Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2258131 times)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2880 on: December 15, 2007, 02:48:17 pm »
I was a long time coming but here, finally is Chapter 56 of "Right", the continuing saga of Jack with Ennis.
Thank you everyone for your continued support. You know I love you guys and I wish the very best for you at this holiday season!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Right 56 by Toycoon
« Reply #2881 on: December 15, 2007, 02:51:29 pm »
"I said, what the hell are you doing here?!" shouted John Twist at the frail young man. Alan wheeled around to face John Twist, aiming a loaded rifle straight at him. "Please, Mr. Twist! Don't shoot!" pleaded Alan, holding his hands in the air," It's me... Alan Sims, Jack's friend, remember?"

"I said, what are you doing here!" said John, not lowering the rifle. "I came looking for Jack."
"Well Jack ain't here! And you're on my property. I told you to stay away from here, now get going!" Alan slowly backed up off the porch, away from Mr. Twist, turned then started to run to his car. Mr. Twist watched him as he jumped in to his car and sped away.

"What in the hell is going on around here?" he muttered to himself. John walked over to the basement door. He stood at the door for a few moments before knocking. "No, he couldn't be..." John rapped on the door, then turned the knob and walked in. He pulled the chain for the light and let his eyes focus on the two figures in the twin bed. Startled, Ennis and Jack sat up in the bed, too surprised to speak or say anything. John spoke first, "Jack, I want  you to get out of that bed and go up to your room and Ennis, I want to get your stuff and get the hell outta here! I knew there was something bad about you! You Goddamn queers ain't never no good! Jack, yer mamma's gonna hear about this. It's gonna kill her!" John had the rifle aimed at Ennis and his son.

Enraged, Jack threw back the covers and stood up. He was completely naked but still commanded authority despite his being exposed. He walked straight up to his father and got right in his face. "You ain't telling momma, nothin', ya hear that, old man! Unless you want me to tell her about that time when I was five and ya beat me and pissed all over me! Or about all them secret visits to my room late at night. Ya want me to tell her about that you old sonofabitch!" John stood there, stunned by his son's boldness. He knew Jack was right. He lowered the rifle then silently turned and started up the steps to the door. "We'll start on the barn in the morning," he muttered, almost inaudibly and slammed the door behind him. Jack and Ennis stared at each other in complete disbelief.

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: The Christmas Present (5)
« Reply #2882 on: December 15, 2007, 08:26:03 pm »
Before he could rouse himself enough to let go of his wife’s hands after their talk, Mr. Twist heard Jack calling from upstairs, informing them that Ennis had chosen the room across the hall from Jack’s.  Ennis protested, but Jack’s parents insisted, and the boys instead made up the room next to Jack’s, the one with the larger bed. 

Clambering down the stairs to announce their impending presence, Jack and Ennis entered the kitchen somewhat more subdued than when they went up, but not disheveled.  Puzzled somewhat at their quiet demeanor, John just shrugged and moved onto the next task at hand.  Standing up, he ran a hand through his hard and faced the two new arrivals. 

“Well, hung around the house long enough, snow’s let up, hafta check the stock, see how they weathered the storm, make sure they’ve ‘nough feed. Jack and me’ll take care a that, Ennis, yer a visitor, ya can stay inside, mebbe call yer family and let ‘em know yer okay, say Merry Christmas and all that.  And don’t worry about the phone bill, guess it’ll be our present to ya.”

“Thank ya anyway, sir, but I don’t got any family to call.” Jack’s all the family I got or need.

“What about yer pa and yer ma?” Mr. Twist asked impatiently. 

Ennis replied quietly, looking down. “They died in a accident when I was 14, ran off the road on the way to our ranch.  Lost the ranch, been workin’ ever since.  M’ brother kicked me out this Spring when he got married. M’ sister’s married, lives somewhere in Laramie, ain’t heard from her in coupla years.”

“Shit, that’s hard, boy.”

“John, not in the house,” said Mrs. Twist firmly, and then continued,  “I’m very sorry ta hear about yer folks, Ennis.”

“’s alright, ma’am. Been a long time now, over six years.”  Raising his head to look at Mr. Twist, Ennis continued.  “Sir, me ‘n Jack’ll take care of the chores fer ya, only way I can think a thankin’ ya ‘n Mrs. Twist fer lettin’ me stay over Christmas.  Don’t have a right present fer ya, but I got two hands that know how ta work hard, so hope ya’ll let me do this fer ya instead.” 

Jack held his breath, secretly admiring Ennis.  No one but John Twist knew anything about how to run the Twist spread, no one, not Jack, not his wife, not his older brother no longer there, no one, just ask him, he’d told that in no uncertain terms to anyone who ever dared suggest otherwise for the past thirty years.  Run through enough hired hands to confirm that throughout the entire county. 

