Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 1994780 times)

Offline Becky

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Sheep pisses everywhere!

*I've done my part!* ;D
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

Offline saucycobblers

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  • Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
((JBB scowls))

** Were you the woolly git who stepped on me yesterday? ** >:(
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline Pipedream

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** Director Raymille is concerned about the potential tensions increasing on the set as sacred relics escape, Jack & Ennis get closer to the tent scene, the High Priestess gets closer to being institutionalized..., and has turned to an old Aussie tradition to smooth ruffled feathers.  Apparently, in Australia, every person is issued a koala, a kangaroo and a boomerang at birth.  The koala is just adorable, and makes everyone smile no matter what.

So - courtesy of our esteemed director, koalas for everyone!!  YAY!  Enjoy.  Watch out for the claws and the eucalyptus smell.  Bet everyone's feeling better already!  **

%% Now they've gone nuts. Now they've gone completely nuts! %%  ::)

** Hey, FSD! Wtf am I supposed to do with that lazy, furry fellow up here, hunh?? **   >:(

Offline Pipedream

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((Owl Olivia starts to think she is in a bad movie...))  ::)

Offline Daniel

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SCENE: Late Afternoon


((busies himself settin' up the tent and then building up the campfire, gettin' dinner ready: Beans'n'bananas again.))

((looks up as ENNIS approaches the campsite.))

Getting hungry, Ennis? Supper'll be ready in a few.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline David

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%% Jacks Zipper is giddy at the thought of Ennis' arrival %%  ((Zips down, zips up, zips down, zips up!))

Offline Sashca1007

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%%  Hmm...  there sure seems to be some confusion and commotion goin' on in my FLY area...  my buttons are trying to zip up and down like they was on a rolly-coaster....what the hell?!  I don't blame 'em fer wanting ta expedite matters when it comes to Easy Ennis Access, but fer cryin' out loud, these buttons tryin' to make zippy noises is some REAL high class entertainment if ya ask me, which you didn't. Might as well let 'em have their fun.    ::)%%
"From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking."

Offline welliwont

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Due to the critical importance of Tent Scene 1, Director Raymille has called in from his remote location where he has been conducting a casting call for his next movie.  He is ever so sorry he cannot be here, BUT HE PROMISES THAT HE WILL RETURN SHORTLY!  In the meantime he has given us instructions to slow it down!

As TS1 is the very first milestone in the Jack-and-Ennis affair of the heart, where two souls first join together in all that is good and right, it must not be rushed!  We have been directed to further break down Scene 20 into smaller more manageable scenes.  Henceforth Scene 20 is re-scripted as:

Scene 20.a  -  Tent Don’t Look Right

Scene 20.b  -  Walter Walkin’ Jesus

Scene 20.c  -  “Shit.  I’m goin to go up to the Sheep Now”

Scene 20.d  -  “Ennis!  Quit Your Hammerin’ And Get Over Here”

Scene 20.e,f,g,h,i,j  -  Jack and Ennis Get It On (NC17)

Scene 20.s  -  (The Next Morning) Don’t That Boy Look Contented!

Scene 20.t  -  Ennis Goes Back To Sheep

End of Scene 20

Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfafa."

Offline Pipedream

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((The owls and the Props Magician are going to take a little nap now and hope they won't miss anything crucial...))  :)

Offline DeeDee

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SCENE: Late Afternoon


((busies himself settin' up the tent and then building up the campfire, gettin' dinner ready: Beans'n'bananas again.))

((looks up as ENNIS approaches the campsite.))

Getting hungry, Ennis? Supper'll be ready in a few.


((Walks to the campsite after a long day of sheep watching.  Looks around at the site))

%% Wow, look at 'em settin' things up fer me.  I only wish I could share that tent with 'em at night.  Gets mighty cold all alone up there with them sheep%%

Hey bud, whut we eatin' tonight?

%% uh, is that beans and bananas again?  I don't know if I could get that down.  I sure hope he kin kiss better'in his cooking%%

Sure am lookin' forward to the beans and bananas.  I wuz gonna warsh up, but can't seem to find my warshrag, so let's eat now.

%% Sigh..Terry, where ya off to boy?%%
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich