Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2268278 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Drunk, Love!
« Reply #3620 on: August 14, 2009, 01:15:17 am »
Jack was never falling down, sloppy drunk up on the Mountain, but he could put away the whiskey with the best of them.  Ennis spent many a night passing the bottle with his friend, and Jack always managed to drink him under the table.  That Jack Twist knew how to hold his liquor even when he tossed back an entire bottle.  Ennis was glad that Jack wasn’t a mean drunk.  As it happened, Jack Twist was a giddy, affectionate drunk.

Ennis loved it when Jack had a few in him.  He loved the sound of Jack’s shenanigans when he put back one too many.  It was a delight to see Jack dancing around the fire singing and shaking his rear.  Ennis couldn’t believe that Aguirre actually allowed the Basque to bring them whiskey all the way up there.  Weren’t they too young to drink?  Well, Aguirre was never the one to follow the rules; he was famous for picking the rules he wanted to obey.  It seems Aguirre understood the need for a lot of whiskey up there on the mountain.

Jack was still dancing!  Ennis couldn’t fathom a happy drunk!  His father had been a mean drunk, and his entire clan knew when to beat it when his dad had been drinking.  But Jack was just the opposite.  And when the sun had set and Ennis needed to go back up to the sheep, Jack’s goodbye kisses were heavy and fragrant with drink.  He gently wrestled Ennis to the ground, lay prone across him and kissed every inch of Ennis that wasn’t clothed.  Why, Ennis thought Jack might lick the wax out of his ears!  “You’re too good to me, Rodeo,” Ennis whispered, huskily as he pushed a drunken Jack Twist up off of him.  Jack was silent as he enveloped Ennis’ lips once more and exhaled a whiskey fog before he let him go.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3621 on: August 22, 2009, 12:09:39 am »
Bluebelle made such a racket at the entrance to the tent that Jack had to stifle a chuckle.  He laughed out loud when the little dog howled and bayed like a wolf.  “Let her in, Jack,” Ennis said as he pulled his mouth away from Jack’s kisser.  “I came up here to see you, but Bluebelle is welcome in here anytime, as far as I’m concerned.”  Jack didn’t like the idea of Bluebelle lying around the tent.  She was much more useful out by the sheep, keeping a watch out for predators.  Besides, she had fleas, and already infested the tent with the tiny buggers.  Jack looked at his friend.  “You really want her in here, Ennis?” Ennis smiled and nodded.  “Yeah, let her in fer just a minute."

Bluebelle scampered into the close space of the tent the moment Jack moved the flap aside.  She headed straight for Ennis and jumped right onto his lap.  Ennis cooed and spoke soft words to the dog as he petted and rubbed her spotted coat.  Jack glared at the fleas that formed a tiny cluster on his ankle.  “I don’t know how much longer I can deal with these pests,” Jack muttered as he slapped at the tiny insects.  “I’m being eaten alive here!" Ennis was sympathetic to Jack's plight, of course.  He didn't know why he was never bothered with the fleas.  Jack was right: he was always tormented by the small, small vermin.  Mebbe his blood is sweeter than mine, Del Mar reasoned.  Ennis parted the hair on Bluebelle’s back and flinched when he saw the fleas there.  “I know you’re both miserable, Rodeo,” Ennis remarked.  “I’ll have Emile bring up some flea powder when I go down to the bridge in a few days."  “Thanks, friend,” Jack whispered.  “I have this flea bath that was left over from last year, but not enough here to do much good."  Ennis considered what his friend just said.  “Why don’t you put a bit on her anyway, Jack,” Ennis began.  “It can’t hurt and just might help.”

Ennis watched as Jack poured the contents of the bottle onto Bluebelle’s back.  The dog didn’t protest; she sat very still, as Ennis was scratching her behind the ears.  Jack massaged the liquid into her coat and smiled when he noticed Bluebelle’s closed eyes.  She seemed to be enjoying the attention.  Ennis watched as Jack rubbed Bluebelle’s coat.  When he was all done, Jack opened the tent flap and shooed her outside.  Bluebelle exited the tent without a fuss.  “Looks like I had better get back down to camp,” Ennis said as he reached for his beige coat.  “I’m fixing beans again tonight.”  Jack nodded and reached for his friend’s belt.  “You want me to love you a bit before you leave?” he asked, huskily.  Ennis couldn’t hide his lust, but he had a job to do.  “When you ride down for supper maybe I’ll take you up on it.  But for now, I gotta go.”  Jack nodded and followed Ennis out of the tent.  Bluebelle was waiting there, her tail wagging.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Poor Uncle Harold, Poor Jack!
« Reply #3622 on: August 27, 2009, 12:42:35 am »
Ennis rode up just after Aguirre bounded off and dismounted, pulling a wounded lamb with him.  Ennis glanced at Aguirre's back, and watched his departure.  Jack walked up to his friend and helped him place the lamb onto the cold ground.  "What did the boss want?" Ennis asked, in passing.  Jack was seated on the ground next to the lamb.  He ministered to the gentle creature as Ennis stood before him.  "He had bad news for me," Jack explained, gently.  "He says that my uncle Harold is in the hospital and he might not make it."  Ennis moved closer to his lover and ran a cold hand along his shoulder.  "I'm sorry about that Rodeo," Ennis whispered.  "But your uncle just might pull through.  You gotta have faith."  Jack felt heartened at Ennis' words.  He rubbed the tender hand on his shoulder.

