Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2253661 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Dirty Dancer
« Reply #3510 on: October 17, 2008, 09:41:36 pm »
Ennis strained to see the half naked dancer through the fog of cigarette smoke.  Jack sat at Ennis’ side, patting his thigh in time to the raunchy, suggestive music.  Jack nursed a shot glass of whiskey, but Ennis chose to forego drink.  He wanted to be fully aware of everything.  Other men were sitting around in a circle, staring up at a young man of perhaps 25, dressed as Aladdin, and performing a sort of slow, grinding dance to a smouldering jazz trac.

Ennis couldn’t fathom what he was seeing, couldn’t even remember walking into the “club.”  But Jack felt right at home and watched the young beauty with great interest as he danced.  The stripper had a full view of his audience, and when his eyes met Ennis’ he seemed to pause a bit.  Jack noticed the attraction at once, and looked over at Ennis and grinned.  His smile broadened as the young man walked, cat-like, from the stage and stood right in front of Ennis Del Mar.  The stripper held out a hand for Ennis, but Ennis didn’t understand.  “Dance with me,” the young man whispered.  The other men looked at Ennis, fascinated.  They were all a bit jealous, but were interested to see what the fair haired cowboy would do.  Ennis looked at Jack, who smiled and nodded.  He pushed Ennis up, and Ennis took the dancer’s hand.  The beautiful dancer pulled Ennis to the edge of the stage, and pushed his buttocks into Ennis’ groin.  Shouts of, “whoop! Hey hey, go on, go on,” filled the smoky club.  Ennis placed a tentative hand on the dancer’s buttocks.  The crowd was in an uproar!  “He likes that,” Jack laughed, a bit uneasy.  Ennis was patting the young man’s bum when he turned abruptly and planted a sloppy kiss on Ennis’ open mouth.

“What the hell....??” Ennis stammered as he shot upright on his little bed.  He looked at the clock on his table and saw that it was only 2a.m.  The dream was unsettling to say the least.  He couldn’t imagine where it came from.  He wasn’t queer!  “I have to stop eating sardine sandwiches so late at night,” Ennis muttered.  He mopped at the sweat that had accumulated on his brow.  He tried to ignore his early morning wood, but knew he would never get back to sleep if he didn’t take care of it, and soon. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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For the Boys
« Reply #3511 on: October 20, 2008, 10:26:21 pm »
Jack was putting away the contents of his shaving kit in the medicine cabinet of Don Wroe’s bathroom when an odd memory presented itself.  He remembered when he was a new husband and he mingled his toilet items with Lureen's for the first time.  He was shocked into another world.

“Hey Ennis, get in here!” Jack yelled as he held the mirrored door of the cabinet open.  Ennis was in the spacious kitchen putting away the food when he heard Jack’s cry.  He placed a few cans on the kitchen table and walked into the bathroom to see what Jack wanted.  “What is it, Jack?”  Ennis asked as he looked first at Jack and then to the medicine cabinet.  “You remember when you and Alma were first married and you had to put your shit in there with hers?”  Ennis nodded in the affirmative, wondering where Jack was heading.  “Well, what did you think of all the girly things?  Did you feel all weird?”

Ennis thought back to his days as a newlywed.  He did remember seeing things in the bathroom that puzzled him.  He didn’t know anything about feminine hygiene products, and was always mistaking Alma’s razors for his own.   “Yeah, it was all a bit strange, Rodeo, but I got used to it soon enough.  What about you?”  Jack laughed.  “To tell you the truth, Friend, I’m still not used to all the gross things that Lureen buys.  Aren’t you glad to be with a guy and be around guy things?”  Ennis had to smile at that.  He glanced in the cabinet and noticed the lube.  “Well, I certainly am glad to see this,” Ennis grunted as he fetched the lube from one of the trays.  “I have a feeling this will come in handy real soon!”

