Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2255849 times)

Offline cwby30

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3480 on: August 23, 2008, 12:08:45 am »
Will you continue the story? 


Well, Yes, I plan on doing that.  I've saved several sets of prompts from the Drabblefest, and am working them in to the next 3-paragraph "game" entry.  Nice to be back, and glad you like it.

Have been reading your stories these past several weeks, and enjoying them.  You pick such perfect points in their lives, and develop the ideas so well. 

Thanks again. 

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3481 on: August 23, 2008, 08:26:28 pm »
Hello Mr. cwby30 and Miss Littlewing1957. How are you guys doin'? I haven't been writing much except for bizarre interpretations of our beloved story on IMDb. You're free to join in on the inanity I've created on that message board.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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The Lesson
« Reply #3482 on: August 23, 2008, 08:53:02 pm »
Ennis breezed into Bobby’s elaborately decorated nursery and walked over to his crib.  “You sure got a fine looking son here, Bud,” he whispered to Jack, the proud papa, standing on the other side of Bobby’s crib.  “Thank you kindly, friend,” Jack whispered back.  He was only too happy to show off his only child to his only true love.

Jack was alone with Bobby for the weekend while Lureen was away in Dallas on a short holiday.  She met with her sorority sisters once a year for a few days of whatever sorority sisters do when they meet up.  It was his first time alone with Bobby, and he was a bit nervous.  Ennis happened to be in town and stopped by.  Jack couldn’t believe his luck!  Ennis never seemed to travel anywhere, and how fortuitous that he should visit when Jack felt most vulnerable.  Ennis couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of little Bobby.  Jack feasted his eyes on his best friend.  He was insanely happy.

Little Bobby began to stir and Jack was nervous.  He didn’t know what to do.  But Ennis, already the father of 2 fine little girls, took over.  He gently removed the tiny child from his crib and placed him over his broad shoulders.  He tenderly patted the baby's back as Jack looked on, fascinated.  "What a strong young man you are," Ennis whispered in Bobby's ear. "I can feel your strength!"  Jack beamed with pride.  “It's kinda cool in here, Bud, Ennis exclaimed.  Get me a blanket.”  Jack did what he was told.  Ennis placed Bobby on the changing table and began to teach Jack how to properly wrap the babe in the blanket.  “You got it, now, Rodeo?’ Ennis asked Jack as he handed him his son, all toasty warm and content in a snuggly wrapped blankie.  “I think so,” Jack answered.

“You think so what?”  Lureen asked, incredulous, as she shook Jack's shoulders.  “Jack, the baby is crying and you’re asleep!”  Jack shook himself awake and cringed as Lureen walked over to the crib and tended to Bobby.  “What am I gonna do with you?” Lureen whispered, absently, as she changed Bobby’s diaper.  “How could you sleep through the racket that Bobby was making?”  Jack didn’t answer.  He had fallen asleep on a chaise next to Bobby’s crib, but didn’t hear his son crying.  It seems he was too busy learning how to tend to his son: a lesson learned only in his dreams.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 01:37:33 am by Littlewing »

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3483 on: August 23, 2008, 08:54:24 pm »
Hello Mr. cwby30 and Miss Littlewing1957. How are you guys doin'? I haven't been writing much except for bizarre interpretations of our beloved story on IMDb. You're free to join in on the inanity I've created on that message board.

I've followed your comedy thread, Love, but I'm not clever enough to join in.  If I think of something silly, I'll post it there!  :)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3484 on: August 23, 2008, 09:29:46 pm »

Well, Yes, I plan on doing that.  I've saved several sets of prompts from the Drabblefest, and am working them in to the next 3-paragraph "game" entry.  Nice to be back, and glad you like it.

Have been reading your stories these past several weeks, and enjoying them.  You pick such perfect points in their lives, and develop the ideas so well. 

Thanks again. 

Thanks for your kind words, my friend.  Stay with us.  I look forward to reading more of your amazing tale, and I'm working on other stories, including the latest installment of Right.

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Sweet Dream
« Reply #3485 on: August 24, 2008, 09:24:48 pm »
Jack was not the only dreamer.  Ennis remembered his fair share of dreams involving Jack in ways that not only drove him crazy, but provided simple pleasures.  One such dream involved Jack, himself and little Alma Jr.

The dream was vague, hazy, and Ennis was an observer in his own “play.”  He saw himself seated on the couch in his Riverton apartment over the laundromat, baby Alma Jr. resting comfortably on his lap.  Jack was standing over by the door, looking around as though he couldn’t figure out where in the hell he was.  Ennis whistled and Jack fixed his stare at his lover and his lover’s child.  Ennis held out an arm for Jack, beckoning him over.

Jack smiled warmly and made his way over to the couch.  Ennis pulled him down and placed his arm around his shoulder.  He fixed his gaze down where Alma Jr. was lying on his lap, falling asleep.  Jack reached for Ennis’ child, looked into his eyes and picked her up once Ennis nodded his encouragement.  Jack cuddled the baby girl, and smiled as she cooed and huddled in his arms.  The dream always ended at this point, and Ennis woke, much more happy than sad.

