Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2030156 times)


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One word: SHAZAM!!!
Forget guarding silly Alma!  Who is guarding THIS body ??

I better go for a swim or something ...


%% hehehehe  ::) I know ain't he just the cutest thing and sooo nice too....another totally package like Mr Gyllenhaal according to all reports....Mr. Rusty Joiner..and ladies he's single, 30, and STRAIGHT as the day is long%%
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 05:29:45 pm by vkm91941 »

Offline DeeDee

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(( Tries desperately to keep from looking at Ennis as he finishes his cigarette, places his perfectly peeled bananas in a nearby dish, and leans back into the log near the campfire.))

Hey Ennis....? I don't mean nothin' by this. I really don't. But why were you talking to yer warshrag? You had that'un with you fer a while or somethin'?

Young Ennis:

((Washing himself now, with his Terry, turns to see Jack, straining not to look at him.  A tiny volcano erupts in his bellly, finding this a little exciting.))

Wha'cha talkin' 'bout bud? Uh, I didn' say nuthin'.  Mebbe you hear a ky-ote or sumpin'.

%% A ky-ote?  Jes' shoot me know, cause I ain't sayin' nuthin' right with this here boy. Can't tell him 'bout my Terry.  Too personal.
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline alec716

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Young Ennis:

%% A ky-ote?  Jes' shoot me know, cause I ain't sayin' nuthin' right with this here boy. Can't tell him 'bout my Terry.  Too personal.


**  That's right, Ennis, too personal.  Don't tell him what we share.  Wouldn't want to give this Jack guy any ideas about any loves that don't hardly never dare speak their names.   ;)  **

(( TERRY CLOTH blushes for having gone a little Wilde here. ))
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline Ellemeno

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(( TERRY CLOTH blushes for having gone a little Wilde here. ))

%% That WARSH RAG, goin' fer the Oscar. %%

« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 07:44:22 pm by Ellemeno »

Offline Meryl

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  • There's no reins on this one....

The High Priestess wishes to announce her return to the set of B.A.M. after a brief hiatus.  She is now available for counseling sessions, soul healings, career consultations, photo ops and tongue cleansings on a first-come, first-serve basis.*

**Note to Secky (short for Sexual Being Raymille--we go WAY back).  Sorry to have left the premises so suddenly, dear, but Hoss and I decided it was imperative to take a little unscheduled fishing trip to work out our relationship.   I'm happy to say that things are going swimmingly, and I'm back to resume my duties with, shall we say, a new sparkle!  Tee hee!**

%%Gawd, the boy is tireless!  If dear Heath has any of the same genes as Hoss, and I can't see how he couldn't, then it's a bloody miracle that Michelle Williams is ever able to stop smiling long enough to shoot a scene!!  :P   I'm off this minute to get a case of Madame Schwannstucker's Banana von Schwarzenegger Tonic to see me through the next few days...%%

*HP wishes to thank the fabulous Lypsinka for lending her image to these proceedings

Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline cmr107

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((The Props Magician has no idea what might be going on in Jack's mind and pants at that special moment but imagines, would it be music, it would sound approximately like Rimsky-Korsakov's "Flight of the Bumblebee."
She instructs the orchestra to play it while everybody is waiting for the warshrag...))


%% What's this buzzing in my head? Damn, I can't think of anything but what he's warshin' right now. Alright, focus on peelin' the spuds, don't cut off your finger. %%

Offline Ray

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~A good general knows when to retreat~

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%% What's this buzzing in my head? Damn, I can't think of anything but what he's warshin' right now. Alright, focus on peelin' the spuds, don't cut off your finger. %%

((Lucy the blue heeler appears, magically out of nowhere and looks around, trying to figure out what's going on. Hm, Jack's peeling potatoes, Ennis is warshing up. Lucy heads over to where Ennis is.))

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

Offline Pipedream

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((Hours of happy owl-lovemaking later...))

« Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 07:09:39 am by Pipedream »

Offline YaadPyar

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** FSD sprinkles Happiness all around set in preparation for today's events, should there be any. **

« Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 02:06:50 pm by YaadPyar »
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)