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3512 on: October 24, 2008, 12:05:43 am »
Getting to Know You (5) Halloween Edition

Jack was lying still in Ennis’ arms, and enjoying the October chill.  It was, in fact, very cold out in the wilderness, but the tent was warm, and Ennis’ embrace was even warmer.  Jack always loved Halloween, and wanted to know more about how Ennis felt about the “holiday.”  He remained still, satisfied, but spoke:

“Hey, Ennis, you know what next Friday is?”

Ennis: (Kissing Jack’s hair) “Friday?  Just a normal day, right?

Jack:  “Well, I guess, but next Friday is Halloween.  How about I ask you some more questions, you know, like we do from time to time.  You feel up to it?”

Ennis: (Rubbing Jack’s cheek) “Sure, why not?  We don’t got nothing else to do at the moment…well, not right now, anyway!” (Ennis winks at Jack)  “What do you wanna know?”

Jack: “Did you and your brother and sister dress up for Halloween?”

Ennis: (Thoughtful) “If you can call it that.  We couldn’t afford store bought costumes, so my ma had to make them for us.  She couldn’t sew very well, Rodeo.  It was embarrassing!”

Jack: (Nodding) “Well, what costume did you like the best?”

Ennis:  “I have to say the mummy costume my ma made me when I was about 7.”

Jack: (Fascinated) “Mummy costume?  That sounds interesting.  How did she make it?”

Ennis: (Warming) “Well, I’ll tell could be very clever when she wanted to be.  We had some gauze that was left over from when my pa cut his hand.  Ma soaked the gauze in water and added a few tea bags.  The tea made the gauze look old and stained.  Ma wrapped the gauze on me, but we only had enough to go around my top.  I was the only half covered mummy out trick or treating wearing stained jeans!”

Jack: (Laughing) “That is quite a story!  What did K.E. and your sister go as that year?”

Ennis: (Thoughtful) “I believe K.E. went as a ghost.  Ma put a white sheet over him and cut out a few holes for his eyes.  I can’t remember what my sister went as.”

Jack: “Well, you must remember at least one costume of your sister’s?  Something had to stand out?”

Ennis:  “Oh yeah, one year she went as a grown woman.  Ma dressed her in one of her own Sunday dresses, and added gloves, a hat and make-up.  Sis was only 10 but she looked like a grown-up lady.”

Jack:  “That’s funny!  Did you guys go out trick or treating every year?”

Ennis:  “I think its called tricks or treats!”

Jack: (Looking Ennis in the eyes) “Whatever!  Just answer the question!”

Ennis: “Yeah, we went most years.  Pa took us around to the other ranches and we got a lot of candy.”

To be continued….

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Getting to Know you (6) Halloween Edition (cont)
« Reply #3513 on: October 30, 2008, 12:09:30 am »
Jack:  “Did your ma and pa let you eat as much candy as you wanted?”

Ennis:  “Well, yeah, for the most part.  We got to eat as much as we wanted until the candy was all gone, but we couldn’t eat any before meals.”

Jack:  “Tell me about Halloween with the girls.”

Ennis: (Eyes gleaming) “I remember one year, not too long ago, Steve had a real good profit for the ranch.  He gave us a little extra in our pay at the end of the month as a way to say thanks.  I went right out after work and grabbed the girls to take them to town to get store bought Halloween costumes.”

Jack: “That sounds good.  Was that the first time the girls had store bought costumes?”

Ennis: “Yeah.  Alma is good at sewing, and she made the girls look just as good as the kids that had costumes from Sears.  I’ll tell you, Bud – Alma started up making the girl’s costumes in August!”

Jack: “You ever throw the girls a Halloween party?”

Ennis:  “Only once.  We had a couple of the kids from the neighborhood over and I put out a barrel in front of the Laundromat, and had the kids bob for apples.  Nothing special.”

Jack: “That sounds like a real good time.  Do you remember anything unusual happening on Halloween?”

Ennis: (Intrigued) “Like what?”

Jack:  “Oh, I don’t know.  Anything scary?”

Ennis:  “Ain’t that the point of Halloween?  I mean, everything is supposed to be scary on that night, ain’t it?”

Jack:  “I suppose you’re right.  So I take it nothing happened out of the ordinary on Halloween that you can remember?”

