Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2266673 times)

Offline Toycoon

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Right (76) by Toycoon
« Reply #3170 on: February 09, 2008, 09:32:22 pm »
Right 76 by Toycoon

What started out as an elegant evening out in the tiny town of Lightning Flat, Wyoming became something of a surreal nightmare as the paramedics carried a bloody LeRoy Tippens away on a stretcher through the crowd. All of the party guest stood there completely aghast, beside the broken folding table with all of the snacks scattered on the floor among the confetti and smeared blood. No one could believe what what had just happened. There was a low buzz in the group as the party guests speculated and compared notes on what they had witnessed.

Jack, Katie, Ennis gathered around Raquel, seated at a small, round table. Peggy Ann appeared, uninvited and joined them. "Boy, you sure creamed that Leroy Tippens! He had it comin', I tell you. He was gettin' fresh with me, too, Rocky. He's lucky my Charlie weren't around when that happened. He would'a socked 'im good!"

A petite brunette girl, no more that eighteen years old, dressed in a cream colored, empire waisted dress came forward, out of the crowd. She was obviously pregnant and looked disheveled in her appearance. Her mousy hair was swept up in a hasty bun and she wore a stringy, crocheted shawl around her shoulders. "He's a good man," she shrieked, placing her hands on her belly. "Leroy's my baby's daddy and you ain't got no right, punchin' him like that!"

"No right?! No right?! That sonafobitch grabbed me." Raquel was fuming now. She got right in the slight woman's face, "He was sayin' nasty things to me! Awful things... 'bout me and my friends! You don't know!" With that, the distraught woman rushed up to Raquel and drew back her hand to slap her. Jack jumped up and grabbed her from behind, holding her wrist and wrestling her into a chair. For such a delicate girl, she was remarkably strong and put up quite a fight. She sobbed uncontrollably and waved away anyone that came near her to try and console her. Finally, Katie offered, "Come on y'all. Let's get the hell outta here! Listen, I gotta a big bottle of whiskey back at the shop that needs drinkin'! This place is too much! I can't take too much more'a this!"

The four of them gathered up their belongings and started for the exit. Ennis and Raquel had taken her new Buick to the dance; Jack and Katie drove together so they made a plan to meet at Katie's shop in fifteen minutes. Before they left, the girls decided to make a stop at the ladies' room to freshen up. Raquel opened her clutch and took out a pancake compact. She flipped it open, took out the puff and smoothed it over the makeup then applied some to her face. She noticed the bruising on her wrist where Leroy grabbed her earlier. Katie stared at her reflection in the mirror. "What a night, huh? Who knew there was so much goin' on in Lightning Flat. Boy, I sure didn't. How 'bout you, Rocky?"
Raquel observed Katie's reflection in the mirror. "How did you say you knew Jack and Ennis, agin? Leroy said a few things to me 'bout them, don't know if it's true or not, that I think maybe you should know."
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3171 on: February 09, 2008, 09:48:09 pm »
Susiebell, you skinny thing, you!

I'm thrilled that you are doing your Jack with Ennis homework tonight. This is a very special evening.
It's the True Oracle of Phoenix's Birthday today.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3172 on: February 10, 2008, 05:51:16 pm »
Susiebell, you skinny thing, you!

I'm thrilled that you are doing your Jack with Ennis homework tonight. This is a very special evening.
It's the True Oracle of Phoenix's Birthday today.

Happy Birthday TOoP!

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right (76)
« Reply #3173 on: February 10, 2008, 07:35:36 pm »
Afternoon, Ty.

Well, that Leroy is sure something else.  Gay, had an on-off affair with Alan, wants to get it on with Rocky, spouts anti-women junk, gets a girl pregnant... and the list goes on.  Some point in time he's going to snap big-time, and I don't want Jack and/or Ennis anywhere near him when he does.  Hope he doesn't say something where OMT can hear, 'cause OMT may not like it that Jack's gay and Ennis is his boyfriend, but he'll defend the family's honor and that would lead to tragic consequences all around. 

