALLY cranky!
A body builder friend of mine one told me, "If you can't hold your stomach in after you've eaten, you've eaten too much." Basically, what that amounts to is: One doesn't have to eat everything in sight in one sitting. There will still be food in the morning. I'll never forget that.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #999 on: July 19, 2007, 08:18:14 am »
Littlewing, those are my words exactly.  Everyone is so nice - where else could you find a group of people who have something in common and who can also get along.  My first impression was that people were all writing stories and there was no rivalry or envy - people were encouraging each other.  What a concept.

I couldn't have said it better myself. We are so fortunate to have found each other. I'm delighted to be here, I can't tell you. The Colorado Brokeback BBQ was a similar phenomenon. I felt as though I known everyone forever. I wish I could have met all of you (specifically the Jack with Ennis alumni) personally.
I know you are spending time on IMDb, but I only go over there when I get a minute.  It seems like I get the same "downer" every time though.  I love it here! - Merrily
I really can't deal with IMDb any longer. It's just not interesting to me anymore. I feel bad for the current newcomers. There's no one there to greet them and guide them over here! I don't have the patience these days.

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero