Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2255248 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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The Meal
« Reply #3540 on: January 25, 2009, 10:30:50 pm »
Ennis took the first bite of cheese, and reached back while Jack took a tiny slice.  And so it went: Ennis nibbled a little bit and jack followed.  Ennis enjoyed these sensuous meals!  Dining from the same plate seemed beyond sexy.  Ennis thought back to that time up on the mountain when the “tradition” began:

Jack prepared supper as usual that night, but he couldn’t locate the extra plate.  He saw no other solution but to share the one plate that he could find with his friend.  Oh, he could have eaten his fill before Ennis rode into camp, but Jack wasn’t hungry, and besides, he had to wonder what it would be like to share a plate with Ennis.  When Del Mar sat down on a log and waited to be fed, he looked up at Jack, dumbfounded when he was made to understand the situation.  How like Ennis to go with the flow.  He learned to bide his time while Jack took his turn at the meal.  Ennis found that he rather enjoyed it; he even fed Jack a few fingers full of beans.

Ennis smiled and stuffed a piece of bread into Jack’s mouth.  He watched, a sexy twinkle in his eye, as Jack chewed, his eyes closed.  Jack cut the T-bone into manageable chunks.  Ennis laughed as they both grabbed for the same piece of meat.  “Hold on, baby,” Jack laughed, as he picked up a juicy cut of meat.  “There is plenty more where this came from! Here, let me give you some!”  Ennis opened his mouth wide to receive the chuck of steak.  He savored the treat and asked for a bit more.  Jack was only happy to oblige.

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« Reply #3541 on: January 31, 2009, 12:05:49 am »
Jack was leaning back on the edge of the couch, watching as Ennis peeled a batch of potatoes.  He was amused at the look of determination on his lover’s face as he placed the knife just so against the skin of the spud.  Jack brightened as Ennis looked up from his chore and treated him to a lazy wink.  Jack lived for these tender moments.

Once the potatoes were peeled and sliced into steak fries, Jack stood and pulled Ennis to his feet.  “Just watching you work there really made me hot, Friend,” Jack muttered, smoothly.  “Why don’t we forget about dinner for awhile and retire to the bathroom.”  “The bathroom?” Ennis exclaimed, not sure he had heard.   Jack smiled that smile of his.  “Yeah.  I want to wash your hair!”  Ennis knew it was futile to second guess his lover, or even examine his motives.  He knew one thing though: if Jack thought washing his hair was worthwhile, he couldn’t argue.  Knowing Jack, he was in for a good time.

Jack removed Ennis’ clothes, slowly, languidly.  He reached into the medicine cabinet and removed a high-end sounding shampoo from the shelf and motioned Ennis to follow him into the shower.  Ennis was puzzled.  He figured that Jack would seat him on one of the chairs, or lower his head into the sink, but the shower?  Ennis shrugged and followed Jack in.  Jack poured a dime’s size of shampoo on Ennis’ head and pushed him gently under the stream of hot water.  He lathered the liquid into froth and massaged it into Ennis’ hair.  Jack had a very strong hand, and he was very thorough in cleaning Ennis’ hair.  But Ennis expected more, much more.  When Jack alighted from the shower and fetched a towel, Ennis remained there and looked at Jack, his head cocked to the side.  When Jack noticed that Ennis didn’t follow him out, he peeped in through the steam.  “What are you waiting for, Friend?” Jack asked, perplexed.  “Your hair is nice and clean now.”  Ennis rubbed at the fogged up glass and stared at his man.  “That’s it?  I expected a bit more from you, Rodeo!”  Jack didn’t miss a beat.  “Why?  Your hair smelled mighty rank there, Ennis.  You needed help my friend,” Jack exclaimed, innocently.  He had a second to react, as Ennis was out of the shower in a shot and chased him out of the bathroom into the master bedroom.  “I needed help, eh?” Ennis screamed as he tacked Jack and knocked him down onto Don Wroe’s king sized bed.  “You’re gonna need help after I’m through with you!”  Jack had no choice but to surrender.  He laughed and spread his arms wide enough to enfold his lover in a tender embrace.

Offline Dobie1018

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3542 on: January 31, 2009, 08:50:15 pm »
Ahhhhhh. . . . wonderful Littlewing!  I am really enjoying reading your stories!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3543 on: January 31, 2009, 09:18:37 pm »
Ahhhhhh. . . . wonderful Littlewing!  I am really enjoying reading your stories!

Thanks so much, Dobie.  How kind of you to read and comment.  I didn't think anyone read my stories anymore.  It is good to know that someone is enjoying them.  Thanks, again!  :)

Offline Dobie1018

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3544 on: January 31, 2009, 09:23:14 pm »
Oh you're welcome Littlewing.  I love fan fiction, especially when it's written about the boys and their romantic encounters!  Keep it up - you are really talented!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3545 on: January 31, 2009, 09:40:35 pm »
Oh you're welcome Littlewing.  I love fan fiction, especially when it's written about the boys and their romantic encounters!  Keep it up - you are really talented!

Thanks  Love!  :)  It seems like I can't stop.  I have a million romantic stories to tell about our beloved boys.  I'm just getting started!

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3546 on: February 01, 2009, 01:05:30 pm »
Thanks  Love!  :)  It seems like I can't stop.  I have a million romantic stories to tell about our beloved boys.  I'm just getting started!

It's true, Littlewing. You are queen of romantic, sexy Brokeback fanfic. Viva Littlewing!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3547 on: February 01, 2009, 08:12:50 pm »
It's true, Littlewing. You are queen of romantic, sexy Brokeback fanfic. Viva Littlewing!

Why, thanks, Baby!  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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What's New? (1)
« Reply #3548 on: February 09, 2009, 11:28:49 pm »
“So what’s new, Friend?” Jack asked, truly interested.  He and Ennis were on horseback, and Jack had to shout over the gentle roar of the stream as the horses trudged along, unafraid of the rushing water.  Ennis was silent, thoughtful.  He was able to hear Jack just fine, but he didn’t have much news to report.  “Oh not much, Rodeo,” Ennis spoke, finally.  I’m just working hard to provide for the family.  What’s new with you?”  Jack didn’t answer, but shook his head in the negative.  Ennis knew what Jack meant.  No news, good, bad or otherwise.

When the horses carried the men to the other side of the stream, Ennis was the first to dismount, and he helped Jack’s mare get her footing onto the bank.  Ennis held a hand out for Jack, and he dismounted, easy as pie.  “You’re getting real good at riding, Jack,” Ennis observed.  Jack beamed, but he reserved comment.  He didn’t dare tell his lover about the weekend’s horseback riding and camping out in the woods with a Mr. Randall Malone.  Jack valued his life.

Lunch was a few salami sandwiches and chips eaten on a disused picnic table at an abandoned campsite.  Jack swiped at the flies and ants that were attracted to their food.  Ennis didn’t notice the tiny vermin and ate heartily.  He thought back to the father/daughter service at church just a few weeks ago and realized that he did have news.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 11:27:58 pm by Littlewing »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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What's New? (2)
« Reply #3549 on: February 09, 2009, 11:32:56 pm »
“Jack, I do have something new to tell you about, but I don’t know how interested you’ll be.”  Jack took a bite of his sandwich and nodded.  “Well, why don’t you tell me your news and we’ll see.  If something out of the ordinary happened, I want to know about it.”  “Okay, Darlin,” Ennis began. 

“I was eating dinner one night when there came a knock at the door,” Ennis spoke, between bites.  “Alma opened up and in walked 3 men that walked right past my wife and kids and approached me at my table.”  Jack was intrigued.  “Well go on, Friend,” Jack coaxed, his sandwich all but forgotten.  “What happened after that?”  “The tall man, a man I recognized, asked me to come outside with them so we could talk.”  Jack didn’t say a word, but was transfixed.  “They asked me to join them,” Ennis blurted out, his mouth full.”  “What did you say?” Jack whispered.  “Talk to me when you’ve chewed your food.  I can’t understand what you.”  But Jack had heard every word, and wanted, need clarification.  Three men asked him to join them?  Join them for what?

Ennis swallowed his mouthful and continued: “Jack, they were men from the church.  They heard me singing and wanted to get together a men’s group to sing every Sunday, and perhaps travel to other churches to sing.”  Jack let out an audible sigh.  Nothing wrong with what Ennis said, but he had to admit that if Ennis was asked to participate in a little something something with other men, well, it would absolve Jack of a boat load of guilt.  But Jack should have known better.  There was no other man but him for Ennis.  Jack knew it, and Ennis knew it.  Jack was glad of it.  “You must have been really good, Friend,” Jack remarked, a lilt in his voice.  What did you say to them?”  “I told them I would think about it,” Ennis answered.  Jack nodded and smiled at his friend.  “Maybe you can sing for me when we get back to camp?”  “Mebbe,” Ennis said.  “C’mon, let’s get back to camp, and perhaps later on tonight I’ll sing you a song.”