That night after supper Jack was quiet, reserved, and his aloofness worried Ennis.  Ennis, never a talker, tried his best to bring Jack out of his gloomy mood.  He told a few jokes, wove a few tall tales about deer he shot while on a hunting trip with his father, even made up several lies about riding a bronc.  Jack listened, but he didn't really seem to hear.  Ennis was doubly spooked when he saw a single tear stream down Jack's handsome face.  Ennis moved to where Jack was sitting in a flash.  He folded Jack in his arms and held him, gentled him.  Jack snuggled back, held on.  Ennis knew he was doing the right thing.

Later still, Jack prepared the camp for the night's sleep.  He moved in the light of the fire: he was a slim, beautiful vision in a cowboy hat.  He was also moving slower than usual.  Ennis gathered his things and made ready to return to the sheep, but he hesitated as he was concerned about his friend.  "You gonna be okay, Jack?" Ennis whispered as he pulled Jack close.  "You want me to stay?"  Jack kissed Ennis' neck and left a wet spot on his collar.  "No, you go on ahead.  I'll be okay."  Ennis nodded and released his lover.  "Ennis?"  It was Jack, coy, tentative. "Look, friend, I'm sorry for how I behaved tonight." Jack pulled a hand across his wet eyes.  "I guess the news about Uncle Harold hit me harder than I thought it would.  He was my favorite, Ennis.  That man helped raise me, and never said a harsh word to me."  Ennis had Jack back in his arms by then.  "I don't know what I'm gonna do if he dies."  Ennis didn't have to say anything.  He released Jack only to replace his gear and remove his jacket.  He pulled Jack toward the tent.  Jack didn't protest, but followed Ennis in and closed the both of them off from the world.

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3623 on: August 27, 2009, 08:15:24 am »
Awww!  That was so sweet  :'(

A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3624 on: August 27, 2009, 11:47:20 am »
Awww!  That was so sweet  :'(


Thanks, Love!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Poor Uncle Harold, Poor Jack! (2)
« Reply #3625 on: September 16, 2009, 11:52:55 pm »
Jack was unable to sleep that night.  Aguirre's news about Uncle Harold's imminent demise really spooked him.  Jack was grateful for a friend like Ennis.  Del Mar sat with him and listened patiently and attentively to all of his fond stories about Harold.  Just last night Jack found himself cuddled safely in Ennis' arms as he told the story of Uncle Harold and his truck:

"He loved that truck, Friend," Jack spoke, enthusiasm animating his voice.  "My ma used to drive me over to Harold's spread when she and pa needed some alone time."  Jack and Ennis both chuckled at that.  "Ma and Pa thought I didn't know what was going on when they wanted to get rid of me for the weekend, but I was a smart boy!"  Ennis pulled Jack closer and nuzzled his cheek. "I knew they needed some together time, and I think ma knew that I knew!" Ennis smiled and was silent. "But I'm gettin' kinda off track here."  Ennis nodded and Jack continued,"  Uncle Harold was a bachelor then and he welcomed my company cause he was all alone on his ranch.  The first thing we did when I reached his place?  We watched a bit of TV and then we walked out back to take a look at his truck."  "What did you guys do to the truck?" Ennis asked, interested.  "Well," Jack began, but before he could continue, one of the horses kicked up a ruckus.

Ennis returned to the tent after chasing away a small deer.  He had to soothe the mare by rubbing her flanks - the poor filly was trembling.  "Just a deer that startled her, was all," Ennis announced.  Jack didn't care about that; he knew Ennis had everything under control.  Ennis resumed his position and Jack settled back to continued his story: "we was gonna rebuild her," Jack commenced, "Fix 'er up from top to bottom.  I loved it, Friend.  I spent all my summer weekends for 2 years fixing up that truck with Uncle Harold."  "And you guys got it to working!" Ennis stated.  "Sure did!"  Jack answered, proudly. "What happened to the truck, Jack?  Uncle Harold still driving it?"  Jack's eyes misted over then.  "What I didn't know was that the truck was for me.  You saw me drive up to Aguirre's trailer in it!" 


Offline LauraGigs

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3626 on: September 17, 2009, 12:48:55 am »
^ Hmm.  That kinda clashes with Annie Proulx's description of the "cunt truck" (as I'm sure Jack wouldn't have referred to it that way if it were Harold's).  But I like your version of the story better!!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3627 on: September 17, 2009, 12:56:33 am »
^ Hmm.  That kinda clashes with Annie Proulx's description of the "cunt truck" (as I'm sure Jack wouldn't have referred to it that way if it were Harold's).  But I like your version of the story better!!

