Author Topic: Why are we like this?  (Read 114503 times)

Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #150 on: March 24, 2008, 11:07:40 am »
Thanks bliss!

I love this:
We can't change the world overnight, but we'll have a damned good try! In the meantime we have each other, and we can gain strength from each other. We have to believe that sweet life is within our grasp. 


Bliss, at least, everyone can try!!

Like you say...


Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #151 on: March 24, 2008, 11:13:49 am »
Thanks buffymon!

You say:
... some say that Internet isolates people but the case often is quite the opposite.

Buffymon: may I say: Right! Some unfortunately, try to destroy another person via the internet, used as a weapon!


Fortunately, there are good persons who can help another who is being attacked by such weapon! By kindness, understanding, help...


Why are we like this?  ... is a good question.


Offline Monika

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #152 on: March 24, 2008, 11:35:29 am »
Thanks buffymon!

You say:
... some say that Internet isolates people but the case often is quite the opposite.

Buffymon: may I say: Right! Some unfortunately, try to destroy another person via the internet, used as a weapon!


Fortunately, there are good persons who can help another who is being attacked by such weapon! By kindness, understanding, help...


Why are we like this?  ... is a good question.

yeah you are right about Internet being a double edged sword. But it´s just like everything else. You can use just about anything for good or bad purposes.
For me, the Internet  has brought a lot o good things.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?? Why?
« Reply #153 on: March 24, 2008, 11:44:23 am »
Thanks buffymon!

Glad that the internet helps you. Am happy too to get your communications, always!!

Likewise, the internet has given me happiness!


And saved my life... too!

Why are we like this? ... still a puzzle to me!!

To you too??


Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #154 on: March 24, 2008, 05:00:46 pm »
Happily awaiting for that much more !!

Thanks !! And to all too!!

Hugs!! More is great, as we solve : Why are we like this? -  happily!!

Offline optom3

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #155 on: March 24, 2008, 06:47:19 pm »
Happily awaiting for that much more !!

Thanks !! And to all too!!

Hugs!! More is great, as we solve : Why are we like this? -  happily!!

Is it not emapathy that makes us all like this.We feel empathy for the characters,and then for each other,here, as we learn more of each other.For surely those not of an empathetic nature, would not have been so affected by the film,and therefore would not have been driven to find like souls at BetterMost.It is the human condition to want to be surrounded by like minded people.It gives us comfort.It also lessens the sense of isolation and bewilderment.

We enter and leave this life alone.We have no control over that. So in between the two, where we do have some semblance of control, is it not natural to want to spend as much time as possible not alone, and if at all feasible with those of a similar nature.Certainly for me it is.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #156 on: March 24, 2008, 08:40:41 pm »
Merci beaucoup Fiona (optom)!!

You say:
It is the human condition to want to be surrounded by like minded people.It gives us comfort.It also lessens the sense of isolation and bewilderment.


Fiona: that is why I saw Annie's movie/story, in order to seek others like I am!! I love it when I can reach another gay person, and that includes straights who accept gays too!!

I still wonder:
Why are we like this? ... in different ways !! ??

Hugs! P.S. Oh! A wonderful neighbour came to-day! Mother says that neighbour's eye are getting very much white! What doe sthat mean?

Offline optom3

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #157 on: March 24, 2008, 10:00:47 pm »
Merci beaucoup Fiona (optom)!!

You say:
It is the human condition to want to be surrounded by like minded people.It gives us comfort.It also lessens the sense of isolation and bewilderment.


Fiona: that is why I saw Annie's movie/story, in order to seek others like I am!! I love it when I can reach another gay person, and that includes straights who accept gays too!!

I still wonder:
Why are we like this? ... in different ways !! ??

Hugs! P.S. Oh! A wonderful neighbour came to-day! Mother says that neighbour's eye are getting very much white! What doe sthat mean?

Depends which part of the eye.If the pupil (black centre)is becomming white,it normally indicates cataract.That would usually be in an older person.If there is a faint white ring just inside the outer edge of the iris,(coloured part)that indictes high cholesterol levels.That can be from age 35ish onwards.If the white of the eyes is very white,the person is using eydrops to constrict the blood vesels and make the white look very bright.
Oh my goodness where do these posts lead.!!!
As for why are we like this in different ways,I still think it is empathy.If you are gay,you automatically feel empathy for the plight of Ennis and Jack.If you are straight,then you can still feel empathy.This can be direct, or indirect,because you have suffered some other form of "forbidden" love yourself,or persecution and marginalisation,due to race,religion,even looks e.g overweight.
How many of us have had to endure the unfair judging by others.When I wa at school,I was bullied simply becuse I wa so small.Later,my love mess automatically led to me relating directly to the film.
Perhaps the only ones who are "not like this" are those who so far in life have done the judging,on what ever level.They set themselves above us other mere mortals.They moralise and preach,convinced of their righteousness.I have no time for them.No one is perfect,absoloutely no one.
By taking the moral high ground,they are in fact acting a judge and jury.To judge is arrogant, as it presumes your view is the only one.Arrogance is in apposition with empathy,and is really a weakness.Which is curious as the arrogant,by virtue of being so would argue that they were strong!!!! What a conundrum.To empathise is to be strong,as to do so you have to admit your own weaknesses,and you have to be strong of character to admit to having some weakneses.
To be arrogant is weak as you do not have the moral courage to admit to any weakness.
So I say again it is all down to empathy on some level.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #158 on: March 24, 2008, 11:34:38 pm »
Merci beaucoup Fiona (optom)!

Yes, the neighbour and mother are both in their 80's and have cataract!!
So they wait for operations??

Concerning, Why are we like this?, I guess we, gay men, are afraid, because of bullies ?

You thought of that!

Hugs! HUGS!

Offline optom3

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Re: Why are we like this?
« Reply #159 on: March 24, 2008, 11:54:41 pm »
Merci beaucoup Fiona (optom)!

Yes, the neighbour and mother are both in their 80's and have cataract!!
So they wait for operations??

Concerning, Why are we like this?, I guess we, gay men, are afraid, because of bullies ?

You thought of that!

Hugs! HUGS!

Quick reply as it is my turn for the Jack dream tonight!!!! Cataract surgery is very quick operation,done in the U.K under local anaesthetic,takes about 15 mins.Improvement in vision is pretty well instant,and in most cases the incision now is so tiny there is no need for stitches,It heals itself.They use a laser to melt the old lens with the cataract in it,then put a tiny probe in through tiny incision and suck it out,The new lens implant is folded so it fits back in through the incision,Job done.distance vision is usually perfect  some may need reading glases,some not.Hope this helps.tell your mom it is nothing at all to worry about.The thing I heard most often was I wish I had done it ages ago.
take care,and remember Jack is mine tonight !!!!!!