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Offer Withdrawn
« Reply #3486 on: August 25, 2008, 01:49:21 am »
Ennis and Jack were spread out on a bed of grass, watching the stars wink out from under cloud cover.  They held hands and felt mighty good; there was still almost a week of “fishing” out in the wilderness, just the two of them.

Jack felt dreamy and hazarded a question. “If we had our own place, friend,” he began, “What should we do first?”  Ennis looked at Jack, thoughtful.  “Strange question, Rodeo,” Ennis answered.  “I don’t know.  I don’t rightly have a head for business, but I’m curious.”  Ennis squeezed Jack’s hand in his.  “What should we do first?”  “I guess we should build up stock after getting all of the licensing and insurance matters out of the way," Jack offered.  “Sounds good and reasonable to me,” Ennis laughed.  “But where would we get the money to build up stock?”  Jack shifted on the grass and Ennis knew that he had made a mistake.  The question just slipped out.

“Remember I once told you that my father-in-law would give me a certain amount of money to leave town,” Jack ventured.  “I remember,” Ennis whispered.  “Well, he made the offer official, and told me he had $20,000 and would wire it into my account once I set up shop somewhere, anywhere outside the state of Texas.”  Jack’s voice was uncertain, cautious.  Ennis sat up suddenly and looked down into his lover’s eyes.  “Did you just say $20,000, Rodeo?” Ennis asked, flabbergasted.  “20,000,” Jack answered, his excitement growing.  “Well, that is a lot of money, and I know you’re tempted to take it.  Are you going to set up shop somewhere, Jack?” Ennis asked.  “Only if you come with me,” was Jack’s reply.  “I told you,” Ennis began, “It can’t be that way, and you know my reasons.”  Jack held his peace.  He nodded.  “Okay, Cowboy, just trying to make conversation.  We can talk about something else, or we can go for a short walk before turning in.  You decide.”  Ennis didn’t know what to say.  He hated to keep refusing Jack’s offer of the sweet life, but he just couldn’t make that kind of a commitment.  “Let’s go for a walk, friend,” Jack suggested as he rose from the ground.  Ennis followed Jack to a hiking trail and fell in step beside him.  From that moment on, Jack made a vow.  He would never mention the cow and calf operation again.  Ennis shot his plane down out of the sky one time too many.  The offer was withdrawn forever.

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Ennis and Jack
« Reply #3487 on: August 25, 2008, 11:24:41 pm »
Jack wanted to surprise his ma.  He didn't really care about his dad, especially since he had come alone.  No Ennis Del Mar accompanied him to stay awhile and help whip the ranch into shape.  His pa would be disappointed that Jack again failed to bring help, but Jack would deal with that.  His ma would be happy to see him no matter the circumstances.

Jack used his key to enter the back door to the kitchen.  His ma didn’t hear, and Jack was glad that his pa was either out on the town, upstairs sleeping off dinner, or out inspecting the spread.  He wasn’t up to dealing with his old man just then.  Jack tiptoed soundlessly behind his ma who was washing dishes at the sink.  He placed both hands over her eyes and smiled when he smelled her hair pomade.  Some things never changed!  “Jack!” Mrs. Twist screamed, as she twirled around, and instantly removed her son’s hands from her eyes.  “Ma, how did you know it was me,” Jack asked, laughing. “You weren’t expecting me, were you?”  Mrs. Twist placed a sloppy kiss on her son’s cheek.  “Well who else would it be,” she asked.  “And don’t think you can take me by surprise, young man,” Roberta Twist scolded, wagging a finger in Jack’s face.  “I heard your old truck pull up.  I know the sound of your engine!”  Jack smiled and pulled his mother in for a hug.  He loved that woman more than anyone else in the world…except..

Mrs. Twist removed what was left of the pot roast from the refrigerator and made Jack a sandwich.  She sat opposite her son at the kitchen table and watched as he ate.  She always loved to see her son eat.  “How long ya staying, son,” Mrs. Twist asked, excited.  “Only for about a week, then I got to get back to the dealership,” Jack mumbled between bites.  He couldn’t very well tell her that he was actually planning to meet Ennis Del Mar in about a week, up by the Tetons.  “Well, you dad will be glad to see you,” she exclaimed.  “You think he’ll mind that I came alone,”  Jack asked, obviously concerned.  Mrs. Twist seemed to consider the question.  “Maybe, son, maybe,” she spoke after awhile.  "But I’m curious.  What is Ennis Del Mar like?”  Jack couldn’t help himself, and he spilled every detail that he could about his friend, Ennis.  Mrs. Twist listened to her son and noticed how animated, how happy he seemed when he spoke about Ennis’ shy nature, his work ethic, and his looks.  “Ennis and Jack,” Mrs. Twist allowed the thought to enter her mind.  Ennis with Jack. She considered it.  There was no doubt what Jack’s enthusiasm meant, and she could live with it.