 :laugh:  Thanks, Laura! 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Poor Uncle Harold, Poor Jack! (3)
« Reply #3628 on: September 20, 2009, 12:25:52 am »
"When did you learn to drive?" Ennis asked Jack after learning that he received a gift of a truck for his 16th birthday.  Jack shrugged.  "Uncle Harold used to take me out driving while he made the rounds of his spread.  When I was real little he used to drive me around while I sat on his lap.  I would grab onto the steering wheel and pretended to steer."  Ennis smiled at the image of a baby Jack Twist sitting on his uncle's lap, grinning, twisting the wheel back and forth.  The very thought of Jack being nurtured and indulged brought into sharp relief the near neglect he endured during his own difficult early childhood.  But Ennis was genuinely happy that at least Jack experienced a bit of joy when he was very young.  And Uncle Harold played a major role in raising Jack Twist: an exceptional young man.  Ennis understood why Jack was so upset that his beloved Uncle Harold was sick unto death.

"I got my license after I turned 17," Jack continued. "My pa took me out driving our truck for real when I was about 14.  Ma didn't want me to drive...thought I would end up somewhere dead on the side of the road, I'm so clumsy!"  Ennis laughed at that.  "But she realized it was important that I learn to drive, cause I could go into town to the store when she needed something." "Sure enough," Ennis interjected.  Jack looked at his friend.  That Ennis was such a good listener that Jack was feeling a bit guilty about going on and on about himself.  "What about you, Ennis," Jack asked as he grabbed Ennis' hand in his.  "When did you learn to drive?"

"Well, I don't have a formal license, but I plan to get one before Alma and me get married."  Jack had a habit of shrinking whenever he heard Alma's name, but he learned to hide it.  He wanted Ennis to keep talking.  "But you can drive, right?  How did you learn?"  Ennis was warming to the subject.  "Oh, I just sorta picked it up," Ennis explained.  My brother taught me most of what I know, and I learned a bit from my old boss up at the ranch I worked at.  My sis never learned how to drive, but KE was always a good driver.  My dad was never very good at driving, and one day...."  Jack knew what made his friend pause and he wanted to change the  No need in resurrecting painful memories.  Jack squeezed his lover's hand.  "Do you want to know when I first got that old truck?"  Ennis brightened all at once.  "Yeah, Rodeo.  Tell me!"


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sleepy Time
« Reply #3629 on: September 24, 2009, 10:12:48 pm »
Jack was certain that he would get some sleep if he turned in early, but falling into bed alone at 9p.m. didn't help matters.  By midnight poor Jack was wide awake and suffering!  He hadn't slept more than a few hours since he came back from the last trip to the mountains with Ennis.  That fool Ennis found out that he had been to Mexico and all hell broke loose.  Ennis even threatened to kill Jack, and even after they sort of reconciled, Jack wasn't sure if he would ever see Ennis again.  The thought of being without his lover was unbearable!  The longing for his friend, the loneliness and the uncertainly!  Jack would go mad if he couldn't rest, if he couldn't find some measure of peace.

Lureen barely noticed her husband's torment, but little Bobby learned of his father's misery.  One sleepless night Jack became aware of the rattling of pots and pans from the kitchen.  Lureen was snoring beside him, so what the heck?  Bobby was up and making ready to cook?  Jack had to check it out before the boy turned on the stove and burned the house down.  Jack found Bobby looking through the drawer where Lureen kept the small saucepans.  "Bobby, its late," Jack said.  Bobby looked up at his dad, a sheepish expression on his fresh face. "What are you doing out here in the kitchen at this hour," Jack asked his son.  "Dad, I couldn't sleep," Bobby whispered.  "Ma makes me a nice cup of tea whenever I can't sleep and it helps."  Jack waited and allowed the boy to continue. "Can I make myself a cup of sleep tea, dad?"

Jack smiled at his boy.  Sleep tea, eh?  Jack gently pulled a small saucepan from Bobby's hand and placed it back in the cabinet.  "If we're going to have a cup of tea, we should do it right," Jack explained as he fetched the tea kettle.  Bobby reached down into a cupboard and pulled out the tea.  Jack took the package and read, "Sleepytime herbal tea!"  Well, we'll see if this stuff works, Jack exclaimed.  Bobby nodded and fetched 2 tea cups.  Jack snatched the kettle from the burner right before it whistled.  It wouldn't do to wake Lureen.  Jack poured the scalding water into the cups and added a packet of sugar to each.  He and Bobby carried their cups to the kitchen table and sat.  They drank and caught up.  When Jack felt his eyelids grow heavy, he thanked God for his son.  Bobby was showing signs of sleepiness, as well.  Jack took his boy by the hand and led him to his bedroom.  Little Bobby was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow.  Snuggled inside his own bed, Jack was delighted that he would finally be able to sleep, and if he was lucky, encounter Ennis Del Mar in his dreams.