Author Topic: Cellar Scribblings  (Read 9955002 times)

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17070 on: March 31, 2021, 06:19:51 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

How is everyone doing?

Today was the first jab for me.  My arm is a little bit sore, but other than that, no major issues.   My dad (he went with me today for his first vaccine too) said his arm isn't even hurting.

My job is also giving everyone 8 hours pay that they are calling Vaccination Pay, so on the days you get the vaccine, you can take the afternoon off to get your vaccine, and be paid.

I took four hours of the vaccine time today, but when I got home, I still signed on to get some work done (but I left my out-of-office on, so I could focus on what I needed to do, and not get bothered by others.

At 4:30, I had an appointment to get my taxes done, and I'm getting a nice chunk of change back.  On top of my usual refund (which was a little higher) I will finally be getting the stimulus payments from last year.   When I went to file my taxes last year (I go through H&R Block) I had not yet received the first two stimulus payments.   Anytime I tried to call on it, I would get the runaround.  So, when I filed, I explained the situation to my rep at H&R Block, and she got on the phone while I was there, with the IRS.

The rep at the IRS looked into my file, and for some reason, it was stating I was still a dependent.   Not sure how that happened, since I was 51, but Ok.  :laugh:   They corrected the issue, and I was told I would get the stimulus "next year" (meaning 2021).

So when the next round of stimulus payments went out, once again, I didn't get it.  When I filed today, the correction was made and the stimulus was added to the total of my refund, and they explained that the payment I didn't get this year, I would get next year when I file.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17071 on: March 31, 2021, 06:25:40 pm »
I'm looking for a vaccine myself. I signed up with some state app that's supposed to alert me if there's one available in my area (like leftover vaccine that would otherwise be thrown out) but I've never heard from it. I tried my usual clinic a couple of days ago but apparently you can only make an appointment on a Thursday or Friday the week before, and they fill up fast. I tried Walgreen's and CVS; both have a list of nearby locations and they all say NO APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. I tried Walmart, they say I don't qualify.

How do all these people keep getting them? I don't mean your family, Chuck, the fact that you've already had it maybe helps, or that your dad is older. But I see lots of random people on Facebook who've gotten it -- how do they do it? Seems like it would be a full-time job.

This has been my question for, like, forever. I keep running across people, usually from work, who are definitely younger than me, and they've been fully vaccinated. Hunh? How is that? I don't know how they even get an appointment, let alone qualify for vaccination.

Of course, I'm in a living situation where New Jersey seems to have one set of rules, Pennsylvania has another set of rules, and Philadelphia has its own set of rules for qualification. Cross the city line here, and you've got a whole 'nother set of rules for qualification.

Now Joe wants everybody to be able to get an appointment after April 19. Um, Joe, are you kidding? Considering how difficult it is to get an appointment now, what's it going to be like when everybody tries to get an appointment?

Good point!

Here, the governor said anyone over 16 is eligible. But then there are also still supposedly some priority groups -- the usual ones like frontline workers, underlying conditions, etc. But now being over 50 is supposed to be a priority, yet somehow the Walmart's questionnaire doesn't even ask your age. (I've only been in a Walmart a few times decades ago. Now I have even less reason to go.) When even the priority age was people over 65, I knew plenty of people at least slightly younger than that who were getting them.

I'm not sure how the systems are set up in your states.   In NJ there is a website for my county, and between 8:00 and 8:30 each morning, the page is refreshed, and new open appointment slots are posted.  So you log on first thing in the morning, and keep refreshing the page until the new information loads.  Once the new information appears, it's a race to get a spot, as they are limited.

My brother Mike got the vaccine because he's a police officer, so he is essential.

Mom and dad were able to register because of their age.  Dad got his first jab today with me.

Chris and I have the underlying conditions.  Nothing major, but we qualify,  so we were able to register.  Chris and mom get their first jabs tomorrow.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline brianr

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17072 on: March 31, 2021, 06:52:49 pm »
I have an American friend in my walking group. She married a Kiwi and has lived here for perhaps 30 years. She was telling me on Tuesday that she receives the US stimulus cheques but had trouble depositing them in her bank. Most (all by June) of our banks have stopped dealing with cheques. They told her to have the US IRD send it direct to her bank. She rang and was surprised to be answered after a few rings, and they redirected her and again only a few rings. They could not send it to an overseas bank so she returned to hers and, after a lot of fuss involving nearly everyone in the office, they accepted it.
I was surprised as, although I receive an Australian pension, I do not get any of the stimulus payments as I am not a resident.
My sister and brother-in- law received yesterday four vouchers of $25 to be used at restaurants or entertainment venues. They have received other amounts before.
In NZ everyone receiving a pension, aged, disability etc receives $20 per week heating allowance from May to September. Last year it was doubled to $40 per week but I do not think that will happen this year.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17073 on: April 01, 2021, 09:33:38 am »
Today was the first jab for me.  My arm is a little bit sore, but other than that, no major issues.   My dad (he went with me today for his first vaccine too) said his arm isn't even hurting.

