Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2257812 times)

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3640 on: December 18, 2009, 01:16:51 pm »
Yeah! *pumps fist*

That was awesome!

Thank you so much for these beautiful treasures you leave here for us!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season  :-*
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3641 on: December 18, 2009, 02:29:51 pm »
Yeah! *pumps fist*

That was awesome!

Thank you so much for these beautiful treasures you leave here for us!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season  :-*

You are so very sweet!  :-*  I haven't been feeling well, and that is the only reason I haven't written as many stories lately.  But I'm getting back into the groove.  Gwyllion, you're very kind.  :)  Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Hope you're having a very nice holiday season.  I wish you all the best during this joyous time of year and all year!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Christmas in July
« Reply #3642 on: December 21, 2009, 11:29:35 pm »
Jack realized that it was summertime and that Christmas was months away, but he enjoyed his talks with Ennis Del Mar and wanted to know more about him.  Jack placed a hand on Ennis’ thigh and asked, “What kind of Christmas did you guys have at your house?”  Ennis didn’t really like the question, and wondered why Jack would ask something so insensitive.  And why would he think about Christmas when it was summer?  Ennis glanced over at his friend, looking so sincere and expectant that he decided to answer him.  

“You know we didn’t have a lot of money, Rodeo,” Ennis began.  Jack nodded.  “I understand,” Jack whispered, “But we don’t really need a lot of money to enjoy the holiday, do we?”  Ennis thought that over.  He had to smile at Jack’s honest innocence.  He pulled his lover close.  “No, I suppose we don’t need a lot of cash to have a good time at Christmas,” Ennis observed.  He rubbed a few fingers across Jack’s jaw line.  “As long as we’re with good company, as long as we can be with those we love, then that is all that matters.”  Jack snuggled close.  “That is all I mean,” Jack purred.

“So many good things to eat, a lot of presents, visits from relatives, drives around the neighborhood to look at all the lights.  That sound good?”  It was Jack.  He was very animated when he asked the question.  Ennis liked the sound of it, but couldn’t relate.  He never had any Christmas like the one Jack described.  “All that sounds good to me, Rodeo, but we didn’t have Christmases like you did.  Couldn’t afford it!”  Jack looked at Ennis.  “Who had a Christmas like that,” He asked, incredulous.  Ennis was puzzled.  “But I just thought….”  “Friend, Jack began, “I’m describing the kind of Christmas that I would know..some time in the future.  We couldn’t afford the perfect Christmas when I was coming up.  But someday…”  Ennis silenced his friend with a kiss on the lips.  He didn’t know about someday, but for now, Ennis was more than content with Christmas talk: a sort of Christmas in July.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 09:44:19 pm by BoobieWaffleTush »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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To Ennis Del Mar and Family
« Reply #3643 on: December 28, 2009, 09:41:30 pm »
Alma Del Mar saw the envelope that was wedged between the phone bill and a notice from the landlord.  Alma’s heart began to beat much faster as she separated what looked like a Christmas card from the rest of the mail.  She turned the envelope over in her fingers and recognized the handwriting almost immediately!  The card was addressed to Ennis Del Mar and family.   It was most certainly written by Jack Twist.

Alma walked over to the kitchen table with the card and sat herself down.  She poured herself another cup of weak coffee and pulled a smoke from her bra.  Alma looked around at her tiny apartment and smiled.  She and Ennis tried their best to decorate the place for the girls, and the family was getting on well.  Alma placed the card down on the table and grimaced when she saw Jack’s chicken scratch.  Life was good, the Holidays were very pleasant, and now Jack had to go and insinuate himself into their lives once again.  Alma blew out a puff of smoke and felt guilty.  Jack had every right to wish his friend a happy holiday season, right?  Alma glanced at the envelope again.  It did say, “To Ennis Del Mar and Family.”