Hmmm.  The things that go on in the bathrooms!!! Rocky is going to spill the beans to Katie.  Wonder if Jack and Ennis will run into a drunk Alan, and he'll spill the beans to them, too.  The proposed drink-a-thon at Katie's store should be very interesting! Maybe even with uninvited guests. 

The Dakotas are sounding even better.  So is Montana, or Colorado. 

But need to talk with Ma first. 

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Not so New Year
« Reply #3174 on: February 10, 2008, 10:38:38 pm »

Beautiful heartwrenching moment Littlewing  :'(

Gosh, I can't believe I've got so far behind (I've had to go back to page 504!!  :o)  It's going to take me a while to catch up ... best get on with it!


Thanks, SusieBaby!  Now I'll have to post a few Valentine's Day stories!  :)

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Right 77
« Reply #3175 on: February 12, 2008, 09:56:55 pm »
Right 77 By Littlewing1957

Katie looked at Raquel and shrugged.  “I don’t know what you mean, honey,” she demurred as she watched Rocky powder her nose.  “I know Jack from way back.  We didn’t grow up together, but we always attended the same church.”  Raquel continued to apply powder as she listened.  “I know next to nothing about Ennis.  I met him when I saw Jack walking with him down the road one morning, and offered them both a ride into town.  Why do you ask?”  Katie examined her pale pink fingernails, and tried to act cool.  “Well, Leroy said some pretty awful things about Ennis and Jack,” Rocky volunteered.  “What sort of things?” Katie asked, more than a little concerned.  Rocky studied her friend’s face in the mirror.  She noticed how stressed Katie looked, and decided that they both endured enough trauma for one night.  “Listen, how about we forget this awful night and head over to drink that good whiskey you told us about?” Rocky’s voice was very soothing.  “Leroy was drunk, and I don’t put too much stock in what a drunkard says!  I’m done,” Rocky said as she placed her compact back into her bag.  "Let’s get the hell out of here!”  Katie smiled uneasily and followed Rocky out of the ladies room.

Ennis and Jack were out in front of the hall and watched as the ambulance pulled away.  It looked like the dance was all but over, as people were leaving for their cars in droves.  Jack sat down on the steps and Ennis sat down beside him.  The cold was bearable, but Jack wished he could snuggle up to his friend, if not for warmth, for reassurance.  He wrestled an impulse to take Ennis’ hand and hold on tight.  The anger and resentment he felt when Ennis left was all but forgotten.  Jack was prepared to mend fences and go on.  Ennis no longer felt awkward around Jack.  He sensed that Jack had forgiven him, and was prepared to forgive himself.  Ennis knew that he was a work in progress, and that there was no need to chastise himself for the mistakes he made.  He was committed to going forward with whatever Jack wanted.  He knew he could make amends, and perhaps even find his way back to the Twist Ranch.  The two men sat in comfortable silence, each lost in thought.

Just as the last couple left the hall, Rocky and Katie exited the front door and found Ennis and Jack relaxing on the steps.  “You ready to go, Jack?” It was Katie, and she placed a soft hand on Jack’s shoulder.  Ennis pulled himself up and moved toward Rocky.  “C’mon, Ennis, let’s head over to Preen,” Rocky stated, breathlessly.  “I can really use that whiskey right about now!”  Ennis nodded and offered his arm.  Jack stood up and watched as Rocky and Ennis moved to the parking lot.  Ennis looked back and blushed as he saw Jack wink sexily at him.  Jack thought he was being discreet, but Katie noticed the wink and her mouth flew open.  She said nothing.

