Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2253920 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 24th, Later that Night
« Reply #2170 on: September 30, 2007, 06:52:37 pm »
Hot and savory, Littlewing! Makes us all wish we coulda been either Ennis' prime rib or one a Jack's baby back ribs. I like how you remind us of the difference in Jack & Ennis' economic status. That was never an issue or deterrant for our generous Jack. I was glad to see Ennis treated to a rare and nice meal. And of course, to dessert aka, the 'to be continued' festivities...

BBM-Cat, your kind words have made my day!  You know, I love writing about Jack (Most of it AU, of course) being generous toa  fault with Ennis.  I truly believe that Jack would have taken care of Ennis, would have showered him with gifts.  But Jack knew better to even offer financial assistance to the ever proud Ennis Del Mar.  Ah, so sad and so very complicated!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 24th Later Still
« Reply #2171 on: September 30, 2007, 06:54:41 pm »
YOWZA! This story was sweet, sentimental and sexy enough to stop MY heart! I like how you filled in some of the missing dialogue - what Jack meant by "it could be like this always" - very clever. And again, the economic differences emphasized - Jack all dreamy, going a mile-a-minute on their future together, and practical Ennis thinking of survival. Excellent and well-done. Can't wait for the 'to be continued' part, to find out if Jack & Ennis made it to dessert...

Wow, BBM-Cat!  You are just a darling!  I'll start to work on the next installment right away.  I have a feeling it'll be NC-17!  :o


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Re: Daddy
« Reply #2172 on: September 30, 2007, 06:55:31 pm »
Daddy by Susiebell

"Daddy ..... listen!"  it was hard for little Alma Junior to get her daddy's attention, his head always seemed to be up in the clouds somewhere, dreaming of somethin'; must've been somethin' nice, 'cause it always made him smile.

"Daddy ..... DADDY!"  This time her words were loud enough to bring him out of his trance.

"Hunh?  What is it lil' Darlin'?"

"What's a 'Hummersexyal' Daddy?"  She noticed his fists clenching slightly, the dreamy smile suddenly leaving his face.

"Where'd ya hear that word Junior?"

"Just out in front Daddy, I was sittin' on the swing, two fellas walked by and said it, what does it mean daddy?"

"Nothin' ta worry yer pretty lil' head about."

Alma frowned, now where'd his smile go to?  Alma hated it when daddy looked sad.


Susie, I almost overlooked this little gem! Poor Ennis, as if he didn´t feel haunted enough by his inner voices...and poor Alma Jr., too...


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: September 24th Later Still
« Reply #2173 on: September 30, 2007, 06:57:38 pm »
Hey Littlewing, you are so good. I love the filled in dialogue. I haven't had a chance to add anything new lately. I'm crazy busy at work and I'm getting ready to go on vacation but I still manage to check out BetterMost every day. Why can't we stop thinking about this movie?

Thanks, Babe!  You're going on vacation?  Awww, it is so good to live vicariously through you.  If you don't mind, where are you going? 

I know how busy you must be at work.  Same here.  I'm just glad you're still around, and that you're still thinking about our boys.  I can't seem to get them out of my mind, and writing about them is very soothing for me.  Uh oh, I see you've posted a story...


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Re: September 24th Later Still
« Reply #2174 on: September 30, 2007, 06:58:37 pm »
Wow, BBM-Cat!  You are just a darling!  I'll start to work on the next installment right away.  I have a feeling it'll be NC-17! :o

Oh my poor heart....but maybe Gary might dare post then also this little birthday present he got... ;D


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Re: Proof
« Reply #2175 on: September 30, 2007, 06:58:59 pm »
Proof by Toycoon

Old Rose Whiskey 40% Proof Jack was pretty sure of that; he'd drank half of the bottle on the night stand.

This was like so many daydreams he'd had since that summer on Brokeback Mountain; he was drunk, excited and searching for release from the spell he was under.

Jack propped himself on one elbow and examined the sleeping man lying next to him; he slowly peeled back the dingy bed sheet past the man's heaving chest, his belly, then his groin. Ennis, beautiful Ennis!

Beautiful, Toycoon, honey!  Deceptively simple, but to the point!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Daddy
« Reply #2176 on: September 30, 2007, 07:02:07 pm »
Daddy by Susiebell

"Daddy ..... listen!"  it was hard for little Alma Junior to get her daddy's attention, his head always seemed to be up in the clouds somewhere, dreaming of somethin'; must've been somethin' nice, 'cause it always made him smile.

"Daddy ..... DADDY!"  This time her words were loud enough to bring him out of his trance.

"Hunh?  What is it lil' Darlin'?"

"What's a 'Hummersexyal' Daddy?"  She noticed his fists clenching slightly, the dreamy smile suddenly leaving his face.

"Where'd ya hear that word Junior?"

"Just out in front Daddy, I was sittin' on the swing, two fellas walked by and said it, what does it mean daddy?"

"Nothin' ta worry yer pretty lil' head about."

Alma frowned, now where'd his smile go to?  Alma hated it when daddy looked sad.


SusieBabe, this is a very powerful story!  I love the thought of Alma Jr. asking her dad questions about love and life.  Well, about words she doesn't know the meanings of, anyway  :laugh:  And hummersexyal?  Very clever, my love!

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Re: September 24th Later Still
« Reply #2177 on: September 30, 2007, 07:05:04 pm »
I so hope that the conituation is going to be a AU story...because if not... :'(

You write beautifully, even the sad scenes are still full of beauty when you write them. I loved Jack baring his sould, saying he´d leave everything for

Ennis...God, how you turture us, Marie!


Thanks, Dagi.  I'm really getting into the September thing, even though October is just a day away.  I don't know what direction to take with the next installment.  I may even post an unrelated story while I figure things out.  Thanks for your kind words!

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Re: September 24th, Later that Night
« Reply #2178 on: September 30, 2007, 07:05:35 pm »

Difficult choice....but I think I´d prefer to be a baby back rib.  ;D

Same here, Dagi!  :-*

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Re: Birthday in Yosemite
« Reply #2179 on: September 30, 2007, 07:16:31 pm »
Hi everybody!  I got back yesterday afternoon, and the first thing I did was march off to Wal-Mart to get my pictures developed.  (I’m still using my grandfather’s old Olympus 35mm auto focus and flash.   :laugh:  Maybe somebody will one day take pity on me and give me a digital camera, and show me how to use it.)  But when I got back I came straight to the site and read my PM’s and scrolled through the pages that I’ve missed.  Thank you guys so much for the well wishes and the Happy Birthdays.  You’re so sweet.  I’ll respond to the messages individually, and I’ll be reading the new stories and commenting on them starting later today.

Gary, welcome back, my friend!  :-*  I am so glad to hear you had a nice trip, and I enjoyed reading all about your adventures.  Yes, Yosemite is amazing, and I've got to make plans to go.  As I said before, I've only visited once when I was a teen.  When I do come up, we can go tegether.  I would like that very much.  I've missed you here, Love.  I'm so glad you're back!