Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2261619 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd, Evening
« Reply #2090 on: September 24, 2007, 11:31:31 pm »

God, what a way to start the day, with one quivering and one throbbing penis  ;D. Like never before it strikes me as a real wonder now, that he did not wreck the truck! You rock, Baby!!!


Thanks, Dagi!  Today is the day, huhn?

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Re: September 23rd, Evening
« Reply #2091 on: September 24, 2007, 11:33:21 pm »
Ah Littlewing, I'd love, love, love to go to the Winchester Mystery House with you!  I've always been a huge fan of ghost stories and horror films, and I remember hearing about that house when I was a boy.  I've been wanting to see it forever.


Okay.  We'll work something out.  I'd love to see the place with you, as well!  :)

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Re: September 23rd, Entering Wyoming
« Reply #2092 on: September 24, 2007, 11:34:20 pm »
Thank you Littlewing, and you reminded me that I didn't even THANK you for giving me the impetus to continue your September 23, Evening story! I felt the excitement of your story, and also laughed thinking that Jack has so much to contend with - the driving, the thoughts in his head, and his physical arousal as well! I AM glad that he is going to 'wait' until he sees Ennis though!  ;) Phew. It might take him even longer to get to Riverton. It's been such a long trip for Jack, hasn't it? LOL. I look forward to a September 24th installment from you!

No, BBM-Cat, thank YOU[/i] for continuing the story.  And what an addition!  Gorgeous writing, my love!

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Re: September 23rd, Welcome to Wyoming
« Reply #2093 on: September 24, 2007, 11:40:00 pm »
September 23rd, Welcome to Wyoming – by garycottle

Ever since he crossed the border Jack had a huge self-satisfied smile all over his face.  In a few short hours he’d finally see Ennis Del Mar.  He’d actually look right at him with his own eyes, rather than merely picture him in his head.  He had built this thing up so much it was hard to believe that his wish was about to come true. 

But then he felt a pang and his smile slide into uncertainty.  Jack tried to ignore the feeling, but then a more fierce pang hit him from deep in his gut.  Then he began to feel a churning, agonizing hurt. 

“Oh shit, I knew that burger was too greasy!” the young man said out loud.

Jack hurriedly pulled the pickup over to the side of the road, jumped out, and ran toward an Aspin tree.  He had just enough time to be thankful that it was now dark, and that the country road was all but deserted.

When he finished his business he plucked leaves from the tree to clean himself.  All the while he pleaded to the Almighty that a rattler wasn’t about to strike him where the sun don’t shine.  But then he remembered that he hoped that Ennis would want to fool around.  That’s what he was really after.  Yeah, that’s what he wanted.  No sense in lying to himself now.  So the leaves just weren't going to cut it.  He had to find a better way. 

He thought he recalled seeing something in the truck that might help, so he stumbled back to his vehicle, not bothering to pull up his pants.  When he got there he rummaged through his duffle until he found his flashlight, and then he started looking around.  He rifled through the glove box, and then he reached his hand way under the passenger side of the seat.  Jack was about to give up, but when he slide his hand over toward the driver’s side his knuckles grazed the item he was looking for.  When he pulled out a box of Bobby’s baby wipes he grinned like a kid in a candy store.

“Thank you, Jesus.”

Jack leaned over the seat and stuck his bum way into the air so he could get one of the wipes in real deep.  I want to be fresh as a daisy back there for my friend, he thought to himself.  He was beginning to enjoy the simulation, and he allowed his mind to drift back to a time when Ennis had free rein over this part of his body.  But it was right at this moment that the deserted country road wasn’t so deserted anymore.  A car came around the bend, and it’s high beams struck the boy right on his upturned, lily-white tail.  It happened so fast that Jack didn’t have time to react.  He just stared into the light like an animal caught in a trap.

The car contained the Reynolds family, and they were on their way back home to Riverton after spending some time at Grandma’s house. 

The little boy in the backseat sat bolt upright and asked with great eagerness, “What’s that man doin’, Mama?”

“Never you mind, son.  Just look away.  That’s what the Lord would want,” she said as confidently as she could.  Then the woman said a little silent prayer.

Mr. Reynolds’ mouth tightened until his lips all but disappeared.  “Probably one of those crazy hippies we been hearin’ about on the TV doin’ somethin’ perverted.”

Mrs. Reynolds said, “Should we stop somewhere and call the law.”  Her voice quivered with uncertainty.

“I should stop and kick that boy’s behind is what I should do,” replied Mr. Reynolds.

