I cannot find an "embarrassed smiley" that will work here.
Actually I think it is a matter of perception, remember my friends are in their 60's. I have another friend, Jill, coming to stay with me for a few days in March.
She and her husband were very close with another couple. One couple returned to live in UK. Many years later Jill's husband was killed in a car accident. Then Maureen in England died. Tony, her husband, came back to Australia and bought a van. He asked Jill to join him touring North west Australia. She had the van and he had a tent for sleeping. However Jill was very worried about going and talked with me and others about perceptions. I told her to go. She, like me recently, has since stayed with Tony in England.
Actually Trudy and my sister will be staying here a week then we are going north for a week and Trudy will be flying home from Wellington. My sister will continue on with me further north for another 10 days and fly home from Auckland then I will take about 4/5 days to drive back alone. I am sure I will enjoy myself but the company of a nice young man would be better