Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2267622 times)


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Re: Kisses
« Reply #2350 on: October 15, 2007, 02:58:42 am »
Kisses by Littlewing1957

Jack was about to curl up on the bear skin rug when Ennis walked over and lowered himself to the floor.  He spread Jack’s limber body to the full length of the rug and gently placed his head on the stuffed head of the bear.  Jack smiled as Ennis climbed atop him and slowly ran his fingers through Jack’s thinning hair.  Ennis lifted Jack’s chin just a tilt and lowered his mouth in an expansive kiss.

Ennis was silent as he gazed on his lover’s serene countenance.  Jack spread his arms wide, encouraged Ennis to lace his fingers with his own. 

“Am I too heavy?”  Ennis asked as he kissed Jack’s chin.  Jack was too moved to answer right away.  He wanted to feel Ennis’ mouth. 

“No, Cowboy,” Jack stammered softly.  “You’re okay.  Just stay here with me.”  Ennis smiled timidly and kissed Jack on the side of his full mouth.  Jack lay still as Ennis started the kisses up high on his forehead, trailed his cheeks, his sharp jaw – kissing! Kissing. 

“That Ennis is sure a sexy senior citizen!”  Jack thought as he marveled at Ennis' prowess at 65 years old.  Jack was the same age, of course, and was aware of health problems and challenges of seniors. He liked to keep abreast of newfangled terms for illnesses and treatments.  As Ennis continued his smooches, Jack thought the following:

“Blood pressure lowering, serotonin levels rising!  At this rate, we’ll live forever.”  Jack began to kiss back, pulling Ennis closer!

“Never stop kissing me!”  Jack breathed into Ennis’ warm mouth.  It was a request that Ennis though he could honor.

Kissing is about the hottest thing on earth in my humble opinion......I´m licking my lips just thinking of Ennis kissing Jack on a bear skin rug...very sensual, Littlewing!



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Re: Foretold?
« Reply #2351 on: October 15, 2007, 06:22:38 am »
SusieBaby, I sacred myself! I was writing this all the while waiting for my daughter to call for a ride.  I had my cell phone next to the keyboard, and my haunted, 100+ year old house was unusually quiet.  All of the sudden, while I was typing away about Jack in the grieving plain, the cell phone rang and I almost jumped out of my skin!  :laugh:

You see, Gary, you are not the only native speaker who makes really funny misspellings.  ;D :laugh: Sorry, Marie.  ;D

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Re: Kisses
« Reply #2352 on: October 15, 2007, 09:46:41 pm »
Kissing is about the hottest thing on earth in my humble opinion......I´m licking my lips just thinking of Ennis kissing Jack on a bear skin rug...very sensual, Littlewing!


Thanks, Dagi!  I agree about kissing!  I also think a person really has to be into you if he/she wants to kiss.  Kissing is very intimate, affectionate!  :-*

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Re: Foretold?
« Reply #2353 on: October 15, 2007, 09:47:43 pm »



Susie, you're funny!  I love the spiders!

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Re: Foretold?
« Reply #2354 on: October 15, 2007, 09:49:18 pm »

You see, Gary, you are not the only native speaker who makes really funny misspellings.  ;D :laugh: Sorry, Marie.  ;D

Oops!  And I didn't even catch it!  :laugh:  I try to be so careful!  ;D

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Re: Kisses
« Reply #2355 on: October 15, 2007, 09:53:52 pm »
  I think that if Jack had lived ol' Ennis would have pulled his head out of his ass sometime in the '80's and made the plunge, don't you?


I think so, Gary!  I think Ennis was trying to do better by Jack after the final lake scene - the final fight.  I think Ennis was beginning to realize that he could lose Jack, and not in the way that it actually happened.  Yes, if Jack had lived, I think the story would have a different ending.

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Re: The Visitor
« Reply #2356 on: October 15, 2007, 09:57:20 pm »
The Visitor by Susiebell

He woke with a start.  It was a warm Summer's night and yet there was an icy chill in the air, a strange vibration that tingled against his clammy flesh.  Glancing down at his wife sleeping peacefully, then towards the window, lace curtains billowing in the moonlight, a figure suddenly appeared from out of the shadows.  Just the outline was visible at first, then as the curtains moved and swayed, his features became clearer; desperate sad eyes, grey chipped teeth, lips mouthing the word "....why?" over and over.

His eyes were drawn down over the man's torso to a stain, the deepest red, spreading from his groin, over the front of his jeans, and dripping down his leg onto the floor.

The figure moved towards him in a single smooth motion, hovering for a moment, his voice getting louder and louder, the pitch higher and higher, "... why? .... WHY? ........WHY?"