John looked sharply at Ennis, and then at his son.  He frowned, and started forming words of protest, something about Ennis’ bein’ an upstart and new to these parts, when Jack surprised all three of them by jumping in and insisting that the two of them could do it alone and for once he should let Jack handle it, after all they took care of more than a thousand sheep all summer together by themselves.  His talking drifted to a stop when he got a good look at his father’s face, the little veins on his forehead starting to bulge.   

Still frowning, but remembering, Mr. Twist surprised himself by accepting Ennis’ present.  “Well, if ya feel that way about it, think I’ll take ya up on that, Ennis.  But mind ya, ya’ll hafta run herd on this one over here that calls ya his ‘partner’, don’t know much about runnin’ this place yet no matter how much I’ve tried to show ‘im, and tends to daydream and let things slide.  So keep an eye on ‘em. And I’ll be watchin’ ya and checkin’ yer work, be sure of that, so best do it right and no lollygaggin’, ya hear.”

Jack eyed his father suspiciously, wondering what his old man was up to.  With a "yessir" Ennis just turned and walked towards the door, wanting to get away, all the talking exhausting him, calling over his shoulder as he went. “Ya comin’, Jack? Ain’t got time ta waste, them clouds outside look like they might have some more snow in ‘em, ‘n I fer one don’t wanta get caught in no blizzard. Done that already once this year, back on the Mountain.” 

With a last puzzled look at his dad, Jack turned and hurried after Ennis.  The last Mr. and Mrs. Twist heard was the banging of the closing outside door, and the muffled sound of boots crunching snow on the outside stairs. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right (57)
« Reply #2883 on: December 16, 2007, 02:18:16 am »
Right (57) By Littlewing1957

Jack sat on Ennis’ small bed and covered himself with the blankets.  Mr. Twist left in a huff, leaving behind an impression in the basement as bitter cold as the air outside.  Ennis moved to join Jack on the bed.  He reached out for his friend, and placed a tender hand on Jack’s shoulder.  Jack was trembling.  Ennis pulled him close and held him tight.  “Easy, Rodeo,” Ennis whispered as he cuddled Jack.  “Its okay, he’s gone now!”  Jack melted into his lover’s embrace and found his resolve returning with each gentle caress.  “Maybe we better go up to the house and get ready to get to work, Friend,” Jack offered.  “It must be along on 4:00 in the morning, and the earlier we get started, the better for all of us.”  Ennis looked Jack straight in his blue eyes.  How could he talk about going up to the house, and preparing to work like nothing happened?  Ennis didn’t know about Jack, but he would have a hard time facing Old Man Twist after what just happened there tonight.  “Maybe your dad is right,” Ennis ventured.  “I’ve caused you nothin’ but trouble, Jack.”  He released his lover and turned his back to him.  “Maybe I should clear out.  That’ll be best for everyone!”  Jack sighed.  “Look friend,” he began, “If you leave, I’m goin’ with you.”  Jack began to rub Ennis’ back with a smooth, circular motion.

Mr. Twist found climbing the stairs to his room as much an ordeal as finding Jack in bed with his lover.  He felt every year of his age as he managed the last few steps to the second story of his tiny house.  His home was cold - colder than it had ever been before.  John Twist passed his son’s empty room and stiffened.  He replayed Jack’s words in his head and wondered what would happen next.  He didn’t really want Ennis to leave, but how could he ever sanction the kind of behavior he just witnessed?  And what if someone from town…?  Alan Sims!  John forgot about Alan, and how he almost shot him dead out there in the dark! His presence certainly complicated things!  What did he see?  How much did he know?  John approached his bed and climbed in next to his wife.  He would find a way to deal with Alan.  “John, I heard voices... is everything okay?” It was Mrs. Twist, her small voice heavy with sleep.  “Go back to sleep, mother,” Mr. Twist soothed.  “I thought I heard voices too, and went out to investigate.”  John Twist patted his wife’s hand. “I didn’t find anything.  Everything is fine.”  Roberta Twist smiled in the dark and moved closer to her husband.

Ennis watched as Jack finished dressing.  Ennis was already fully dressed, but he had no idea what to do next.  He was adamant about leaving, and if Jack wanted to go along, well, he had no problem with that.  Jack agreed that they should get lost, at least until cooler heads prevailed.  He didn’t have a plan, didn’t think anything through.  Jack just knew that he never wanted to be separated from Ennis again.  He looked at Ennis and thought his nerves would shatter.  “You sure you wanna go, friend?” Jack asked, gently. Ennis nodded and moved closer to his lover.  “Are you sure you want to come with me?  What about your ma?  She’ll be worried sick!”  Jack pulled Ennis into a gentle embrace.  “I’ll get word to her somehow.  And besides, we’ll be back, right?”  Ennis kissed Jack on the lips.  “Yeah, we’ll be back.”  They shared another tender kiss, and It was settled.  Ennis turned off the light, and the two men climbed the steps up from the basement.  They moved silently and very swiftly to the main road and headed out in the cold.

