Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2831142 times)

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Re: His Hair
« Reply #3040 on: January 15, 2008, 01:29:31 am »
Ennis was amused, but he was also becoming aroused.  He couldn’t imagine that a simple ministration like stroking his hair could make him want to take Jack down at that very moment.

You are so good, Miss Littlewing!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: His Hair
« Reply #3041 on: January 15, 2008, 01:52:07 am »
You are so good, Miss Littlewing!

Why thanks, sugarboo!  Your installment #68 is unreal! Outrageous!  I love it.  I'll have volume 69 up very soon!  :)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3042 on: January 16, 2008, 05:05:38 pm »
Thanks for your kind words, and for aksing about me, Love.  I haven't been in touch very much, and I apologize.  I'm doing much better, thanks!  It is so good to see you, though.  I got your PM and will answer very soon.

Stay with us!  Our saga continues!

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Right 69 By Littlewing1957
« Reply #3043 on: January 16, 2008, 05:13:56 pm »
Right 69 By Littlewing1957

"Jack, come down here!" Mrs. Twist yelled up the stairs from the living room.  "Katie is here to see you!"  Jack heard his mom and sat up on his twin bed.  He was taking a short nap after having laid the foundation for the barn with his dad earlier that morning.   He was bone weary and just wanted to sleep.  But after an entire morning of enduring his dad's cold indifference, Jack began to warm up to the idea of a visitor.  "I'll be right down, Ma," Jack yelled from his room.  He pulled off denim overalls and a smelly blue shirt and climbed into a pair of stiff jeans and a creme colored sweater.  Satisfied that he looked presentable, Jack left his room and headed for the stairs.  He found Katie and his mom in the kitchen, seated at the table, sipping at cups of coffee.

Wow, what a fox! Katie thought as she caught sight of Jack in the kitchen doorway.  She was quick to avert her eyes when Jack entered.  No need to act too eager.  "Come on in and have a cup of coffee," Mrs. Twist offered when she noticed her son.  "Thanks, Ma." Jack answered as he reached for the pot.  He poured himself a cup of strong java and sat down next to Katie.  "How you doin, Katie?" Jack asked politely.  Katie took a sip of her coffee.  "I'm okay.  Just wanted to see how you're feeling.  You okay?  Heard from Ennis yet?"  Jack flinched when he heard Ennis' name.  Mrs. Twist noticed and changed the subject.  "Ahh...Katie," Mrs. Twist began, "How is business?  I hear you're thinking about opening another shop."  Katie smiled sweetly at her hostess.  Jack was silent.  "Business is good, thanks for asking.  I have plans to open another place, but only if things go well this fiscal year."  Mrs. Twist nodded. "We'll just have to see what happens,"  Katie added.  Roberta Twist looked sidelong at her son.  He was being too quiet, was being rude.  She kicked him slightly on the ankle under the table.  Jack perked up.  "Katie, I'm glad to hear everything is going so well.  I didn't even know you had your own business until you drove us there a few days ago." Jack was being sincere.  "I'm very proud of you."  Katie and Mrs. Twist locked eyes and beamed.  "Well, I gotta go do the wash," Mrs. Twist stated as she rose from the table.  She placed her cup in the sink and headed quickly for the kitchen door. "You kids stay here as long as you want.  I'll be out back."

Jack rose from his seat and placed his mug in the sink.  Katie was still seated, still working on her cup of coffee.   She had doubts about mentioning Ennis, but she was just too curious.  "Jack," Katie began, "What is the story with Ennis?  You can tell me, we're friends."  Jack turned and faced her.  He sat back down beside her, but didn't look at her.  "There's not much to tell, Katie," Jack whispered.  "I don't know why Ennis ran off like that, and I haven't heard from him."  Jack looked very troubled.  "Do you want to hear from him?"  Katie asked gently.  "Yes," Jack answered soflty.  "Then we should go look for him," Katie offered.  "Why don't we scour the town.  I hate to alarm you, but what if something happened to him?"  Jack almost laughed out loud.  "Katie, Ennis is a big boy and can take care of himself.  We don't have to go looking for him." Jack glanced at her.  "If he disappeared, it's because he wanted to.  I'm sure there is no foul play involved."  Katie shrugged.  "Just a suggestion."  Jack nodded and fell silent.  "Well look, I still need a date for the dance.  You still want to go with me?  It'll be a good time...take your mind off things."  Jack doubted that.  Going to the dance would only remind him that Ennis would also be there, if things worked out.  But what the heck?  Life had to go on, and going to the dance sounded like fun.  "Okay, I'll go to the dance with you," Jack said.  "But I don't have anything to wear."  "Don't worry about a thing," Katie enthused.  "Look, we can go to a store in town that has kick ass men's formal wear.  I'll rent you a tux for the night.  What do you say?"  Jack grunted.  "I can rent my own tux," He stated matter-of-factly.  "Of course," Katie muttered.  "Look, why don't we go now.  I can drive us over to the store and we can look at what they have to offer.  You can try on a few suits, we can put down a deposit and pick it up before the dance.  What do you say, Jack?  "Well, I promised my ma I would help with dinner."  "Don't worry.  I already spoke with her, and she said she can manage."  Katie looked hopeful.  Jack couldn't think of any reason not to go.  "Okay.  Let me get my coat."  Jack left the kitchen and headed up the stairs to fetch his parka.