He felt a sudden searing pain in his own groin, and looking down, saw to his horror that where his dick should be, was a gaping hole slowly oozing blood.  The thick hot fluid spread over the surface of his pajama and onto the bed sheets.  Screaming, he grabbed the nearest object, a glass vase, and hurled it towards the floating figure, crashing it into the wall.

"Willard Del Mar!!  What on earth is going on?"  Mrs Del Mar, hands shaking violently, pulled the lamp switch, flooding the room with light.

"You can't keep on like this every night."  she cried, her voice trembling with fear, "Please tell me what's goin' on.  What's happened to make you like this?"

Mr Del Mar, rolled over, pulling the blanket high over his shivering sweaty body and screwed his eyes shut tight.  "Go back to sleep Minnie..... " he muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks, his hand clasped protectively around his sticky erect member.


Brilliant, Susiebaby!  If OMT committed poor Earl's murder, it serves him right.  And you beat me to it!  ;)  I had a story about Earl brewing in my tiny brain, but I couldn't find an angle.  I like your tale, though.  Lovely writing, my dear, and scary as hell.  You are good at this!

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2357 on: October 15, 2007, 09:59:24 pm »
4,000 Posts on Jack with Ennis!

Congratulations Guys!!!


Alright!  So are we still one of the most active threads on the site?  Happy 4,000 posts, everyone!  And I'm not tired yet!  No, not by a long shot!

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Re: The Visitor
« Reply #2358 on: October 15, 2007, 10:00:20 pm »
Hahaha!  Thanks honey! Did I go a tad too far with this one?  Littlewing said "Make it Scary", so you can blame it on her!!


You didn't go too far!  It was just right!

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One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2359 on: October 15, 2007, 10:31:31 pm »
One Night on the Trail by Littlewing1957

One chilly day up in the mountains, Jack and Ennis were hiking after a particularly heavy and satisfying lunch.  They left the horses right at the beginning of the trail, fully expecting to make it back to them well before nightfall.  But once Jack began a slow climb up a small hill, his well formed butt straining his jeans, Ennis couldn’t help himself.  He took Jack right there on the spot!  After they were cleaned up a bit, the grinning pair found that night had fallen.  They made their way down, walking slowly, trying hard to retrace their steps.  The mountain was as dark as the grave, but Ennis and Jack were experienced campers, and knew the area like the back of their hands.  But navigating the terrain in the dark was a challenge.

Jack whistled a happy tune as he walked hand-in-hand with his lover down the hiking trail.  Ennis thought back to the time up on Brokeback when Jack held his hand whenever he could.  The memory made Ennis glow.  He squeezed Jack’s hand and they continued on.

It was getting cold – colder even than Ennis and Jack anticipated.  They could have kicked themselves for leaving the heavy coats back at camp, but they planned to be back before nightfall.  Jack walked a few paces ahead of Ennis, but slowed his steps when he felt a blast of ice cold air!  And in a split second, 3 eerie figures rose from the earth with a piercing cry, and just as fast as they materialized, they descended back into the ground.  Ennis screamed as Jack fell back into his arms.  They both saw the entities!  The apparitions appeared to be men who were dressed in period clothes: late 1800s it seemed, and they seemed to glow red and yellow.

“Rodeo, did you see that?”  Ennis asked Jack as he held him up.  Jack found his footing and took a few steps back.

“You saw it too?”  Jack spoke softly.  “I thought I was losing my mind!  What the hell was that?”  Ennis didn’t want to admit that he was afraid, but he pulled Jack close.

“I don’t know, Jack, but I’ve heard some strange stories about this place,” Ennis began.  “I heard tell of travelers being killed for their belongings, and my dad used to talk about 3 guys being beaten to death in these parts.”  Jack was a believer in ghosts, and Ennis’ story did little to calm his now fragile nerves.

“Well, I wish you had told me, Cowboy!”  Jack said evenly.  “We could a found another spot to hike.  I don’t like being surprised like this.  C’mon, En, let’s get back to the horses before the spirits decide they like us and want to come back for a little visit!” 

Ennis agreed with Jack.  They quickened the pace, but were still careful as they traveled in the dark.  Once they reached the horses, Jack mounted his mare and watched as Ennis did the same.

“You know, Cowboy,” Jack serious now.  “My ma says that when a body experiences a bad trauma, especially one that results in death, the spirit may get trapped on Earth, sometimes in the form of an inanimate object.”  Ennis looked at his lover.

“Why are you telling me this, Jack?”  Ennis asked, a bit irritated now.

“No reason,” Jack stated.  “Just seemed appropriate under the circumstances.  C’mon, I’ll race you back to camp!”
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 12:36:48 am by littlewing1957 »