 :laugh:  :laugh: Gary, what gives? Seriously, though, I laughed all the way through this.  What an ackward situation Jack found himself in.  And cleaning his rear (inside) with the clean baby wipes.  And the reaction of the family as they caught him red handed!  I almost lost it!  What a playful addition, Gary!  I love it!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd, Evening
« Reply #2094 on: September 24, 2007, 11:41:57 pm »
Ah, I wanna come too!  >:( ... might take me a few hours to get there though  :-\


Come on, SusieBaby!  We'll wait for you!  It is always good to tour a creepy old house with a group!  :)

Offline BBM-Cat

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2095 on: September 24, 2007, 11:54:39 pm »
OT: Does most of this group live in CA ? I live in TX but was born in San Jose
Six-word Stories:  ~Jack: Lightning Flat, lightning love, flat denied   ~Ennis: Open space: flat tire, tire iron?

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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September 24th, Late Afternoon
« Reply #2096 on: September 24, 2007, 11:57:53 pm »
September 24th, Late Afternoon by Littlewing1957

“He won’t show!”  Ennis moaned as he sat on the window seat, just in front of the massive living room window.  He was downing beer after beer in an effort to control his nerves.  It didn’t work.  Time for another beer just to ease the hysteria that Jack changed his mind.  Ennis walked past Alma into the kitchen for another brew.  Whiskey would have worked wonders, but he made a point to keep the hard stuff out of the apartment.

Alma made some remark about taking Jack to the Knife and Fork, which Ennis promptly vetoed.  There was no way he would share Jack Twist with his wife – no fuckin’ way!  Ennis lit another cig and sat down on his couch.  He tried to keep from shaking, and soon his nervousness gave way to despair.  When did Jack say he would arrive?  Jack didn’t say, really.  He laid his head back up against the couch and half heard Alma coaxing their daughter to finish her supper.  One last bite and Alma Jr. ran past him into her room.  And just then, Ennis heard it!  He heard the sound of a truck approaching the parking lot.

Ennis was up almost before he realized it.  He didn’t even see his wife as he dashed past her and pulled the apartment doors open!  Ennis felt a mixture of relief, arousal, and deep affection as he stood on the landing and beheld his friend.  “He looks like a million bucks!”  Ennis thought as he shouted,

“Jack Fuckin’ Twist…..”

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2097 on: September 24, 2007, 11:59:44 pm »
OT: Does most of this group live in CA ? I live in TX but was born in San Jose

BBM-Cat, I live in Oakland (originally from Oklahoma City) while Toycoon is in L.A.  Gary just moved to Merced last month.  You were born in San Jose?  Well then, you know about the Winchester Mystery House, right?

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 23rd, Welcome to Wyoming
« Reply #2098 on: September 25, 2007, 12:01:25 am »
;D  I'm so glad you liked it, Littlewing.  Hey, you're the one that keeps putting food in his mouth, so I thought something had to come out the other end sometime.   :P

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I was just having fun.   :D  Hope nobody minds me injecting a bit of humor.


Hey, you know me and food.  I'll always keep the boys well fed....nurturing, and all that!  :)  Gary, I absolutely loved that you wrote a humorous piece.  Very entertaining!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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September 24th, A Few Minutes Later
« Reply #2099 on: September 25, 2007, 12:14:40 am »
September 24th, A Few Minutes Later by Littlewing1957

Jack looked up toward the landing and felt his face break into a grin.  Ennis Del Mar!  Just look at the man!  As sexy and tasty as ever!  Jack noticed how Ennis dressed up to greet him.  A nice white shirt, newly pressed, and hair neatly trimmed.  Yes, that Ennis Del Mar looks like a million bucks. 

“Son of a bitch!”  Jack murmured as he took the steps 2 and 3 at a time.  Just a few seconds and the lovers crashed into each other chests first, warmly embracing.  Ennis looked around to see if they had some measure of privacy, and inched Jack under the stairs.  Jack was rather shocked at Ennis’ spontaneous motion, but he allowed himself to be led.  And they kissed.  They kissed and tongued wildly at first, then gentled and rubbed.  Ennis looked upon his man and nuzzled him, whispered “later,” as he walked up the steps to his apartment.  Jack followed warily, aware that it was time to meet the wife.

After the introductions, and after the small talk about the kids, Ennis and Jack took their leave of a dazed and conflicted Alma to find a motel…
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 12:29:57 am by littlewing1957 »