Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048367 times)

Offline Pipedream

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Audience Member:

** Oh no!!! Poor Ennis! And poor lil' Jack!! What in the hell will happen to our boys now?? ** 

Offline Mikaela

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((Still sobbing piteously in the woods))

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline Pipedream

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The Props Magician:

** Umm... Tissue, somebody? **

Offline Lumière

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The Props Magician:

** Umm... Tissue, somebody? **


** Thanks Ms Spanky ..I have been weeping for hours!  SNIFF!  **

Who is the silly twerp in the leather chaps trying to pick up YOUNG ENNIS? 
And especially when he is in such a state over Jack's departure?  >:(!

Offline DeeDee

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Indaloo walks slowly to the alley, sees YOUNG ENNIS crouching in the dark ..



Umm, mister! You alright over there?
I saw that other dude in an old truck drive off in a mad haste .. 

%% Who could drive off from this manhunk? %%
Something the matter?  I could take ya to the Funky Cow diner over on Center Street for a beer or something ..
Could cheer you up some!

Nice ass in them jeans by the way ..


(( Ennis falls to his knees in the alley and starts weeping while punching the wall, clearly the pain taking him by storm.  He looks up and notices someone standing there.))


(( Ennis takes another look at this cowboy dressed like a cartoon.))

%%Why's he got them leather things cut out by his crotch? Kinda creepy.%%

Keep walkin' bud, ain't in no mood for beers, can't ya tell?  Ain't in the mood ta be cheered up, neither...NOW GIT!!
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Lumière

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(( Ennis falls to his knees in the alley and starts weeping while punching the wall, clearly the pain taking him by storm.  He looks up and notices someone standing there.))


(( Ennis takes another look at this cowboy dressed like a cartoon.))

%%Why's he got them leather things cut out by his crotch? Kinda creepy.%%

Keep walkin' bud, ain't in no mood for beers, can't ya tell?  Ain't in the mood ta be cheered up, neither...NOW GIT!!

(( Indaloo frowns slightly at Ennis' harsh response .. he is crushed..))

Well, alright, alright!  I'll be on my way then!  :(
No need to git yer drawers in a bunch cowboy!

%% If you are wearing drawers, that is!  Hawt damn!  :o  %%

((Lucas takes a step forward and looks back at Ennis ..))

 Well, if you're gonna be around Signal and you need a good time a friend to talk to,  you can just go over to Luc's Buns 'N Cakes Bakery on Center Street, and ask for Lucas .. Lucas Indaloo.. Okay?

(( Ennis throws him another mean look, his fists clenched ..))

**  Okay..Okay..I'm going!  **

%% I could teach this cowboy how to handle a hot bun!  Damn!  %%

« Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 07:01:34 pm by Lucise »

Offline Pipedream

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The Props Magician:

** Hey, Mr. Raymille! Just wanted to tell ya that the Church is ready for our next scene. I couldn't find any nice Methodist churches, so I chose something more presentable. Hope that's okay with you! It's French, so I think our Jolly Minister will like it, too! It was a bit more expensive to rent than the lil' churches, though... **


%% Shit, I can't get that Wheel of Fortune outta my head! %%   

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 03:49:35 am by Pipedream »

Offline Meryl

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  • There's no reins on this one....

((TIMMY arrives on set for his costume fitting))

%% Man oh man, this is excitin'!  I got to find me the hottest shirt n' jeans combo they got.  YOUNG ENNIS is gonna have somethin' to feast his eyes on, all right!  He'll forget all about that Jack Twist fella when he gets a load o' this hunk o' manflesh.  Yessirreee Bob! %%
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline isabelle

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  • And French-kissing, too!

%% Ok, I've got this nice young couple getting married today, local people, should go smoothly... Ah, here they are...
My oh my... I thought this was supposed to be a wedding! The young fellow looks like he's come to his father's funeral. Mind you, no, I know his father. Going to his funeral wouldn't put such a sour puss on anyone's face. What is it though? He looks so heartbroken. Yet his bride looks lovely, and he himself is very, very... Hey, stop it down there! What's coming over me?! An erection on a priest, even when he is a minister, never does look good! Better get the prayer going%%

"...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen"

%%Phew, I needed that. Looks like the groom didn't. I guess this is not the right place to ask why he doesn't look chuffed at the idea of what is awaiting him tonight...%%
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

Offline YaadPyar

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** FSD sends out apologies to guys in alleys, jolly ministers, etc., for this brief interruption.  Apparently, the notorious corpse flower is blooming once again, and folks from around the world are flocking to see it.  Cast and crew take a short break to marvel at this wonder. **

(( FSD magically transports the cast and crew to Virginia Tech, where hundreds of visitors file through a greenhouse to get a glimpse, and a whiff, of a powerfully malodorous "corpse flower" as it bloomed. The large Indonesian plant's botanical name is Amorphophallus titanum. ))

** As it unfolds, the smell gets stronger.  The plant emits a stench to attract decaying flesh-eating beetles, flies and sweat bees for pollination. Once it blooms, the odor lingers for about eight hours, then it takes several more years before the plant has enough energy to bloom again.

How bad does it smell?  "It's like several days old road kill on a hot, sunny day," Wiley-Vawter said.  She said she went home shortly before midnight Friday and returned about 8:15 a.m. Saturday and could smell the plant from her parking spot about 100 feet from the greenhouse.

"Inside the greenhouse it was quite overpowering," she said.

"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)