Rocky and Ennis waited in Rocky’s car, and when Rocky heard Katie honk, she pulled off onto the road with Katie following close behind.  Ennis stared straight ahead, his heart full from spending a few moments with Jack, his mind in turmoil, wondering what Leroy could have said about him and Jack.  Rocky drove in silence.  She rubbed her wrist and arm a few times, as they were bruised almost black.  Ennis watched Rocky grimace as she moved her arm to maneuver the car.  “Maybe you should go to the hospital, Raquel,” Ennis uttered with great concern.  “I think those bruises will really smart in the morning.  Maybe the doctors can give you something for the pain!”  “I don’t do drugs!” Rocky snapped.  Ennis was taken aback.  What did he say?  “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean nothin’ by it,” Ennis stammered.  “I’m just thinking about you!”  Rocky sighed and stole a glance at Ennis.  “I’m sorry, Ennis, I guess I’m just on edge.  I spent so much money on our outfits for the dance, and planned my schedule around this evening for months.  And look at how it turned out!  This is the last time I attend a party in this hick town!”  Ennis smiled slightly but didn’t say a word.  He knew exactly where Rocky was coming from.  Ennis never expected so much dysfunction in Lightning Flat.  Another reason Jack was so anxious to get away!  “But no matter,” Rocky continued, “Once we get to Katie’s shop we can put on some music, get drunk, and see what else happens.  We can have our own party!”  It was not an agreeable idea.  Ennis didn’t like the sound of it one bit.  But he was not one to argue.  He would think of a way out for him and for Jack!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3176 on: February 14, 2008, 02:47:13 pm »
Happy Valentine's Day to you, Gary, and to everyone!

Gary, I saw your Daniel and Tyler story and will read it when I get home from work.  I'm so excited to see another Tyler and Daniel story, and especially on Valentine's Day!  :-*

I have yet to post my own Valentine's Day Ennis and Jack stories, but I should have them up shortly.  Thanks for the story, Gary!  I can't wait to read it.   :)

Where is Dagi?  I haven't seen her around in awhile. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right 77
« Reply #3177 on: February 14, 2008, 02:49:02 pm »
Great chapter, Littlewing.  The suspense is once more on the rise.  How long will Rocky hold out before she admits she knows about Jack and Ennis?  Will Katie figure it out on her own?  Will Jack and Ennis come clean before anyone pressures them to be honest?  Will Jack and Ennis leave Lightening Flat?  So many questions to keep us tuned in.


Thanks for your sweet comments, Gary!  I'm glad you're staying with us.  Stay tuned!  We have some surprises planned!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3178 on: February 14, 2008, 06:44:42 pm »
Dagi has been busy, but she wanted me to wish you and all of her fanfic friends a...


Love and hugs to everybody.

Thanks for the info, Gary!  I miss that cowgirl!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Be Mine
« Reply #3179 on: February 14, 2008, 10:01:42 pm »
Be Mine By Littlewing1957

It was February 13, and Jack hurried to downtown Childress, hoping to make it to Montgomery Ward before the store closed.  He was of a romantic nature, but the love of his life lived some 1400 miles away.  His wife, the old ball and chain, was safely at home, looking after their young son.  Lureen was more of a friend than a lover, but he knew better than to go into February 14th without a sentimental gift for her.

Jack sighed with relief when he saw that Monkey Ward would stay open until 9:00p.m.  He parked his truck in the lot and walked into the store.  But what to get?  Wards had a small florist kiosk, and a sweets shop.  Perhaps both flowers and candy?  A pretty new blouse?  Some fancy perfume?  Jack couldn’t decide.

He knew for sure that Lureen was expecting a card.  He found cards on the 2nd floor and rushed to the stand that featured Valentine’s Day cards.  Jack had to push through several shoppers to get near the darn things.  He selected a mushy, outsized card for his wife, and a smaller heart shaped card for Bobby.  Jack was about to leave and pay for his purchases when he noticed a card with a caricature of a cowboy riding a bull and brandishing a silly lasso in the air.  The card featured an even sillier caption.  Jack tried to force himself to move on, but the impulse to inspect the card was just too strong.  He picked it up, felt his heart tug and placed it with the others.  After purchasing a bouquet of red roses for Lureen and a box of chocolates for Bobby, Jack walked to the post office.  He knew he took an awful chance sending the card, wasn’t at all sure how it would be received.  But Jack couldn’t stop himself.  He addressed the envelope to Ennis, and on the inside, which was blank, wrote the words: BE MINE.  Jack smiled sadly and tried to pull himself together.  He placed the envelope in the outgoing slot and drove home.

Ennis and Jack forever Ennis and Jack Forever Ennis and Jack forever Ennis and Jack forever Ennis and Jack forever Ennis and Jack forever Ennis and Jack forever