I saw a coworker yesterday who said he just got the shot and the whole top half of his body hurt and he was going to take off work after our assignment was over. He's in his 20s. There was a woman of around 60 there who said she'd had no problems with hers. I wonder if age has something to do with the reaction. My coworker said something about young immune systems fighting back harder.

My job is also giving everyone 8 hours pay that they are calling Vaccination Pay, so on the days you get the vaccine, you can take the afternoon off to get your vaccine, and be paid.

We get that, too. It's part of the 80 hours they give us to use if we get COVID. Hopefully, I'll only need mine for my shot. The news about the "new surge" is scary. I'd be so mad if I knew anyone who got sick or even died because there's such a bottleneck here to get the damn shots.

I had not yet received the first two stimulus payments. ... So when the next round of stimulus payments went out, once again, I didn't get it.  When I filed today, the correction was made and the stimulus was added to the total of my refund, and they explained that the payment I didn't get this year, I would get next year when I file.

I got the first $1,200 and nothing since then. I know I'll get the $600 one when I file my taxes. But it makes me mad that we have to wait until sometime in 2022 to get the $1,400. For one thing, I could use the cash now (I'm getting my home ready to sell again and there are some expenses involved). For another, I know inflation is low, but still -- by sometime in 2022 $1,400 will be worth more than it is now. If we waited an extra year to pay $1,400 to the IRS we'd be charged interest and penalties. >:(

Offline brianr

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17074 on: April 01, 2021, 03:20:19 pm »
I understood a stimulus payment is to stimulate the economy NOW. That is why in Australia and NZ it is given to those on benefits as they are more likely to spend it rather than save it.
In NZ everyone over 65 receives the full age pension, it is not means tested as in Australia. We were told we could give the heating allowance (doubled last year) back but although I do not need it, I am not that generous to the government. Because I cannot travel overseas, my savings have gone up. I did buy a new 50 inch smart TV last July but I do not need it really. I have taken more trips within NZ than usual. Really I am not that interested in spending other than on travel.

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17075 on: April 03, 2021, 11:12:15 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

It's Easter Eve.

I'll be spending part of tomorrow with the family.  We're ordering lunch from a local restaurant, so mom doesn't have to cook and we can support a local business as well.

I dropped an Easter basket off for Trenton at his home, and spent a few minutes talking with my niece, Shana.   Things are going well for her, Derek and Trent, so it was nice to hear good news.

As of Thursday, all of my immediate family has received the first vaccine.

Dad and I got the jab on Wednesday, and we both had side-effects on Thursday (chills, sore arm, feeling run down).  We both woke on Friday, recovered.

Mom and Chris got the jab on Thursday, felt the side effects on Friday, and had recovered today (Saturday).

So, a funny vaccine story for you!  When I called to see how the vaccine day went, this is what I was told over the phone.

Thursday my brother and mother went for their vaccines together.  Mom tends to get lost easily, so Chris said he wanted to stay close, so he could make sure she ended up where she needed to go.

That plan failed because Chris went after work, so he was wearing his security uniform, so they rushed him through, thinking he was on break from his job, so that he could return quicky.

As they got separated, Chris made note of what mom was wearing, so he could find her and get her through the halls and out of the building.   She had on dark jeans, black sneakers with a white sole, her black waist bag, and a grey hoodie.

As Chris was in his private booth getting his vaccine, he could see through an opening in the curtains a small woman in black and white sneakers, dark jeans, and a grey hoodie.  She seemed to be standing there and looking around, so he says from behind the curtain:

"Hey, I see you there, you crazy lady!  What are you doin'?   Did they jab you in the ass with the needle?  Go sit down and I'll be right out!"

The woman then moved away.   Chris gets out of is booth, and looks around the room.   Mom is not anywhere.  However, sitting in the front row is a little, older lady, dressed just like my mom.

Chris had been talking to the wrong person!    :laugh:

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17076 on: April 03, 2021, 11:28:53 pm »
I have an American friend in my walking group. She married a Kiwi and has lived here for perhaps 30 years.  She was telling me on Tuesday that she receives the US stimulus cheques but had trouble depositing them in her bank.  Most (all by June) of our banks have stopped dealing with cheques. They told her to have the US IRD send it direct to her bank. She rang and was surprised to be answered after a few rings, and they redirected her and again only a few rings.  They could not send it to an overseas bank so she returned to hers and, after a lot of fuss involving nearly everyone in the office, they accepted it.   I was surprised as, although I receive an Australian pension, I do not get any of the stimulus payments as I am not a resident.  My sister and brother-in- law received yesterday four vouchers of $25 to be used at restaurants or entertainment venues. They have received other amounts before.  In NZ everyone receiving a pension, aged, disability etc receives $20 per week heating allowance from May to September. Last year it was doubled to $40 per week but I do not think that will happen this year.

