Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2826224 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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After the Fight
« Reply #3470 on: August 14, 2008, 11:30:51 pm »
Ennis drove off, but stopped the truck once he lost sight of Jack in his rear view mirror.  He climbed out of the vehicle and hobbled over and collapsed, again, against a massive tree.  The tears started just minutes ago once Jack exclaimed, “I wish I knew how to quit you,” but were quenched once Jack forced himself on him: embracing, cooing, comforting, reassuring.  But right now as he held his belly to prevent the dry heaves, the tears started anew; the release of tension proving a huge relief.

Ennis knew for sure that he couldn’t drive while the tears fell, and by the time they subsided, he was exhausted!  Ennis Del Mar wept tears of remorse, but he also tasted salty, bitter tears of anger and fear.  Once he felt a bit more like himself, Ennis shook the moisture from his eyes and face, returned to his truck and slid behind the driver’s seat and cradled his head in his arms on the steering wheel. The horses were as silent and as somber as he.  Ennis felt awful!  His eyes were puffy, red and itchy.  His heart felt like it had ceased to beat.  If only he could stay quiet and rest a bit longer…

Ennis considered himself a fool.  What was he thinking when he told Jack that he was screwing Cassie?  He should have known that the idea of him being with someone else – even a woman – would not sit well with Jack.  “She’s history, Bud,” Ennis slurred out loud.  And he meant it!  He tried hard not to relive the fight he had just such a short time ago, but the thought of Jack’s face, so plaintiff and thoughtful as he drove away, made his blood boil and run cold at the same time.  “You won’t leave me, Jack,” Ennis seethed as he started the truck.  “I’ll be damned if you do!”

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Sweets for the Sweet
« Reply #3471 on: August 15, 2008, 12:20:44 am »
Hiking up the mountain was a sexy adventure!  Swimming in a frigid stream turned them on.  The very act of chopping wood for the supper fire made them hot, and preparing dinner made their natures rise.  The first day of the ‘fishing trip” was a carnal blast!

After supper Jack walked into the tent and fetched what looked like a baker’s box.  Ennis watched with anticipation as Jack removed what was certainly a crème pie.  Ennis’ mouth began to water, as he always had a sweet tooth.  “What ya got there, Bud,” Ennis asked, his eyes boring into the dessert.  “Just a banana crème pie,” Jack stated, as he dipped his finger into the frothy topping.  Ennis’ breath caught as Jack licked the bubbly meringue from his fingers.  “Give me some, please, Rodeo,” Ennis pleaded.

Jack chuckled and removed some of the topping with a trembling hand.  He inched the meringue into Ennis mouth and blinked as Del Mar greedily sucked the sweet from his fingers, one-by-one.  After Ennis' tantalizing display, both men were squirming and couldn’t wait to taste some more.  They rose from the ground, ran into the tent, but Jack forgot something.  “Go get the pie, Rodeo,” Ennis whispered as he undressed.  Jack snapped his fingers and ran outside to fetch the dessert.  Sweets on top of sweets that night!

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Keeping up Appearances?
« Reply #3472 on: August 16, 2008, 12:50:28 am »
Ennis placed his creel case on the kitchen table and his duffle bag on the floor.  His girls were asleep in their little beds, but Alma was seated at the kitchen table smoking a sig.  Her head was hanging down a bit and Ennis, after kissing her absently, tried to avoid eye contact.

“So what did he look like this time,” Alma asked, a bit caustically.  Ennis was not certain he heard correctly.  “What did who look like,” he countered.  “Oh come on, Ennis,” Alma shot back, “You know who I mean.  What did Jack Twist look like?”  Ennis couldn’t answer.  He was alarmed that Alma wanted to know anything at all about Jack.  She avoided speaking about Jack at all times, now she wanted to know what he was wearing?  “He still a fancy man?  He still dresses up in nice hats and boots?”  Alma’s question was laced with venom and what seemed like a tiny dose of pain.  Ennis sat down beside her and took out a smoke from his shirt pocket.  Alma pulled her lighter from the pocket of her house dress and lit the cig for her husband.  Ennis took a quick, calming drag.  He was a bundle of nerves.