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Getting to Know You
« Reply #3488 on: August 28, 2008, 09:35:49 pm »
Jack twirled a grimy stick in the supper fire while he watched Ennis eat from a can of beans.  He was certain they would end up together that night, but something was bothering him.  He knew Ennis very well in a physical sense, but he knew next to nothing about his private life, other than he was an orphan, was engaged, and was good lookin’ as all get out!  Jack had a plan to learn more about his friend.  He liked him a lot, and felt he almost had a right to know more about Mr. Ennis Del Mar.  Jack looked down at the fire as he spoke:

“Hey Ennis!"

Ennis looked up from his can of beans.  “Wha?” He answered.  Jack threw the stick into the fire, and as it sputtered and burned, he walked over to Ennis and sat down beside him.

"I was just thinking, friend, that I don’t know much about you!”

“Not much to tell,” Ennis spoke between bites.  “But if there is somethin’ you wanna know about me, I’ll be glad to answer.  Jack shook his head yes, and asked:

Jack:  “What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?”

Ennis: “Chocolate”

Jack:    “Your favorite color?”

Ennis: (shrugs) “Uh, I dunno..maybe blue?”  Jack smiles at this.

Jack:   “You want kids?”

Ennis:  “Yep!”

Jack:    “You have a big family: cousins, aunts, uncles?”

Ennis:  “Some, not too many.  Most of them are passed on.”  Jack lowers his head.

Jack:    “What is your favorite meal?”

Ennis:   “Jack, you sure ask a lot of questions!”  Jack laughs.  “Pork chops and mashed potatoes.”

Jack:    “Did you have any pets?”

Ennis    “We had a few dogs.”

Jack:     “Any girlfriends before Alma?”

Ennis:   “Nope!”  Jack doesn’t look convinced, but Ennis doesn’t notice.

Jack:     “You have a favorite snack or junk food?”

Ennis:   “Sure.  I like potato chips and ice cream sandwiches.”

Jack:     “Did you ever have a babysitter when you were little?”

Ennis:   “Naw, we couldn’t afford it.  My parents stayed home or took me with them until my sis was old enough to watch me.”

Jack:     “Did you get along with your neighbors when you were small?”

Ennis:   (Thoughtful) “Yeah, I guess.  The Drummonds were good people.”

Jack was silent for a moment as he took it all in.  Ennis was sort of amused and even flattered by Jack’s questioning.  No one else ever took the time to ask him about his life.  He faced Jack and grinned.

“That was kinda fun, Rodeo.”  Jack grinned back.

“Anything else you wanna know?”  Ennis asked as he opened a can of pears.

 “No, not right now, but I may have some questions later.”

 Ennis accepted this.  Jack moved toward Ennis and accepted a slice of pear.

“Anything you want to know about me, Cowboy?” Jack asked as he slurped down the tasty slice of pear.  Ennis nodded to the tent.

"I hope to find out much more about you tonight!”

 Jack liked the sound of that!

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Getting to Know You (2)
« Reply #3489 on: August 30, 2008, 12:02:17 am »
Jack was shaking like a leaf in a bitter wind after his sweet release.  Ennis held him close and provided security and comfort.  “You okay, Jack?”  Ennis asked as he kissed Jack’s damp forehead.  “Yeah, I’m okay, buddy,” Jack whispered as he tried to compose himself.  A silence followed that was neither awkward nor unexpected.  Jack snuggled into Ennis' warm chest and ran a hand along his lover’s firm forearm.  Ennis looked down at his friend’s dark hair and remembered the question and answer session that occurred just a few hours ago.  Ennis decided that he wanted to play. 

“Jack, you said that if I wanted to know anything about you that I could just ask?”  Jack looked up into Ennis’ smiling eyes.

“Well, of course, friend,” Jack exclaimed.  “What do you want to know?  You can ask me anything.”  Ennis nodded and pulled Jack closer.  He placed his chin on Jack’s head and began:

Ennis:  “Do you wish you had any bothers or sisters?”

Jack:     “I can’t say for sure.  I guess it would have been nice to have a big brother, but I guess I can’t miss what I never had.”  Ennis nodded.

Ennis:   “Did you ever have any girlfriends?

Jack:     “One.  Her name is Sonia.”

Ennis:   “What did you do to her?”  He asked this question flashing a devilish grin.

Jack:     “What?  Friend, we was only kids,"  Jack explained.  “We didn’t do nothin’ but watch TV, do homework, sometimes held hands.”  Jack punched Ennis where he caressed him only minutes before.

Ennis:   “Relax, Rodeo,” Del Mar laughed as he rubbed the arm where Jack punched him. “I was just askin!”  Jack smiled and snuggled closer.

Ennis:   “If your ma died would you cry?”

Jack:    (incredulous) “What kind of question is that?  Of course I would cry.”  Ennis nodded gravely.

Ennis:  “What about your pa?  If he died would you cry?”

Jack:     “Yeah, I suppose I would.”

Ennis didn’t mean to spoil the mood by asking a bunch of morbid questions, and he noticed a tightening in Jack’s person.  He thought he had better lighten the mood, and quick.

Ennis:   “And what would you do if I said I wanted to play some more?”  Ennis was delighted when Jack seemed to come alive all at once.

Jack:   (laughing) “Well, why don’t you show me what you have in mind and we’ll see!”