Alan Sims should have been back to his job, but he asked for, and was granted, an additional week of vacation.  He noticed that Jack and his dad were building something out back on the ranch.  He didn't consider himself a stalker, just a man on a mission.  Alan was parked on the opposite side of the Twist spread, in view of Jack's front door.  He was parked there when Katie arrived, but he didn't think anything of it.  Lightning Flat was a small town, and he knew that Katie and Mrs. Twist were friendly.  Alan knew Katie as well, and was fond of her.  But when he saw Jack exit the Twist home with Katie on his arm, Alan began to see red.  He waited until Jack was inside Katie's car and started his engine.  Katie pulled off onto the main road and Alan pulled out and followed.  He knew to stay well behind them.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:07:49 am by littlewing1957 »


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Re: His Hair
« Reply #3044 on: January 18, 2008, 06:46:17 am »
His Hair by Littlewing1957

“Can I play with your hair?” At first Ennis was certain he hadn’t heard correctly.  Jack was sitting on the rug, his knees pressed against his chest.  Ennis sat in a straight-backed chair, staring down at his lover.  “What's it you want?”  Ennis asked, rather amused.  Jack smiled when he heard the mirth in Ennis’ voice. “I want to run my fingers through your hair!”

Ennis moved near Jack and sat down next to him.  “I think I’ll get up in the chair, and you can squeeze backwards between my legs," Jack whispered.  “He's  going to make a big production out of this,” Ennis mused as he followed Jack’s instructions.  Jack opened his thighs and allowed Ennis to back in.  Ennis draped both arms over Jack’s shoulders and lowered his head just a bit.  Jack very gently picked up a strand of Ennis’ hair.  He stroked his lover’s flaxen locks with a finger.  Ennis was amused, but he was also becoming aroused.  He couldn’t imagine that a simple ministration like stroking his hair could make him want to take Jack down at that very moment.  Ennis sighed and sat very still.  Jack began to massage his scalp.  Ennis thought he would cry out from the pleasure.

Jack stopped suddenly.  It was nothing major; not like making love and then pulling away.  Ennis could handle it.  But he was instantly missing Jack’s touch on his head.  He couldn’t know how much he would like a scalp massage.  Jack stood and pulled Ennis up and over his lap.  He liked the feel of his man.  He avoided Ennis’ eyes.  “I..I just like your color scheme, Cowboy,” Jack sputtered.  “I can’t keep my hands or my eyes off of you, and I’m not ashamed to admit it."  Ennis didn’t know what to say to that.  He reached for Jack’s head and placed it on his chest.  It was his turn.  Ennis stroked Jack’s dark hair and hummed.  It was only good to return the favor.

Aaww, I love this. What a sweet moment you captured here, Marie.



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Right by Toycoon and Littlewing
« Reply #3045 on: January 18, 2008, 06:51:17 am »
Hey Toycoon and Littlewing, I'm really curious as for where your story is heading to. Ennis seems to have stumbled into a trap, I only hope Jack isn't going to make the same mistake. Keep them coming! It´s starting to read like a novel!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: His Hair
« Reply #3046 on: January 18, 2008, 11:01:36 pm »
Aaww, I love this. What a sweet moment you captured here, Marie.


Thanks, Dagi.  It is the intimate moments between our boys that I love reading and writing about.

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Re: Right by Toycoon and Littlewing
« Reply #3047 on: January 18, 2008, 11:02:10 pm »
Hey Toycoon and Littlewing, I'm really curious as for where your story is heading to. Ennis seems to have stumbled into a trap, I only hope Jack isn't going to make the same mistake. Keep them coming! It´s starting to read like a novel!