I got the first $1,200 and nothing since then. I know I'll get the $600 one when I file my taxes. But it makes me mad that we have to wait until sometime in 2022 to get the $1,400. For one thing, I could use the cash now (I'm getting my home ready to sell again and there are some expenses involved). For another, I know inflation is low, but still -- by sometime in 2022 $1,400 will be worth more than it is now. If we waited an extra year to pay $1,400 to the IRS we'd be charged interest and penalties. >:(

I understood a stimulus payment is to stimulate the economy NOW. That is why in Australia and NZ it is given to those on benefits as they are more likely to spend it rather than save it.  In NZ everyone over 65 receives the full age pension, it is not means tested as in Australia. We were told we could give the heating allowance (doubled last year) back but although I do not need it, I am not that generous to the government. Because I cannot travel overseas, my savings have gone up. I did buy a new 50 inch smart TV last July but I do not need it really. I have taken more trips within NZ than usual. Really I am not that interested in spending other than on travel.

As I understand it, the stimulus payments were handled this way.   For 2020, single adults who reported adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less on their 2019 tax returns a one-time check for $1,200. Married couples who filed jointly will receive $2,400. Families will get an additional $500 for each child under 17.  For 2021, single adults who reported $75,000 or less in adjusted gross income on their 2020 tax return will receive the full $1,400 payments, as will heads of household who reported $112,500 or less. Couples filing jointly who earned $150,000 or less in adjusted gross income will receive the full $2,800.

As you said, Brian, stimulus checks are checks sent by the U.S. government to taxpayers to boost their spending power and spur economic activity.  However, I think they didn't send out enough for that to happen.  Many people lost their jobs (either permanently or temporarily) and had to go on unemployment.  Any extra cash they got would get used, but for necessities.  Food, utilities, and things of that nature.  They sent out $1,200.00 for a single person.  That would cover my rent and utilities for 1 month only.  That means I would have to rely on unemployment for the rest of the time I was out of work.  I would not have spent that money on ways to stimulate the economy for others.

I was fortunate.  I was able to work from home, and earn my full paycheck the past year.  I was able to qualify for all those stimulus payments, and will finally be receiving the first one shortly.  In truth, did I need it?  No.  However, I've been paying taxes for the past 34 years.  Never been on any sort of public assistance, and I am keeping that money.  I'm going to be moving at one point in the future, and the funds will be used then.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17077 on: April 04, 2021, 01:47:25 pm »

"Hey, I see you there, you crazy lady!  What are you doin'?   Did they jab you in the ass with the needle?  Go sit down and I'll be right out!"

The woman then moved away.   Chris gets out of is booth, and looks around the room.   Mom is not anywhere.  However, sitting in the front row is a little, older lady, dressed just like my mom.

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He couldn't have just said, "Hey, Mom!" Even that he talks to your actual mom like this is funny. But it's hard to imagine hearing anything more disturbing than that from a stranger in a vaccine clinic!

As I understand it, the stimulus payments were handled this way.   For 2020, single adults who reported adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less on their 2019 tax returns a one-time check for $1,200. Married couples who filed jointly will receive $2,400. Families will get an additional $500 for each child under 17.  For 2021, single adults who reported $75,000 or less in adjusted gross income on their 2020 tax return will receive the full $1,400 payments, as will heads of household who reported $112,500 or less. Couples filing jointly who earned $150,000 or less in adjusted gross income will receive the full $2,800.

OMG, you just helped me figure it out. In 2019, my AGI was over $75,000 because I took money out of a 401K. My taxable income was under $75K but the AGI does not equal taxable income. THAT'S why I keep not getting that stimulus check. Well, at least I know not to keep waiting for it.

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17078 on: April 05, 2021, 05:58:15 pm »

Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

I hope that everyone who celebrated, had a good Easter.

I went over to mom and dad's place about noon, and threw my clothes into the washer.  By 12:30 the food we ordered from a local place arrived, and we sat down to eat.

After lunch, mom and dad had bought a few of these over-sized lotto scratch tickets, and wanted help scratching them to reveal the prizes.  None of them had any winners.  Mom now says she won't buy them again.  I hope it's true.


After that we played a few hands of Rummy 500.

Other than that, it was a quiet day.

My niece Shana posted pics to her FB page of Trent opening up all the Easter baskets he got, and reading the cards from my family.  He seemed to really enjoy himself.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #17079 on: April 09, 2021, 11:36:26 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the weekend!

My Federal Tax Refund came in today!  I'm fake rich!   :laugh:

I divided the money up between accounts, and did some shopping.   Picked up groceries tonight, and just chilled out for the evening.

I don't have any real plans for the weekend, just relaxing and doing laundry on Sunday.

Anyone else have good stuff going on?

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!