**I'm on my knees from all this exquisite passionate tension! Tense passion! Air is so thick with it, I cain't hardly breathe!
Throat so dry, I couldn't play a harmonica to save my mulish life!
Does that mean I won't get la.... Aaaaugh!! I need something to strengthen me. Keep me on my feet. Wet my throat. Put the MUSIC back in this here mule!
Let's see......**
((MIKA trots over to the camp fire on wobbly legs. Looks around. Finds just the thing - the very last whiskey bottle!))
**Aha! I've seen YOUNG JACK and YOUNG ENNIS drink this stuff lots of times. They love it. It makes them smile. And relax. And sing. And it helped get them into that tent too, I bet. I'll try it! I want it to do all that for me!**
((Manages to remove cap from bottle, lifts bottle in teeth, drinks long and deeply))
This tastes like.......tastes like....... vintage sheep pee! Ack! Ack! I don't beleive it! Humans are weird! How *can* they drink this? How can they like this? Arghh! It's horrible! Humans are crazy! ((Runs off in distress, on the search for clean water and a place to join the tetotaller ranks pronto.
Leaves a dumbfounded CIGAR BUTT behind in the dark. ))