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Re: The Christmas Present (5)
« Reply #2884 on: December 16, 2007, 02:24:28 am »
Before he could rouse himself enough to let go of his wife’s hands after their talk, Mr. Twist heard Jack calling from upstairs, informing them that Ennis had chosen the room across the hall from Jack’s.  Ennis protested, but Jack’s parents insisted, and the boys instead made up the room next to Jack’s, the one with the larger bed. 

Clambering down the stairs to announce their impending presence, Jack and Ennis entered the kitchen somewhat more subdued than when they went up, but not disheveled.  Puzzled somewhat at their quiet demeanor, John just shrugged and moved onto the next task at hand.  Standing up, he ran a hand through his hard and faced the two new arrivals. 

“Well, hung around the house long enough, snow’s let up, hafta check the stock, see how they weathered the storm, make sure they’ve ‘nough feed. Jack and me’ll take care a that, Ennis, yer a visitor, ya can stay inside, mebbe call yer family and let ‘em know yer okay, say Merry Christmas and all that.  And don’t worry about the phone bill, guess it’ll be our present to ya.”

“Thank ya anyway, sir, but I don’t got any family to call.” Jack’s all the family I got or need.

“What about yer pa and yer ma?” Mr. Twist asked impatiently. 

Ennis replied quietly, looking down. “They died in a accident when I was 14, ran off the road on the way to our ranch.  Lost the ranch, been workin’ ever since.  M’ brother kicked me out this Spring when he got married. M’ sister’s married, lives somewhere in Laramie, ain’t heard from her in coupla years.”

“Shit, that’s hard, boy.”

“John, not in the house,” said Mrs. Twist firmly, and then continued,  “I’m very sorry ta hear about yer folks, Ennis.”

“’s alright, ma’am. Been a long time now, over six years.”  Raising his head to look at Mr. Twist, Ennis continued.  “Sir, me ‘n Jack’ll take care of the chores fer ya, only way I can think a thankin’ ya ‘n Mrs. Twist fer lettin’ me stay over Christmas.  Don’t have a right present fer ya, but I got two hands that know how ta work hard, so hope ya’ll let me do this fer ya instead.” 

Jack held his breath, secretly admiring Ennis.  No one but John Twist knew anything about how to run the Twist spread, no one, not Jack, not his wife, not his older brother no longer there, no one, just ask him, he’d told that in no uncertain terms to anyone who ever dared suggest otherwise for the past thirty years.  Run through enough hired hands to confirm that throughout the entire county. 

John looked sharply at Ennis, and then at his son.  He frowned, and started forming words of protest, something about Ennis’ bein’ an upstart and new to these parts, when Jack surprised all three of them by jumping in and insisting that the two of them could do it alone and for once he should let Jack handle it, after all they took care of more than a thousand sheep all summer together by themselves.  His talking drifted to a stop when he got a good look at his father’s face, the little veins on his forehead starting to bulge.   

Still frowning, but remembering, Mr. Twist surprised himself by accepting Ennis’ present.  “Well, if ya feel that way about it, think I’ll take ya up on that, Ennis.  But mind ya, ya’ll hafta run herd on this one over here that calls ya his ‘partner’, don’t know much about runnin’ this place yet no matter how much I’ve tried to show ‘im, and tends to daydream and let things slide.  So keep an eye on ‘em. And I’ll be watchin’ ya and checkin’ yer work, be sure of that, so best do it right and no lollygaggin’, ya hear.”

Jack eyed his father suspiciously, wondering what his old man was up to.  With a "yessir" Ennis just turned and walked towards the door, wanting to get away, all the talking exhausting him, calling over his shoulder as he went. “Ya comin’, Jack? Ain’t got time ta waste, them clouds outside look like they might have some more snow in ‘em, ‘n I fer one don’t wanta get caught in no blizzard. Done that already once this year, back on the Mountain.” 

With a last puzzled look at his dad, Jack turned and hurried after Ennis.  The last Mr. and Mrs. Twist heard was the banging of the closing outside door, and the muffled sound of boots crunching snow on the outside stairs. 

Beautiful addition, cwby30!  Ennis staying through Christmas and convincing OMT to let him help on the ranch.  Very descriptive language.  Lovely, lovely writing.  I'm really looking forward to reading the next installment.  What a wonderful Xmas present to all of us!

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Re: The christmas Present (2)
« Reply #2885 on: December 16, 2007, 06:12:27 pm »
Hi there cwby30.  Another great story.  I love the way we all want to rewrite this story so that the boys can be together.  Of course as the story was originally written and filmed is very powerful, and true statement, but it would not be half so powerful if we did not want it to work out differently.Gary

Gary, this is very true!