“Well, he looked okay, I guess,” Ennis ventured.  “I mean, I don’t rightly notice those things, Alma!”  Alma took a drag of her own cig and nodded.  “Look, Alma,” Ennis continued,” Jack has a good job working with customers and he needs to keep his looks up.  He always seemed to care about his appearance, at least all the time that I've known him.  And his wife has cash money.  I’m sure she buys Jack a lot of fine clothes for the office.”  Alma nodded again but said nothing.  “Did he look too good to do some serious fishing,” Alma whispered as she shot a glance at Ennis’ creel case.  “I would love to put on some browns for dinner.” “Uh, Alma, I did catch some browns, but Jack and I ate them up.”  “Oh,” was her response.  “But I can go down to Monroe’s and get us a batch,” Ennis exclaimed as he rose from the table.  Alma didn’t have a chance to answer, as Ennis was out of the apartment door in a flash.  Alma waited to hear his footsteps hit the last stair before she reached for the creel case…

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« Reply #3473 on: August 19, 2008, 12:54:35 am »
Ennis was seated on Don Wroe’s comfy reclining chair, and watched as Jack poked the fire.  Jack was talking about Bobby, and how he was doing better in school, and how most of the kids liked him, even though he wasn’t that good at reading and writing.  Ennis grunted in agreement whenever Jack seemed to take a breath. 

Ennis remembered Jack’s smile up on Brokeback when he told him all about his year of high school, and how he came to be up on the mountain.  “Friend, that’s more words than you spoke all week,” Jack said with a gleam in his eye.  “Hell, that’s more words than I said in a year,” Ennis answered, and it wasn’t very far from the truth.

When Jack was finished by the fireplace he walked over to his lover and sat down on the armrest of the comfy chair.  He looked down at Ennis and smiled.  Ennis rubbed Jack’s forearm and his throat tightened as he remembered the reason why we was able to open up in the first place.  How could he remain quiet and withdrawn when someone finally took an interest?  Jack was the first person to try to get to know him – to want to know him.  Neither his parents nor his siblings ever took a genuine interest in him.  Alma didn't seem to care about his hopes and dreams; she never asked.  But Jack was able to go inside him and bring his true self forth.  Ennis pulled Jack down onto his lap and cuddled him.  Jack nuzzled Ennis' neck, and for once, was silent.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 01:22:34 am by Littlewing »

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3474 on: August 20, 2008, 12:35:55 am »
Littlewing1957, you are so awesome!! :-* :-* :-*
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3475 on: August 20, 2008, 01:00:11 am »
When Jack finally joined Ennis at the campsite, he found his lover huddling before the fire, covered in a thick blanket.  Ennis looked up at Jack and managed a wan smile.  “What is this, Friend,” Jack spoke, concerned, as he took in Ennis’ white pallor and his red eyes.  “I’m contagious, Jack,” Ennis croaked as Jack drew close.  “Don’t get near me or you’ll catch this bug.” “Don’t get near me or you’ll catch this bug,” Jack mocked.  He sat alongside his lover and cuddled next to him.  “Listen, Ennis, I didn’t drive 14 hours to stay away from you.  Come over here and gimme those lips!  I don’t care if I catch your bug!”  Ennis shrugged and kissed his lover, but he kept his tongue to himself.

Jack led Ennis into the tent to put him to bed.  He was becoming concerned when Del Mar’s temperature started to rise, and he began to slow down.  “Look, Cowboy, you rest awhile and I’ll get dinner,” Jack told his lover as he exited the tent.  Jack raided his truck for supplies and found a bottle of Bobby’s allergy medicine.  He placed the medicine in his pocket, determined to make Ennis take a few tablespoons full.  He certainly caught a bad cold, but the allergy medicine may do him a bit of good.  Once dinner was prepared, Jack made Ennis as comfortable as he could.  He brought in a bowl of chicken soup and tried to feed his friend a spoonful.  Ennis grimaced and pushed Jack’s hand with the spoon away.  “I can feed myself,” Ennis spoke harshly.  He noticed the hurt in Jack’s eyes and was instantly ashamed of himself.  He softened.  “Why did you bring chicken soup, Jack?” Ennis asked, gently.  “You had a feeling I was gonna need some?”  Jack looked thoughtful.  He fed Ennis a spoonful of the weak liquid.  “I don’t know why I brought the soup, Friend,” Jack remarked.  “I just don’t know.”  Ennis knew.  He ate all of the soup for Jack’s sake, and allowed him to cut his meat for him.  He even took a few swigs of the allergy medicine.