Ennis:  “No, nothing that I can remember, Bud.”

Jack:  (yawning) “Let’s get some sleep.  Tomorrow, if you’re in the mood, I’ll tell you the story of a Halloween that was really out of the ordinary—really scary.”

Ennis: (Pulling Jack close) “You’re on!”

To be Continued..

Offline Dobie1018

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3514 on: October 31, 2008, 03:05:40 pm »
You are so talented Littlewing.  I could read your stories all day!  Keep it up!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3515 on: October 31, 2008, 09:52:28 pm »
You are so talented Littlewing.  I could read your stories all day!  Keep it up!

Thanks so much, Dobie!  You're very kind!  I didn't think anyone was reading, but I'm having fun posting the stories, and I'll continue.  Thanks again!

Offline Dobie1018

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3516 on: November 01, 2008, 08:50:41 pm »
I just recently came upon this thread and I love to read stories like this about Ennis & Jack.  If a movie could be made out of your stories - what a movie it would be!!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3517 on: November 01, 2008, 09:53:37 pm »
I just recently came upon this thread and I love to read stories like this about Ennis & Jack.  If a movie could be made out of your stories - what a movie it would be!!

Thanks, sweetheart, you are so sweet!  Thanks for your kind words!  :-*
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 01:24:16 am by Littlewing »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Home Alone
« Reply #3518 on: November 06, 2008, 01:02:08 am »
Jack was home alone.  Lureen was out with her girlfriends, and Bobby was at school.  He took a personal day from work to stay at home and cool out.  Jack needed some alone time.  November, and the weather was turning chilly.  In a very short while the temps would dip down below the 30s.  Jack was ready for it.  He enjoyed the cold. 

Jack sat, cross-legged, on his red sofa; a cup of steaming coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other.  He spread his favorite blanket across his lap and started to settle in and get rested before Bobby came clamoring in from school.  Jack was content in the moment, but something was missing.  Actually, something, someone was always missing.  Jack placed his brew on the coffee table and pulled the drapes open a bit.  He watched the gentle winds blow through trees already turning bright gold, brown green and copper.  The sight was bewitching, transformative.  It reminded him of the last time he saw Ennis Del Mar.

The last time he was with Ennis was April in the mountains, and the thaw had just begun.  Jack considered asking Ennis why they were always in the friggin cold, but he just couldn’t do it.  Back in the present Jack was glad he had the forethought to refrain from suggesting they vacation in a warm clime.  As Jack pulled his favorite blanket closer, he was reminded of how fond he is of the mountains in winter and early spring.  Is there anything finer than a blizzard, a warm tent and Ennis Del Mar’s smile?  Jack was grateful for the time alone with his coffee, a snuggly blanket and thoughts of Ennis to keep him warm and content. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Wish you Were Here!
« Reply #3519 on: November 09, 2008, 06:10:38 pm »
“Good work, baby girl!”  Did Jack hear that right?  He looked at his father-in-law as he adored his new grandson.  He couldn’t begrudge a father’s pride in his daughter’s handiwork.  After all, giving birth is hard work, and could have maimed his child for life, or even killed her.  “But I’m the father!” Jack thought as he watched Mr. Newsome practically drool over Lureen and Little Bobby.  “Didn’t I have something to do with it?”

Jack stood still and tried to put on a happy face.  His thought turned to Ennis, and even though he wasn’t there, Jack could see him.  Ennis sat right beside Lureen, his eyes moist with pride at the arrival at Jack’s new son.  “Why aren’t you here with me, Ennis?” Jack thought.  “I want you to hold my child in your arms and share this with me.  I know you would tell me that I did something right – that I did good.  Ennis, why aren't you here?”

“Rodeo will go get em!”  It was Mr. Newsome, and he threw a set of keys at Jack.  Jack missed them, of course.  He reached down to retrieve the keys and head off to his father-in-law’s car to bring in a case of formula.  And after that?  He needed to get ahold of Ennis.  His life wasn’t working out anymore.