We have a few surprises up our sleeves!  Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 02:33:39 am by littlewing1957 »

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Hopes and Dreams
« Reply #3048 on: January 20, 2008, 01:34:42 am »
Hopes and Dreams by Littlewing1957

“If you never met Alma, what do you think you would do after the mountain?” Jack asked, with great interest.  Ennis stopped in his tracks and deposited a bundle of wood on the frigid earth.  “I never gave it much thought, Jack,” Ennis answered.  “After all, I’m only 19.  I haven’t had a chance to map out my future yet.”  Jack took it in.  “What about a ranch?  You think you would put some money on a small ranch somewhere?”  “Mebbe!” Ennis spoke, rubbing his chin.  “Having a small place all to myself with my horses and a few cattle sounds nice.”  Jack smiled and helped him build a fire.

“I have dreams,” Jack spoke as he took a swig of whiskey.  He passed the bottle to Ennis. “I’m sure you do,” Ennis answered, absently.  “Go ahead, Jack, tell me!” Ennis looked expectantly at his friend after he took a sip from the bottle.   “I’m listening.”  That Ennis was up to hearing about his plans gave Jack pause.  No one ever gave a rat’s ass about his dreams before.  His dad never sat still enough for him to consult, or even talk to.  His mom was too busy keeping the family afloat.  No one in his life had the time, or inclination to listen to him, ask him what he wanted to do with his life.  But Ennis Del Mar wanted to hear all about it.  Jack felt his heart swell when he realized that someone seemed to care about him.

Jack spoke freely about his dream of first becoming a rodeo rider, and being good enough at it to put money aside for a cow and calf operation of his own.  Ennis heard it all, nodded at times, and made interested noises.  Jack was mellow from drink and the good company.  The fire was dying down, and Ennis was feeling quite tipsy.  He had sheep to watch; he should have been up there with them at that very moment.  Ennis looked over at Jack, who was lying prone.  He seemed very happy – not a care in the world.  Ennis knew he would never make it back up to the sheep.  He asked Jack for a blanket.  Jack complied; knowing full well that once the fire died down, Ennis would join him in the tent.

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Special Order
« Reply #3049 on: January 20, 2008, 02:18:43 am »
Special Order By Littlewing1957

“We got a special order in this week,” The Basque announced as he read over Ennis’ list.  Ennis tried not to look excited, but any change, any addition to the bland fare they had been forced to endure was most welcome.  Ennis and Jack prepared a “wish” list every Friday, and tried to be reasonable and fair.  After all, they weren’t accustomed to fancy vittles, and didn’t know much about cooking.  But Ennis was getting tired of beans, and Jack was down right sick of them.  “What you got, sir?”  Ennis asked, trying to sound uninterested.  “How would you like some sausages?” The Basque asked.  “They would go good with your beans.”

Ennis accepted the offer of two dozen pork sausages.  He shook the Basque’s hand and packed the supplies just like the Basque instructed.  He headed off to camp, making very good time.  He couldn’t wait to surprise Jack with franks and beans for supper.  Ennis built a dinner fire and fetched two chairs from the tent.  He waited until Jack was due in and put supper on to boil.  It didn't take long to prepare beans and franks.

Jack rode into camp and started bitchin’ as soon as he climbed down from his horse.  Ennis loved to hear Jack moan and fuss.  It made him feel alive – part of something.  “Sit on down, Jack! I got dinner all fixed!”  Jack shut up and pulled a folding chair up to the fire.  He smelled the beans, but thought he just imagined the scent of meat.  “I smell something different, Friend!” Jack announced as he looked into the pot on the fire.  “What you got fer me?”  Ennis chuckled and handed Jack a bowl of franks with two full sausages on top.  “Uh, Ennis,” Jack laughed, “I think you’re supposed to cut up the meat and mix it with the beans.”  Ennis stared at his friend.  “What difference does it make?  Just eat up, Twist.”  Jack shrugged and picked up a knife and fork.  “I don’t remember putting sausages on the list,” Jack said as he prepared to cut his meat into pieces.  “Special order came in this week, and Aguirre was nice enough to send some up for us.” “Oh, that was nice of him!” It was Jack.  He poked a plump sausage with his fork and held it aloft.  He studied it and smiled when he imagined it just might resemble someone very close.  He had no real way of knowing, of course, but his imagination was on overdrive! Jack placed the sausage back on the beans.  “What’s wrong, Jack?” Ennis asked as he noticed Jack wasn’t eating.  “You don’t like sausages?”  Jack stifled a laugh.  “Well, I like this one very much,” He mumbled, barely able to contain himself.  “What do you mean?”  Ennis asked, incredulous.  He couldn't image why Jack was so tickled all of a sudden. “Never mind, Friend!” Jack smiled.  “Let’s eat!”
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 05:20:49 pm by littlewing1957 »