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Re: Right (57)
« Reply #2886 on: December 16, 2007, 06:14:15 pm »
Hi there Toycoon and Littlewing.  Sorry I've not posted any comments in a few days.  Just so you know, I'm still here and I'm following your story.  I was on the edge of my seat when both this Sims character and Mr. Twist went looking for Jack when he was down in the basement in Ennis's arms.  Wow!  What an explosive situation. 


Thanks for your kind words, Babe!  I almost thought you had give up on us, but I know you wouldn't do that.  Stay with us, as there are more surprises to come!  :)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 10:56:16 pm by littlewing1957 »

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Re: December the 21st
« Reply #2887 on: December 16, 2007, 06:17:05 pm »
Hi Littlewing.  I love the idea of Jack and Ennis spending Christmas together.  But I'm wondering what's going on with Jack. 

How are you doint, Littlewing?  Have you recovered from your injuries?  I still wince with pain every time I even think about your fall. 


Hi, Gary.  Sorry I haven't been in touch in awhile.  I'm much better - almost back to normal.  I'm trying to deal with work, but it's hard since I have to see the place where I fell and hurt myself on a daily basis.  But I'm getting over it.  Thanks for asking!  As long as I have you in my life I know I can make it.  I love you!

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December 21st (2)
« Reply #2888 on: December 16, 2007, 06:53:59 pm »
December 21st (2) By Littlewing1957

December the 18th and Jack was all alone in his home.  He sat on his red sofa with TV guide in hand, and leafed through the network listings.  He wanted to find some lighthearted Xmas fare to cheer him up, especially after the dreary day he endured at work.  Good thing he closed the dealership for the season, that today was his last day at work for awhile.  Jack was done with fat ranchers and their rude, dismissive attutudes.  Business was slow, anyway, and he couldn't wait to get home and relax.  Nothing on but A Christmas Carol, and Jack didn’t particularly want to deal with Scrooge.  In Jack's mind, Mr. Newsome was Childress' resident Scrooge.  He needed something light and airy and sentimental.  It was no use. He threw the guide down on the couch and decided to fix something to eat.  Perhaps later he would watch Frosty the Snowman, or A Charlie Brown Christmas.  Jack always liked the Peanuts Gang.

Jack grilled himself a T-bone steak as he wondered how his family was enjoying Hawaii.  He remembered the look on Lureen’s face when she barged into his office with first class tickets to the Big Island.  The problem was, she only had 2 tickets - one for her and one for Bobby.  To her credit, she looked rather crestfallen when she explained that her parents could only afford 2 additional tickets, and that someone had to remain behind to mind the business.  But they would make it up to him later.  When the fiscal year was over and if the business turned a large enough profit, Daddy Newsome would make sure Jack received a nice bonus and tickets to wherever he wanted to go.  Lureen delivered this news and looked at her husband, hopeful that he understood.  “You okay with this, honey?” Lureen whispered.  “Can we go?”  Jack shrugged and managed a smile.  “Yeah, why not?” He stammered.  “It’s not everyday you get a chance to get away, and to Hawaii, no less!  I guess Hawaii is real pretty this time of year.  You and Bobby and your folks go and have a nice time.”  Lureen brightened and threw her arms around her husband.  She delivered a sloppy pink kiss on his forehead and promised to make everything up to him.  Jack waited until Lureen left his office to wipe her kiss from his brow.

Jack carried his steak and baked potato to the couch and placed it on one of the TV tables.  He ate with gusto, and wished that Ennis Del Mar was sitting beside him, sharing his savory steak.  Just a few days more and he would be in Ennis’ arms.  Jack smiled and marveled that things seemed to work out for the good.  He was certain that his father-in-law could very well afford to include him in the trip to Hawaii, and probably felt self-satisfied that Jack would remain behind.  The old fart probably thought he was causing Jack grief, but he couldn’t be more wrong.  In a way, Mr. Newsome gave Jack a needed gift: a holiday alone with Ennis Del Mar.  Jack couldn’t ask for more than that.  The dealership was officially closed for the holiday, to reopen the day after New Year’s.  He would drive down to be with Ennis, and return before New Year's day.  No one would be the wiser.  Jack finished his meal and headed for his bedroom to pack.  He placed Ennis’ present among his other belongings and zipped the duffle closed.  Just one more sleep until he hit the road to Riverton.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 10:51:09 pm by littlewing1957 »

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2889 on: December 16, 2007, 10:54:01 pm »
I'm so thankful that we have you three to keep the fires burning Toycoon, Littlewing and Cwby  :-* :-* :-* ... I love reading all your stories  :D ... I just wish I could feel inspired to join in once again .... I feel like I've had the stuffing knocked out of me a bit!!  :-\

Susie  :)

SusieBaby, in due time you'll feel inspired to write again.  Until then, just enjoy our stories.  I vow to keep them coming!  :)