Alma decided to open the card.  After all, she’s family, and as such, free to open a letter addressed to Ennis and family.  Sure, her husband would throw a fit when he saw that the envelope was opened, but Alma didn’t care.  She used a fingernail to ease the back flap of the envelope open.  The card was a festive affair with a lovely scene of a church house out in the forest somewhere, and the entire edifice was covered with snow.  A giant Douglas Fir was rooted next to the church and was elaborately decorated.  Alma had to admit that the card was very fancy.  She opened it and read past the generic greeting.  That Jack Twist added a message of his own, and it was at least a paragraph long.  Alma couldn’t bring herself to read Jack’s message to her husband…she just couldn’t.  Once the card was back in the envelope, Alma placed it on top of the other mail for Ennis to look over when he returned home from work.  

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Mrs. Sweeney's Boarding House
« Reply #3644 on: December 31, 2009, 01:18:30 am »
Jack walked to his room and placed his gloves on the bed.  He was renting a room in Mrs. Sweeney’s rooming house.  His room rented for $10.00 a week, and with his meager winnings from rodeo competitions, and pay from odd jobs, Jack was just able to afford his room and the meals that Mrs. Sweeney provided for $3.00 more a week.  He was about ready to move on.  It was no reflection on Billie Sweeney and her modest house, but Jack was itching to participate in every rodeo riding competition in the fine State of Texas.  He sat on the bed and rubbed his elbow.  He was hungry, he was tired, and, yes, he missed Ennis Del Mar.

Jack couldn’t chase the memory of Ennis walking down the road behind him as they left Brokeback Mountain after the job was cut short.  Jack will never forget the look on Ennis’ face; was certain that his handsome mug looked a little sick, a bit green.  He fought every urge to turn his truck around and go back for his friend, but he wasn’t at all sure that Ennis would welcome him.  They did not leave on the best of terms.  Oh, they weren’t angry, but their parting was awkward to say the last.  Jack put the sad image of Ennis disappearing out of his life to rest as pulled off his dirty jeans and put on his only other pair of clean stiff wash jeans.  Mrs. Sweeney served dinner at 7:00p.m. sharp, and she didn’t abide people sitting at her table wearing dirty clothes.  Billie Sweeney was a simple woman, but she was well bred.  When she was a girl her father insisted that the family dressed for dinner.  She couldn’t require her boarders, who were, for the most part, simple working people to wear fancy suits and dresses to her dinner table.  But the people she served could at least be neat and clean.  Jack smoothed his hair and headed downstairs to the dining room for supper.  He fought back tears as he wondered where Ennis would eat supper that night.  Jack saw visions of Alma serving Ennis his supper.  He shook the pictures out of his mind.  The thought of Ennis with a wife was more than he could bear.

Mrs. Sweeney was just placing the last of the platters on the table when Jack sat down.  He was the 3rd and last boarder to arrive.  To his right sat Mr. Charles Simmons, a roughneck, and seated next to Mr. Simmons was Pearl Whittle, a librarian.  Simon McBride sat on the right of Billie Sweeney.  No one spoke as Mrs. Sweeney said grace.  Jack looked at his hostess and waited for her nod.  He reached for the mashed potatoes and loaded his plate.  Mrs. Sweeney encouraged her guests to eat their fill, and smiled as Jack, Charles and Simon enjoyed fried pork chops, apple sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans and bread.  Pearl ate only green beans and a bit of the mashed potatoes.  The conversation at the table was light.  The boarders took turns talking about their adventures at work and elsewhere.  Jack spoke about the odd jobs he did around the ranches in the area, and Pearl went on about a new assistant librarian that was hired just that morning.  Charles was silent.  Jack never looked his way, but Charlie stole glances at Jack.  Charlie Simmons was a big, silent, affable man who had hazel eyes and dirty blond hair.  He was very buff and very handsome.  Jack couldn’t look at him.  He didn't have to just then.  Charlie would visit him later that night when the house grew dark and silent.  Their "affair" was going on for weeks now.  Charlie would knock, and Jack would open the door and allow him to enter.  Charlie would disrobe in silence while Jack placed lube on the bed.  The coupling was mechanical.  Both knew that there would be no strings attached, no feelings to get in the way.  Recreation, it was.  Jack felt free to call Ennis’ name when his release was near.  Charlie didn’t care.  He was happy to be Ennis. As long as his needs were met, he could be anyone Jack wanted him to be.

