The High Priestess wishes to announce her return to the set of B.A.M. after a brief hiatus. She is now available for counseling sessions, soul healings, career consultations, photo ops and tongue cleansings on a first-come, first-serve basis.*
**Note to Secky (short for Sexual Being Raymille--we go WAY back). Sorry to have left the premises so suddenly, dear, but Hoss and I decided it was imperative to take a little unscheduled fishing trip to work out our relationship. I'm happy to say that things are going swimmingly, and I'm back to resume my duties with, shall we say, a new sparkle! Tee hee!**
%%Gawd, the boy is
tireless! If dear Heath has any of the same genes as Hoss, and I can't see how he couldn't, then it's a bloody
miracle that Michelle Williams is ever able to stop smiling long enough to shoot a scene!!

I'm off this minute to get a case of Madame Schwannstucker's Banana von Schwarzenegger Tonic to see me through the next few days...%%
*HP wishes to thank the fabulous Lypsinka for lending her image to these proceedings