When it was time for bed Jack undressed quietly.  He looked over at his friend and noticed that he was quite naked, and looked expectant.  Ennis gestured for Jack, and Jack moved close.  He noticed that Ennis’ skin no longer felt hot and clammy, and his eyes were almost back to normal.  But Ennis was still weak.  His touch felt tentative, hesitant.  “We don’t have to do anything, Cowboy.  I was just kidding earlier.”  Jack kissed Ennis tenderly on the mouth.  “You know I want your sex, but I love being with you in other ways.”  Ennis’ shoulders softened.  He smiled at his lover and gestured for him to lay beside him in the bedroll.  The rest of the night was spent cuddling, laughing and talking.  Tomorrow would be another day spent together.  Ennis just hoped Jack didn’t catch his bug.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3476 on: August 20, 2008, 01:01:11 am »
Littlewing1957, you are so awesome!! :-* :-* :-*

Thanks, Sugar!  I feel the same about you.  I posted the story above just for you!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Fit and Trim
« Reply #3477 on: August 21, 2008, 12:19:54 am »
Ennis took Jack’s hands and twirled him around.  He wanted a good look.  Jack Twist was thin and fit!  Ennis whistled when his lover walked into Don Wroe’s cabin!  They were apart for 4 months, and in that time Jack had become buffed and coiffed!  Gone was the pot belly!  But that blasted mustache remained!

“You like?”  It was Jack.  He flexed his arm muscles and gestured toward his firm abs.  Ennis nodded his approval.  “Yeah, you look real good, bud,” Ennis commented as he looked at Jack’s mid-section.  “I like what I saw before, but this is nice, too.  What happened?”  “Oh, I just wanted to work off some of this good livin’,” Jack exclaimed as he took Ennis in his arms.  “I want to be around a long time so that I can look at your ugly mug!”  Ennis laughed at that and punched Jack lightly on the shoulder.   

While Ennis was helping Jack unload his truck, he couldn’t help but gawk at Jack’s new and improved body.  Jack was always a sweet looking man, but he was in better shape now than at any time – even up on Brokeback.  “I swear, Jack, you look 10 years younger.  I’m ashamed to be seen with you.”  Jack shook his head.  “I don’t see why, friend,” he said as he removed a bag of charcoal from the truck.  “You look mighty fine yourself—always did—always will to me.”  Ennis didn’t answer as he continued to unload the truck.  Jack Twist would always attract him like a magnet, but this was just too much.  Ennis sighed.  He couldn’t tear his eyes away from his friend.  “You’re going to be in trouble tonight, Rodeo,” Ennis spoke, huskily.  Jack nodded and smiled.  “No, you’re going to be in trouble.  Just you wait!” 

Offline cwby30

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Re: Scared 3
« Reply #3478 on: August 21, 2008, 01:26:07 am »

Well, sorry I've been away so long, have checked in occasionally and have enjoyed reading all the stories.  Without further ado, and as requested by Littlewing so long ago, here's a continuation of my drabble-story.

Thanks again.


The silence deafened him.  His eyes darted from the phone, to the Coca Cola bottle on the kitchen table, to the travel mug on the counter by the back door, to the calculator next to the pile of bills. Say something, anything.  He finally broke the silence.  “Get my paycheck Friday afternoon, same’s every week, can be there Saturday morning, if ya still want me.”  Exhausted by the effort, he lapsed into silence, waiting for Jack to fill the void within him. 

The silence deafened him.  He swallowed hard, his mouth dry.  His eyes darted from the scratches on the top of his desk, to the bulletin board with its memos on the latest sales figures and goals, to the Normal Rockwell calendar with its picture of a small boy snuggled under a comforter.  Ennis’s voice jarred him back to the here and now, and his offer to travel further than around the coffeepot looking for the handle jarred him into action. 

“Enn,” he spoke quietly, “every night for the past month I’ve gotten drunk as a skunk, then each morning I’ve had to smile and prop up the illusion that I had a wonderful life here in Childress with my unloving wife and distant child. Kept telling myself that everything was peachy-keen, didn’t need Ennis f***g del Mar in my life, could find someone new.” He stopped when he heard a sob come across the line, then continued on.  “It’s no use kidding myself, I’ve know it all along, you’re in my soul, my heart, my every breath.”  “Oh darlin’.”

[Three Drabbles in one, 261 words overall, Prompts: (1) Coca Cola, travel mug, calculator,  (2) bulletin board, Norman Rockwell, comforter, (3) drunk as a skunk, illusion, peachy]

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3479 on: August 22, 2008, 11:06:55 pm »
Cwby30, it is so good to see you here!  Welcome back, I've really missed you.  Thanks so much for posting the latest chapter in your drabble.  An as always, you didn't disappoint.  Will you continue the story?  I hope so, as I'm really enjoying this, and I can't wait to see what happens next.  Thanks so much for sharing this with us!  :)