Offline gwyllion

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3645 on: December 31, 2009, 11:08:36 am »
 :'( :'( :'(


Happy New Year!
A companion where none had been expected...

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3646 on: December 31, 2009, 09:43:19 pm »
Happy New Year, Sweets!  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3647 on: January 10, 2010, 04:46:11 pm »
Jack walked onto the raised platform with a coy smile on his handsome face.  A lovely young woman in a cheap evening gown approached him carrying a small loving cup and a large check.  Jack won the Texas State Rodeo championship and he couldn't be happier or more pleased with himself.  He accepted the check and the trophy from the beautiful lady, and allowed her to kiss his ruddy cheek. 

Jack stepped up to the microphone to make his victory speech to spectators, judges and fellow contestants.  He was terrified of public speaking, but managed to thank his parents, his wife and son and all of his "fans" who stood by him and cheered him on.  After his brief talk, Jack was led off the stage by the pretty woman who handed him the trophy and the check for $5.000.

Lureen met Jack at the bar after the ceremony and she kissed him full on the mouth.  Jack woke up just then and realized that his wife was actually kissing him.  He shrugged her off and when he got his bearings, was annoyed that Lureen woke him from a dream; the only time he would ever win a State Rodeo tournament.  Jack looked at Lureen lying there, stricken.  It was obvious that she wanted a bit of loving, but Jack wouldn't oblige her.  He turned away and tried to head back to sleep.  Perhaps he could actually pick up the dream where it left off.  He would re-enter a fantasy where he was $5.000 richer.  He could put that money away for a time when Ennis agreed to that sweet life: a life that might only be realized in his dreams.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Along for the Ride
« Reply #3648 on: January 13, 2010, 02:55:48 am »
It started calm and smooth, almost mindlessly, instinctively.  Jack raised his hands high over his head, Ennis did the same.  Ennis touched Jack's slightly damp fingertips, rubbed ever so lightly.  Jack held his lover's gaze; Ennis couldn't look away from those blue eyes, his heart began to race!

Jack's fingers moved slowly downward until he reached his lover's firm and toned arms.  Ennis, his arms still raised, shivered as Jack caressed.  Ennis lowered his arms to respond better to Jack's fevered touch.  It was Ennis' turn to touch, to love.

It was a slow, sweet dance.  Jack pulled Ennis close and held on tight as he rocked back and forth.  Ennis was happy to go along for the ride.  It was a welcome pleasure, especially after a day filled with the monotomy of tending sheep.  Jack could have held his lover for hours, but Ennis had other ideas.

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After the Rain
« Reply #3649 on: January 30, 2010, 06:33:57 pm »
It was a rainy Friday and Ennis had taken care of the supplies issue.  The Basque was particularly generous and slipped a large salami in with the beans, biscuits and powdered milk.  Ennis smiled as he saw the black spotted, maroon colored salami.  The Basque saw the smile and wondered what it was all about.  He shook his head as he watched Ennis walk off up toward the mountain.  Who could figure out young people these days?

Ennis slipped as he scaled the mountain path in the aftermath of the cloudburst.  He almost fell flat on his face, and winced as the mare momentarily lost her footing and threatened to spill the contents of the pack onto the mud covered earth.  It wouldn’t do to have a repeat of the debacle with the bear.  Jack wouldn’t tolerate beans for another week or so, and Ennis didn’t think he could kill another elk.   But the mare was a soldier.  She carried the supplies up without incident.

Ennis was back in camp and had plenty of time to get everything ready for Jack’s return.  He scampered around, avoiding puddles and mud soaked Earth.  When the salami was cut and the beans were simmering, Jack rode up and leapt off of his horse.  He saw Ennis standing by the fire and without thinking ran over to him and tackled him to the ground.  Ennis was thrown into a puddle and found himself wresting with a laughing Jack Twist.  Ennis avoided muddy messes all day, but once Jack appeared on the scene, he was soaking and filthy.  Best to go with it, Ennis thought.  He would get his revenge later on – later that night!